Halflife2.net Community Mod

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I just loved Chump's Bounty Hunter mod idea so much that i must throw in my two cents.

For possible trap, after you use a trap, to reset it would take 15-30 seconds, kind of like setting/defusing the bomb in CS.

If you take too long to kill your target and no one else has killed him then your contractor would refuse to give you all/any of your reward after you finally kill the target.

Have more than one target at a time? Maybe the good players would be assigned the more difficult tasks, like killing more people at once.

If you kill your contractor and survive possible bodyguards, you become a hit on every other players list. If you somehow survive, a new contractor will be assigned to you shortly thereafter. If you die, well you got what you deserved and you get assigned a new contractor. Same thing happens when you kill a civilian.

You get a bonus for not alerting any NPCs or your actions. EX: You killed someone with a back stab or choked him, etc, since it was a silent kill no civilians were alerted and your contractor stays happy. An added bonus that would help minimize the use of guns will be described next.

Every bounty hunter has a police scanner which tells positions on players when:

-They stay in one area too long.
EX: Civilians spot a wanted man and report it to the police; the scanner tells the area in which the player is hiding. Lowering excessive camping.

-Radar like CS will be used to keep a mental track on players, who have been reported, they disappear from the radar after a certain amount of time, depends on the size of the map.

-If you use a firearm to take out players you position will be re-ported 10 seconds after it's use. Kill or not. More anti-camping.

-Radar like CS will be used to keep a mental track on players, who have been reported, they disappear from the radar after a certain amount of time, depends on the size of the map.

-There are ways to avoid being reported also.
By executing a silent kill as descried above your position is not reported. Allowing you to go unnoticed and continue on without any harmful repercussions.

There done.

Now for my idea.

My mod idea is completely vehicle based. Has single player abilities (maybe) and multiplayer. Also, it is rather sarcastic.

A SUV mod. You basically drive around doing tasks asked by your Evil Boss told to you by your hands-free cell phone. Once you get these tasks done you get a paid. You use this money to repair damages to your vehicle and use refill your tank.

Story: You are the proud owner of a SUV; you are now branded as insecure nimrod that thinks they own the road. Show them that Stereotype is true! Run them over and do your given tasks!

Once you have caused enough damage to pedestrians, other cars, other things, the police will start coming after you. You can lose them by basically going off-road to slow them down.

Pretty much it is Crazy Taxi with a little GTA thrown in for single player.

Multiplayer will depend on the maps, it can be DM where you ram your opponents till their cars are totaled or flipped over. Also the driver has a health bar along with the car. If someone hits you on the driver side door while going 50 mph, you're gone. On the other hand if someone hits you on the other side your car is almost totaled but you still have a bit of health of left.

If your car is totaled, you re-spawn with a new car but with almost the same amount of health, just a little bit more. Once all the players are "dead", the last player alive is declared the winner. I plan it to have a round system set up like CS.

Another is just the single player levels, you compete for the same tasks, whoever gets them done first gets a point. You can still ram each other to stop the other from compleating the task. Once a player is dead or the car is totaled, he just re-spawns and continues to try and complete tasks. After the map end, player with the most number of points win.

It will be first person to build up suspense, but there are keys in which you can look to your sides and in the rear view mirror. When you look in the rear view, the screen is split in half, allowing you to drive and see in back of you at the same time. When you look to the sides your whole screen turns to that side.
Now I haven't really even thought about this fully because I know it was a one in 3 billion chance to get a team to make this.

How about a team multiplayer mod where there are two teams trying to move a large bombs across a map and into the other team's base to blow it up and win the match.

Players would need to use objects to make ramps and bridges across the map, the bases would manufacture parts every minute and the players would need to carry them to spots and then try to push/carry their big heavy bombs further.. Players would also have weapons and tools to fight off the other team and stuff.. If bombs recieve a lot of damage, they could blow up, so you'd need to keep them safe, else you'd have to take time to build a new one..

Useing tools you could connect multiple parts together to build better/stronger structures or use tools to repair objects or take apart structures.. and use weapons to destroy objects and fight players..

A player alone would be able to push the bombs slowly.. but if more players push together, it'll move faster, and maybe also able to carry the bomb if enough people are picking it up..

Bombs could be various sizes, but each would be difficult to move, larger ones would be more difficult to move, but deal larger damage..

Team Bases would have a certain amount of damage it could take before being destroyed..

