Halflife2.net Community Mod

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I dunno if bots can be implemented in MP, but i was thinking that the players which are at the bottom of the scoreboard could have bodyguards/be in a gang of 2-3 people that are bots, and as you creep up the board, the gang gradually disappears and so you are left as a lone assasin

That could open up the possibility of drive-bys (where you drive and the AI shoots), which would be considered to be the work of an amateur (sloppy and noisy) hence when you haven't got the gang you stick to sniping/stealth and are considered to be of better standard (and probably done by someone higher up the scoreboard without the use of the gang)

Sorry the drive-by bit is a bit fuzzy, i'll try to explain better later :)
lol, i know I just posted something about bots, but unless we get someone really good at coding, I don't think that would work very well. Even if you did get a really good coder, I still don't think it would look right. I think we should focus on player v player settings.

Im not saying my idea or your idea is bad, they just would be hard to implement.
Unless you are a coder... :)
Paintballer said:
EHEHEHEH!! Here is an idea with some depth and movie-like qualities. You could make a map of an area with a lot of people (realistic setting, NPCs), so many that you can't watch everyone at the same time, but also not so many that it bogs down the system. You could either choose to have body armor and everything, or be in normal clothes with a very kevlar vest on or something. This way you could blend in with everyone, and maybe sneak up on people. This would be hard to implement, but would be hella cool. You could also lose money for killing pedestrians while shooting at the target.

When shots start going off lots of screams go off and people start scrambling about that would be cool. This would be a day time map though. Meby like a mall or a market with lots of fruits and stands for destructability enjoyment. When everybody sees the mayham they can jump in.

That would be very hard to do, as would the origonal Idea. I'd be intrested in seeing how much how quickly, and well a comunity could do. Of course this site has A kajillion members so... :bounce: Im excited regardless if this is picked or not.

Im and Avid hockey fan, so a place of interest would definetly be NationWide arena. Home of the Blue Jackets. Now you maybe saying: Chump thatd be impossible to map accuratly and I dont care about hockey or the Blue Jackets. The thing is I actually know someone who has the blue prints for the arena that ESPN rated #1 in stadium experience in all of profesional sports. Again its just an idea but ideas are running madly through my head right now and i have to go with them or else theyll run straight out:).
mmm the stealthy bounty hunter mod sounds nice I must admit.. BUT.. I don't think it would be that popular, I think most people who play these games wouldnt like haveing to join and game and then walk around and do little until they finally start fighting and stuff.. I believe the idea is too slow paced with little action..
I like the idea though with how the better the person gets the greater the bounty and focus is..
well, you could have 5 or 10 minute rounds, and see who can get the most kills in that amount of time.
Paintballer said:
well, you could have 5 or 10 minute rounds, and see who can get the most kills in that amount of time.

that sounds like a regular deathmatch game..
The pace of the game would definitly be the tough point. I was thinking that every once in a while your informants (just some info provided for you) would find who your supposed to kill and tell you what street he was on. Somthing like that. Wouldnt tell you every street as they were on it because thats just pointing it out to you. as you got closer info about there whereabouts would be more steadily provided to you.

Also if your in the area of the other person. You will be informed. The huntee could be. It depends how that would work out.

How to keep it fast-It could largly have to do with the map design. Keep in mind the players are also professional assasins for a reason. They are quick and nimble. The tracking systems still key however as thats is how to find the person in the first place.

How to keep it nube friendly-Im even starting to get a little confused. Lots of concepts going around, but a final version would have to be pretty clear cut id think. Like --> This is how you play this. Something semi-easy to learn, yet difficult to master, But it would likely involve tactics and your aim, not just how fast you can pull the trigger. --> which is pretty much the point i guess
Chump said:
The pace of the game would definitly be the tough point. I was thinking that every once in a while your informants (just some info provided for you) would find who your supposed to kill and tell you what street he was on. Somthing like that. Wouldnt tell you every street as they were on it because thats just pointing it out to you. as you got closer info about there whereabouts would be more steadily provided to you.

an easier way to implement that might be to use triggers that the person would run through to alert you that they have been spotted in section "a" or something like that.

Now the next issue, how to keep it fast paced.
What about a riot mod, where teams are rival 'gangs' or one team is a 'gang', the other the police/some authority figure

I don't mean the same style as that gang mod for HL, just 32v32 all out hand-to-hand combat

Some locations: a street in a big city, a prison, football (English ;)) match

Weapons will be fists and feet and anything you can lay your hands on :)

Just a big, quick, very violent game where the objective is to beat your opponents to death, simple fun :)

I'm not a violent person, honest! :)
Murray_H said:
What about a riot mod, where teams are rival 'gangs' or one team is a 'gang', the other the police/some authority figure

I don't mean the same style as that gang mod for HL, just 32v32 all out hand-to-hand combat

Some locations: a street in a big city, a prison, football (English ;)) match

Weapons will be fists and feet and anything you can lay your hands on :)

Just a big, quick, very violent game where the objective is to beat your opponents to death, simple fun :)

I'm not a violent person, honest! :)

In any FPS game ive played with hand to hand combat it gets tedious after awhile. youd have to be able to block, choke, scratch, put cool things in there to make it interesting. (Like spitting w/ the middle mouse button.
I think it'd be really cool if everyone just made all their maps and models on their own without telling anyone else what to do. You'd end up with a wierd mod with the SWORD OF DOOM AND DESTRUCTION alongside the PINK IGUANA TERRORIST and the TAXI UNDER CONSTRUCTION.

really, a mix of every genre would be fun. swords and guns and cars and stuff like that. make something and it goes in the mod, even if it's not related to what someone else is making .
synth said:
I think it'd be really cool if everyone just made all their maps and models on their own without telling anyone else what to do. You'd end up with a wierd mod with the SWORD OF DOOM AND DESTRUCTION alongside the PINK IGUANA TERRORIST and the TAXI UNDER CONSTRUCTION.

really, a mix of every genre would be fun. swords and guns and cars and stuff like that. make something and it goes in the mod, even if it's not related to what someone else is making .

Haha that would be really quite good, definately would be original then!
lol, that would be crazy. I would make stuff for it, but I know I wouldn't end up playing it. Crazy mods like that get me bored after a while. I like games where strategy pays off :) the occasional fully-upgraded weapon with a rocket launcher on it doesn't hurt either :)
What I would like to see is more single player mods. I appreciate a good story. With multiplayer there really isn't much of a story, just run around and kill each other.

My idea:

I love the old times,ie Medieval, Celtic, Revolutionary.

I would like to blend aspects from all those times. It will be fictional, take place in a different time in a different world, yet similiar to ours. I want to keep it somewhat similiar so people can relate and believe in the possible that will be portrayed. Of course there will be elements not generally possible in our world, but whose to say it's not in another?

Here is a rough concept I drew of a possible warrior: Concept

I love the story, Beowulf

I would like to have a story that was similiar but expanded in many areas. It would contain elements of sorcery, armies, sword fighting, gun dueling, merchant towns, death ridden villages, rural cities, etc.

Locations would take place in rural cities, abandoned villages, market towns, dark-death ridden forests, deep cavarns beneath a mountain.

Weapons would range from flint rifles and pistols, swords, daggers, explosives, bow and arrow - crossbow, mace, etc.

You character will have the ability to learn techniques of sorcery. The sorcery will relate to elements of nature, fire, water, earth, wind.

This was just a quick (short) list of some of the ideas I have. It would take a lot to get this mod done, but for now it's just an idea.
how about some sort of ninja mod..

you can use swords, throwing-stars, bombs, fighting skills, stealth tactics, wall jumping, rope climbing/swinging, whatever else..

types of games could include deathmatch, teamplay, capture the bonzai tree.. and such..

maybe you can upgrade your throwing-stars and stuff..
maybe award special power-ups for killing a certain amount of players in a row, such as invisibility for 30 seconds or increase their speed for a while..

cmon, everyone likes ninjas..
Here's an idea I just thought up:


Team 1: Bodyguards
Like the secret service, these guys work together to protect a celebrity from harm.
Or, at least, catch the murderers responsible before they escape the scene.
Otherwise, they get no pay!

Team 2: Hitmen
Their job is to kill the celebrity, as cleanly and stealthily as possible, and escape once the hit is over.
Otherwise, no pay!

Team 3: The Celebrity(ies)
President Munro has a price on his head. Oh no!
The latest boyband is really annoying. Look out!
The celeb's job is to successfully christen a battleship, deliver a speech, open a new museum, perform a concert, etc.
Otherwise, he dies and his bodyguards get a paycut!

This is the hard part, as to prevent unrealistic actions a really good AI would be best for the celebrities.
It could be done with a human players though, but they'd need rules to keep them from behaving stupidly, like hiding before any danger pops up, etc.