Maybe you can manufacture certain things in your base besides objects, like a crane, or forklift but they take longer to make..

maybe have different locations on the enemy base to destroy, so it's not just all focused on one spot, but when there is only one spot left, it woudl be harder because the team would be defending that location of the base the most.. :)

What do you guys think of this, I think this idea would own!..
You wuv it!!!
You're just too realist, at least more than me ;(
I personally love Paintballer's idea.
Imagine that your scout or someone comes saying that he has spotted 7 hostiles sneaking in from the west, and you and 2 of your mates are given the order to use your vehicles and ambush them. Then you go down into the garage, get in your cars and drive towards them, and get those sneaky bastards!

But 2 teams would be enough I think...
Dile said:
I personally love Paintballer's idea.
Imagine that your scout or someone comes saying that he has spotted 7 hostiles sneaking in from the west, and you and 2 of your mates are given the order to use your vehicles and ambush them. Then you go down into the garage, get in your cars and drive towards them, and get those sneaky bastards!

But 2 teams would be enough I think...


Just remember that there will definately be changes in the idea :) Two teams would definately be easier to make a mod for, I was just thinking that multiple teams would be cool because for people who like a multiple-team TDM it would be cool, then towards the end of a round it becomes a two-team TDM. It would quickly go from mayhem to two-teams working together. Either way, it ends up being two teams :).

There could also be a couple different modes of play... normal two-team TDM servers and then the servers with more than two teams. Either way it would still be really fun, and original. I was just thinking that the multiple teams would give it some originality :)
A few "errors" multiple teams would produce:
-long long rounds
-confusion of the players ->baaad, deathmatch-like gameplay
-waste of resources ->simply because when designing multiplayer FPS gameplay you must not think about "teams", but individual players, and when there are a lot of teams, the players simply "dont care" which team they are in


I guess short rounds will have to be eliminated somehow as well, those would also produce deathmatch...
Sprafa said:
I'm going to keep saying "D-001: telepathy MP mod" is the r0xx0rs until someone supports it.

stop spamming, geeze.. If people like it the most, they will vote for it when its time to vote, no need to try and get everyone to say something good about it to make it seem better..
Personally, I like MY ideas better and think my ideas would work well as a mod more than that idea.. :\ But hey, that's just me, who know what other people think, we'll find out when everyone votes..
I also say we start voting soon...

Mods, just set up a poll, with the nominees listed and more info for the ideas in the post below the poll :)

"Time to choose"
how about a die by the sword kind of mod (mouse completely controls sword, mace, club, lightsaber, etc.)? I think that would be pretty cool.
Man unno what would rock - Total Annihilation redone in Source - think source could cope with all the units?>

Just picture it huge, gorgeous landscapes, getting brutalised by hundres of mech, tanks, ships, planes, hovercrafts etc.

ala ---> http://www.planetannihilation.com/image.asp?src=/gallery/uploaded/arctic_canyon.jpg
or ----> http://www.planetannihilation.com/image.asp?src=/gallery/uploaded/am23_ships.jpg

It would own. A tribute to a great game. I think NS has shown RTS(ish) games could be done.

Even if it doesnt turn out to be a 'community mod' it would be cool to c some1 do it.

Any1 ever played the push and pull custom maps of warcraft 3, eon of strife?
Has anyone ever seen the 1980-something movie, Red Dawn/

Eon of Strife is basically two teams of AI's, with huge armies fight in what would be a static battle, neither team with any advantage. What tips the scales is the entrance of human heros.

Red Dawn is a movie which, revolves around the suprise Soviet/Mexican-Cuban invasion of the United States of America. In the movie high school students go 'bush' and fight a guerilla(sp?) war against the soviet forces. They call them selve the Wolverines after there High School Football team, but it also has metaphorical signifcance. On the other hand u have a crack team of Soviet forces, who attempt to flush out the insurgents.

Ok so my idea is this...

Have two AI teams: the USA which has a convenrtional force consisting of tanks, jets, apc's, infantry etc. Mirroring this you would have a balanced AI force of Soviet armed forces. Without human intervention they are locked in a static line, exchanging artillery salvos and the occasional small arms fire(for dramatic affect!).

To tip the scales in favour of one force(USA or USSR) u have two teams of 'human players' who wage a geurilla(sp?) war, evading the conventional forces, while trying to capture flags around the map, which in turn disrupt the conventional forces in one way or another allowing the benefiter to advance further across the map. The forces could be derived directly from the aformentioned movies(the Wolverines and Elite Soviet force).

The Wolverines would have weapons such as hunting rifles, shotguns, molotov cocktails, pistols, hunting knives but also have the ability to capture enemy weapons without any affect to accuracy, i.e captured rpg-7's, automatic weapons, HE grenades, stinger type AA, even vehicles. While they start of disadvantaged firepower wise, they would have the benefit of having there HUD map completly revealed, showing terrain and base locations, not troop or vehicle movements however.

Communication with the wOLVERINES would be via shouts, ala DOD, and could be heard by opposing forces(3D positional, fading as distance from the source grows)

They would start in the forrested areas, or mountainous areas. The initial spawn would have the entire team spawn together but at a random point in the forrest region. so a soviet rush would be impracticle.

While on the other hand, soviet forces start the round with advanced weaponry, automatic weapons, rpg-7, mg's and the realtime intelligence from there hellicopters in the area, via there headsets(communication can be heard by the whole team aswell via headsets). Aswell they would start with body armour and helmets. Though this incurs a speed and stamina disadvantage, there normal run being slower, and there sprint duration shorter than that of the Wolverines.

Also their HUD map would only be revealed as they move across the map(except in their starting loactions) like in Warcraf 3, and they would incur dramatic accuracy drops if attepting to use a weapon NOT from the Soviet arsenal.

While abandoned vehicles could be accessible, their value in the rounds is limted by obstacles such as collapsed buildings thin roads, and densely forrested or untraversable regions. The result being that, while vehicles posess heavy firepower, long ranged weapons and low recoil, they are vulnerable to rpg's and the like fired from within a roadside building, and cant access parts of teh map. Their value would be in holding a position while backup is enroute. Note: while vehicles could not be destroyed completly, hitpoints such as tracks, wheels and mounted guns, could be neutralised by a well aimed rpg or grenade. Rendering the vehicle undrivable or without weaponry.

This is not a realism mod, damage would be dealt similar to that of CS, it would have a HUD similar to that of DOD(stamina, HP, AP, and Ammo, with Clock). It would also have a pull up map and a mini map similar to that of DOD, able to have points on the map tagged with markers that either indicate conventional forces or positions of the human enemy and even abandoned vehicles. Spawning would be handled like it is in DoD so have a reinforcement timer, also as flags are captured, spawn points advance or retreat across the map, reflecting a teams successes.

The AI's would resemble depleted and wary forces, who had dug-in, entrenched in a static line (WW1ish). While they are less than stellar fighting forces, they do have the ability to reign down emmense firepowr from their number of dug in howitzers and mechanized units. So full on assults on conventional forces will end in faliure. However there patrols and defences, as mentioned before, are static, meaning they are predictable and rarely venture out of 'green zones'.

A likely Wolverine objective would entail advancing through the lines to take out a radio mast, disabling the USSR's ability to relay inforamtion to their artillery, allowing US forces to advance unmolestered towards Soviet infantry positions.

On the other hand to aid the soviet conventional forces, as the special soviet forces, you could sneak through the lines and sabotage the lightly defended US artillery. Eliminating their advantage. Or destroying an abandoned, yet well stocked, hunting store on the edge of town, a regular stop for Wolverine fighters in need of a resupply.

So the human players have to balance, offence, defence, and stealth in their quest for victory!

What do u think, too outlandish?
Sprafa said:
No. It could be MP.

But like in a city full of telepathy controllable bots. And lots of stuff to pick up with your telekinesys and crush your opponent.

Maximun = 4 players.

I like his idea, GW
I think we shood make a scary deathmatch, like aliens that can walk on walls, ceilings, and all dat, against humans and another race, like zombies. Make steamy scary levels and big scarier levels so the aliens and humans can roam around and kill each other while the comp zombies hide in dark places waiting for something to come, like the zombies in 28 days later, and all this in spaceships, supply depots, human hideouts, alien layers, and all dat. But I mean something SCARY not TRYING to be scary, I mean where u can walk into a huge pitch black room with only a red light alarm light turning off and on off and on so u can only see for split seconds, and there are zombies hiding in there. dat wood be like unreal/AvP and dat wood b so friggen scary. also like humans wood have a type of radar that beeps when an enemy is near u, and the closer the faster the beep, NOW dats freaky, like in AvP marines have dose and it's like BEEP, BEEP, and ur like wtf? where is it? its getting closer? BEEP BEEP BEPBPERPEPBP and ur ded. lol im excited.

that's my idea... so its like Unreal, AvP, and Natural Selection mod for HL1.