Team 4: Bystanders
Regular AI guys that mill about, protest, or watch the performance.
The Hitmen can try to blend in with the crowd for stealth and cover, but the crowd can also alert suspicious behavior to the bodyguards.
Killing civilians means a paycut for whoever did it.
The hitmen's boss has some morals, after all. :)

Concept Features:
In order to add flavour, and prevent this from being a CS clone, we could set it in the future.
That would mean:
-Crazy-ass weapons like never before, especially with everyone designing their own.
-More resilient celebrities, thanks to armour/force fields, etc.
This means plausible headshot survivals.
-Alien celebrities and players mean fun concepting work for everyone!
-Fun and original environments and vehicles!

Team Hitman features:
-Lots of hiding places and sniping vantages around the map for hitmen.
Is that a civilian, or not?
-Concealing your weapon = very important.
Unconcealed guns alert the civilians around you, and make you more obvious to the Feds.
-Hack the lights or traffic signals for some distractions.
-James Bond-esque assassin tools.
That boombox is really a rocket launcher!

Team Bodyguard Features:
-Metal detectors, X-ray scanners.
Remember Total Recall?
-An army of civilians to help you out.
-The 'Agent Smith' style.
-Be stronger and better equipped than the Hitmen.
-Plainclothes officers.
Be just as sneaky as the bad guys.
-Your own crack team.

Plus, whatever the hell else anyone can come up with that's cool. :O

If not this, Kon's 'squad vs. super-alien' idea sounds way neat.
Kon's "Squad vs super alien" idea has already been done.
I might get an idea in a few days, but anyway, I'd gladly do some animation & design work!
Rather than get over enthusiastic and grandiose about making a complicated mod why not just use the current set of textures, vehicles(maybe), models, and effects in HL2 and do an Aliens vs. Black Ops/Combine vs. Scientists mod? Each team has their own respective set of characters, weapons, and abilities. Each team also has their own mission goals(which will obviously conflict with the opposing teams).

Black Ops/Combine - Their intent is to keep the dimensional gate technology for themselves and kill off all others with knowledge of said technology, hence, they are natural enemies to the scientists. They are not only armed with human and alien technology but also have human/alien hybrids in their ranks.

Scientists - They just wanna learn about the universe. They might seem weak at first but being scientists, they've invented weapons of incredible power and also have the ability to heal! Their ranks include security guards, power-suit endowed technicians, remote gun turrets, and of course scientists.

Aliens - These will be NPCs and will generally cause chaos for both sides as they spawn randomly around the battlefield. Headcrabs will take over any of their victims and turn them into zombies thus ensuring more chaos. Some will be dropped in via alien transport into the middle of a melee.

I'm not sure if vehicles would be find enough use in this mod but I guess depending on the number of players and the size of the map vehicles might be worth including. I would like to see fixed weapons(machine guns, rocket launchers, cannons) in the game.

I know this mod idea isn't terribly ambitious but I do think this can be implemented in quick order(relatively that is) as soon as the SDK comes out and before people lose interest in doing it. Then again, this could be the kind of multiplayer mode that Valve has in store for HL2 so this mod might be a waste of time. Oh well.
PiMuRho said:
Kon's "Squad vs super alien" idea has already been done.

heh, yeah, alot of stuff has been done before.. that does not nessasarly make the idea a bad one..
It's D-001, a stoyr of mine.

I had a similar idea fermenting in my head about a protagonist with telekinetic powers, though the story I had in mind was very different. When I have some more time to refine my ideas I'll post them here. Currently I'm trying to think of a way to explain these ideas I have and to demonstrate how they would be incorporated into the game. Usually I would do this via annotated sketches accompanied by explanatory text, but I don't have a scanner so I wouldnt be able to show them to you. ;(

In 2-3 months I should be getting a Wacom Graphire 3, once I get my bank balance back to what it was :cheese: , but I will have posted some of my ideas in text before then.
Ok, I thinking of this as I go so it might not be too coherent but i like the potential.

Setting - futuristic as it would include things that we dont have today. Maps could range anyware from looking like That really shiny metal city at the beggining of Star wars KOTOR (which i cant remember the name of), or a bombed out berlin, 3rd world country ect. All maps would have heavy machinery around though. A shiny clean city would have all the machinery and stuff organized, where as Bombed out berlin has it all scatterd about. Just stuff thats leftover and has no more use now but think big.