??? :borg: :bounce:
i'm currently have a mod in mind single player/multi im currently writing design docs and i already ahve a pretty intricate story with 3 or so endings written already. I'm not a modder so i physically couldn't help making it but a couple main features are a weapon generator (i have a layout, types, and options thoght out already) (this ties into the story too), a first person hostage view (like dead to rights kind of), the ability to feign your death, and the notion that bullets hurt and have force (people dont just stand in one position till they die, they fall over and swear when theyre shot etc) and akimbo anything (a la The Rock with m4 and silenced pistol), :sniper: and no HUD. health is like deus ex only more sections of the body are there. I already have some pretty awesome level sketches drawn. and other cool stuff. just ask if oyu want more info hopefully one day my game will eb a reality..... :cheese:
"Boarding action"

Two "Ships" in space have been firing broadsides at eachother for hours and both ships are badly damaged and combat has come down to the close combat skills of the Marines on each ship.

Teams would have to Attack the enemy ship and attempt to take its bridge/Engine room/armoury/medical facility Anf defend their own.

Teams would both start on their own ship and the players would have to organise defenders and attackers.

The Attackers would tool up in the armoury and then proceed to the Docking bays where they would get on Drop ships that 1 person would control and fly his fellow attackers over to the enemy ship and land in their docking bay or a impact hole from the battle.

The Defenders would get to pick equipment as well and alos get to man stationary defence platforms that they could use to defend against enemy boarding actions.

Capturing enemies vital points would enable the team to perform special tasks.

A captured enemy bridge would be able to lock security doors all over the ship and trap the enemy defenders.

A captured engine room would prevent the enemy team from operating the defence turrets since they require some of the engine cores power to operate.

A captured Armoury would be able to resuply the team with weapons and ammo.

And a captured medical facility woul heal all of your team who enter the room.


The game would end when all points have been captured and held together for 1 minute or if the enemy hold the other teams engine room for X amount of time at wich point they would be able to over load the sore and destroy the enemy ship.

There would be a fare range of weapons both Automatic and some special Laser based technology.

Classes would offer special advantages like the slow buyt heavily armoured beserker who would accel in defence or the fast and stealthy hunter for both attack and defence.

my 2 cents.
Dougy: That's how I-fighter started :) It's also similar to one of the assault maps in UT2004.

I still really like the idea though.
I know this may sound unoriginal, but what about a super monkey ball style mod. I love that game. anyone played it?
basicly, for those who havent, in the multiplayer game, u play a monkey in a hamster ball, with a giant fist attached to your ball. The aim of the game is to knock ur opponent of the arena. u hold down one button to charge ur fist and let go when its at its most charged (it looks biggest) and ur fist shoots out in front of u. The funnest part about it is there are different levels with different edges, making it much more frantic and intense. Its also very rewarding to see ur opponent fly off into outer space from a massive punch!

Now, what i propose is a similar style game in hl2. Replace the fist with the manipulator, and have the arenas strewn with very large objects to hit people with. No actual damage is done when hit, just u get knocked about. The floor should also have very little friction to allow skimming etc and a use for hl2's advanced physics. It should also be made sure that it is easy to knock each other off, and somehow incorporate charging of the manipulator, so the longer u press it, the harder the object comes out and the more chance u have of nocking others off. When u die u should also not be allowed to be hit for a few seconds to eliminate spawn bashing like in the game. also a different viewpoint other than first person would be nice, along with tons of arenas and objects to chuck.

Please give me your feedback. I love this game and i would love to see the frantic multiplayer fun for loads more than four people in hl2.
alixharrison said:
I know this may sound unoriginal, but what about a super monkey ball style mod. I love that game. anyone played it?
basicly, for those who havent, in the multiplayer game, u play a monkey in a hamster ball, with a giant fist attached to your ball. The aim of the game is to knock ur opponent of the arena. u hold down one button to charge ur fist and let go when its at its most charged (it looks biggest) and ur fist shoots out in front of u. The funnest part about it is there are different levels with different edges, making it much more frantic and intense. Its also very rewarding to see ur opponent fly off into outer space from a massive punch!

Now, what i propose is a similar style game in hl2. Replace the fist with the manipulator, and have the arenas strewn with very large objects to hit people with. No actual damage is done when hit, just u get knocked about. The floor should also have very little friction to allow skimming etc and a use for hl2's advanced physics. It should also be made sure that it is easy to knock each other off, and somehow incorporate charging of the manipulator, so the longer u press it, the harder the object comes out and the more chance u have of nocking others off. When u die u should also not be allowed to be hit for a few seconds to eliminate spawn bashing like in the game. also a different viewpoint other than first person would be nice, along with tons of arenas and objects to chuck.