Teams (and Gameplay some what) - The game starts out every man to himself. Every body spawns in a different place and has total control over that building, street, square, park, floor of a huge building map ect. very specific places with in the map that take up a pretty small area (in other words the maps are big and the control points are very minute). As people are eliminated Their land is up for grabs. What ever they leave behind is there for the taker (more on that later :)) Then, those elimintated players could choose to remain independent and spawn and try to retake or capture someone elses building for there own. The other option they have is to take sides with sombody. They would then spawn as an ally of the player whose side they picked. Eventually it would come down to a few teams, im assuming of which would team up to take out the other one, and then it would turn into a team vs. team game. Its never fun when one team has 20 more players that the other so as a rule a team should only be able to have like 5 more players than the other one.

Game play (with map stuff included) You may be asking, How can one person defend 5 buildings all by himself? Sounds pretty easy to take over a place. Not so. in fact it would be quite hard. When a player takes over a control point the building would spring up with defense systems, that a player can specify which type theyd like. The defense system springing out could be changed but the whole premise of this mod idea kinda came from the way buildings spring up instantly in comand and conquer (I always thought that was cool :) .).

The game would emphisize team work, as the number of teams got bigger and the size of teams grew, there would be attacks to gain territor, then counter attacks by the other team. After a control point (say a building) is taken, and all the defense systems start up, they would be able to be destroyed, but it wouldnt be completly easy and would probably take more than 1 or 2 players to do. but the payoff is the territory is yours. The game would end when a whole team has control of a map, or maybe when a it has a certain percentage of the map conquered.

Additions(which there will be more of)
When you chose a side, you have to stick with that side until they are eliminated. If not that would destroy the whole perpose of team, and cause people to continuosly switch to whoever they think will win. There would be different classes, such as Medics, engineers (to fix defenses), assualt, ect. but i dont want it to get too tfc-y.

There you have my Medieval Total war/Comand and conquer/ many other influences mod :) . Any was its an action mod i think you could have guessed

I *think that pretty much covers the minimum of how the mod would be, but if you have any questions pls ask :) .)

Also pls add if you can
Ah, finally an idea :- )

It would be a lot like CS, but with a few important changes: The more people the teams kill, the more points they lose (this would produce a very unusual gameplay). Weapons inaccurate, iron sights ala CoD, maps large and complex.

I dont want to work out the idea now, just a suggestion...
Hmm...How about D-001 in MP?
like no guns, you have to control stuff with your powers and blow up your enemies.

Imagine a city, with 4 telepaths. You would only mange to get the Ai controled civis to kill for you with guns and use your telekinesis to smash stuff on your enemies?
Dile said:
Ah, finally an idea :- )

It would be a lot like CS, but with a few important changes: The more people the teams kill, the more points they lose (this would produce a very unusual gameplay). Weapons inaccurate, iron sights ala CoD, maps large and complex.

I dont want to work out the idea now, just a suggestion...

An addition: The player gets a bonus if manages to stay alive in the round, and the more people in the team dies, the more points the team loses.
Dang , I haven't noticed this thread before!! W00tZ0rs

This would be awesome, we gotta have some references to forum members and such too :D
I could do some concept drawings for ideas if someone want me too.

I don't have any concrete ideas atm, but It'd be fun with vehicles and stuff like futuristic tank-cars that are really cozy inside with green dim lights and you could walk around in the tank and look at radars and stuff, like 5 persons could be in one tank, and lots of radio chatter heard all the time.. You could upload a music track to the server from your comp to and play it in the car, that'd be fun :D while on the way to battle ... All focused on it being so chilled and cool /cozy as possible.. LOTS of monitors but the information on them wouldn't just be a lame texture with text , radars and altitude stuff and all kinds of info you can get from a tank..

All missions would be at night and large areas, like exploring stuff or having tank vs tank teams with 5 guys inside each tank battling to the death , and you could jump out the tank and fight with small firearms if necessary?

Anyone else who'd like to see really cozy and cool vehicles?
No. It could be MP.

But like in a city full of telepathy controllable bots. And lots of stuff to pick up with your telekinesys and crush your opponent.

Maximun = 4 players.
only 4-player? That's not going to catch on.
Doom has 4 player deathmatches.

And there must be very few b/c they're extremely powerful and all...

Maybe 8 to 12 or something.
Never more.

If you read the idea, it has Aura Vision so all can see each other. The problem is to get there since you can fly, blow stuff up, control bots, launch impulses...
I think Crazyharij's got something there. Everyone could design a different vehicle to battle with, like a pimped-up 'wacky races'.
I'd have the license plate say 'fresh' and the dice in the mirror.

A physics-enhanced racing game like a FP Extreme G 2 could be a variation as well.
Why not make a fast, simple arcade deathmatch mod? Simple but yet fun.
Nobody has really came up with an idea that directly uses vehicles, or at least I don't remember reading about any in this thread.

One idea (that kind of takes some ideas from some other ideas, since its a community why not) is to have multiple cities fighting against one another. The cities wouldn't really be cities though, think of them as bases, otherwise Source wouldn't really handle it very well. You could have maybe 5-15 buildings in each city, or whatever the mapper would like, and have each city be able to fortify their city with defense, large offensive weapons, and vehicle bays. It does sound a lot like a FPS/RTS, but there would be no commander that led the entire group. There would also be more than two teams, if you would like.

Of course I don't want this to sound too much like a RTS game, so the defense and vehicle bays wouldn't be built by players, they would be there from the beginning. The vehicles would be the most central idea, with turrets and mortars and such.

Think about it this way... There are three teams, and their cities are spaced out roughly into a triangle shape, with a central "field" between all of the cities. Again, of course its not going to be an open field, you need hills, cover, bunkers, turrents and things also. Basically, everyone is trying to kill off each other's teams. It would be round based, once you are dead you are dead. Say the green team is eliminated, then the two remaining teams fight for that base and one of them captures it. Now one of the teams left has two bases, and can have 2x the vehicles, 2x the defense, 2x the long-distance mortars. This way, the objective is to kill off entire teams, while also trying to capture their base after they die, while still fighting the remaining teams. Imagine this with 5 or 6 teams fighting for bases. The more teams there are in a specific map, the bigger/more areas there are in that inner "field".

I think that this idea wouldn't be too hard to implement, but it would still have a ton of huge, crazy firefights and very close calls. Also, when the objective is to destroy the other team by capturing the bases, it doesn't give any advantage to camping.... If you are camping on the northern part of the map, and everyone is fighting on the southern half of the map, then it is likely that you aren't going to see any action or help your team out very much.

Well, this is my idea so far... if you can read through the whole thing, then you will see that it is NOT anything like an RTS, I don't even know why I said anything :p

Oh, and here is an idea to keep the idea that your teams vehicles are for your team only... When you are in a vehicle, the only way you can die is for your vehicle to be blown up, or if you yourself are able to be shot my a sniper or something while driving your vehicle, the vehicle self detonates after a few seconds after your death (or if one of your teammates doesn't get in it first, maybe). The other team can't steal the other team's vehicles.. umm, they don't have the biological signature needed to operate the vehicles, and each team has a biological signature... maybe a spy from the other team can morph... lol i dunno, lets see what people think :)
Sprafa said:
That's a little like 3-way XMP?

XMP? sry, don't recognize the acronym

and remember, its not just 3-way, could only be 2-way, or could be 6-way.

EDIT- One problem I could see with 6-way teams would be that the first few teams that were eliminated would be waiting for a long time before starting a new round. You could fix that by having a team-change when your team dies, so that you can join one of the remaining teams. This way the gameplay is dynamic throughout a round... It would go from a few small-scale teams, to two large scale teams against each other, with each team having multiple bases.
It's nice, but I still wuv my idea....(obviously)
hmm, i haven't played unreal 2's multiplayer, but for some reason this seems like it would be a little different. Read my edit above, just some more info. :)

well after reading about XMP, it seems like this idea does sound a little like that, but its not. You don't gain control of different parts of the bases, and the main point isn't to get different things at your base working, the bases are merely a way to get the other teams together, if that makes sense. Basically, it is a TDM w/vehicles type of gameplay, with some stragtegy needed to win. Conquering the bases just makes the remaining teams stronger and able to look like a big, mighty team.

-I think that for the setting, it should be more modern, but not like CS. Even tweaked HL2 stock weapons could be just fine for this. Some cool weapons and stuff would be great.
Kon said:
ok.. heres my first idea..its a multiplayer mod.

There is a group of players trying to kill a large monster creature thing and 1 player gets randomly picked to be the monster.. The monster is sort of super-human in that it can pick up large objects and take a lot of damage, jump pretty high, and turn transparent or invisible, the monster also has various attacks to fight the other players..
Most of the levels would be places where its kinda dark and creepy with lots of objects, for example kind of like the Trapdown video.
The objects allow for the players to take cover behind or for the monster to knock around, pick up and throw or block bullets and so on.. The monster's ability to be cloaked in some sort of transparent way makes the situation even more intense

here's a quick stupid picture to kinda show a little idea of it: http://www.finalredemption.com/content/fun/idea01.gif

maybe have different possible types of monsters, so it could give the rounds more variety.. so when someone gets chosen to be the monster, it choose a type of monster at random for the player to be..
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