Please give me your feedback. I love this game and i would love to see the frantic multiplayer fun for loads more than four people in hl2.

hm, I like this idea..could be alot of fun..
maybe some ideas for it:
The ball could grow bigger or smaller depending on something like maybe getting hit with a certain object or powerup item. A bigger ball would be easier to hit and maybe it would make the player run slower or faster, and also effect where he goes (maybe there's a hole that he can't fit through) (maybe it would have more mass too, so you can bump/hit other people harder).
Maybe have the ability to jump?
A powerup that makes your ball sticky so you can roll up steeper slopes and walls and make it harder to slide around(so you have a harder time fall off).
A bad powerup that makes you lose a lot of friction (causes you to slide alot more) or maybe a weapon that shoots out oil or something.
maybe if you get hit with a certain item, your ball turns into a cube and you are unable to roll around for a while, but this would leave you open for shots by players.
maybe a powerup that makes you bouncy so you can bounce higher or get hit around easier..
obviously some powerups have advantages and disadvantages..

The materials in the source engine would allow you to make custom ones so depending on what material you are on, it would effect your movement or something, you could have slippier ones or sticky ones, or bouncey ones and so on...
i love the idea of an oil gun or some way of making the surface or a player more likely to slide off. how about rotating or tilting arenas aswell....the ideas are endless.
Come to think of it, i think having the players pick up objects to throw at eachother would be a very slow way of playing the game, its best to keep the play quick, like having the players have a large ram or something that could be charged up.
I think making the game slightly more futuristic would make it appeal to more people than a cute monkey-ball-esque idea. Anyone seen that film with arnie, its called running man. In it he plays on some futuristic gameshow, where the contestants battle to their death. i think if we had a whole tournament, with people customizing their "balls" much like cars and stuff and adding weapons etc. The main weapon could be something like a hydraulic ram to launch other players balls off....it could be upgraded too like adding a greater charge or quicker charging etc. You could win upgrades through winning fights and have a whole internet league.
I dont think jumping would add anything to the game really, only make a way for lamers to avoid hits. The key thing for the fun element in the game is
A: interesting arenas and no way to camp or have slow-play.
B: really put across the feeling of blasting ur opponent into outer space with a really charged up fist.
I think a quake3arena style gameplay would be best for it.. and have various weapons you can find on the map..
Jumping could help manuver across the level a bit, not everything has to be sloped, so jumping up onto a short ledge seems alright.. The maps could be various styles, Id rather like to see a large variety rather then the same thing over and over.

Weapons ideas:
Some manipulator type gun: allows to pick up objects/items/powerups/players and fling them. Maybe make players harder to fling.
Ram: something that makes it easier to ram people with rather then just ball on ball hits, could also be more powerfull.
Grappler: shoots a small sharp object and attaches to any surface, their is a rope connecting the player to the grappler object, players can attach it to other players or walls and surfaces to help move around the map. The rope cant change length after it is attached. This could be used for all kinds of fun (imagine the physics involved).
Oil Gun: Shoots out blobs of oil or slippery substance, has a limited supply of oil.
Chain Mace: attaches a hard metal ball to the player with a chain, player swings it around to hit other players.

Item Ideas:
Explodeing Mines: attach em to a surface and when touched they explode cause a player to get pushed away hard.
Earthquake Summon: summons an earthquake.
Tornado Summon: summons a tornado.

Power Ups:
Speed: increases speed.
Size enhancements: The ball could grow bigger or smaller depending on something like maybe getting hit with a certain object or powerup item. A bigger ball would be easier to hit and maybe it would make the player run slower or faster, and also effect where he goes (maybe there's a hole that he can't fit through) (maybe it would have more mass too, so you can bump/hit other people harder).
Sticky Ball: A powerup that makes your ball sticky so you can roll up steeper slopes and walls and make it harder to slide around(so you have a harder time fall off).
Zero Friction: A bad powerup that makes you lose a lot of friction (causes you to slide alot more)
Cubeism: maybe if you get hit with a certain item, your ball turns into a cube and you are unable to roll around for a while, but this would leave you open for shots by players.
Elastic Bounce: maybe a powerup that makes you bouncy so you can bounce higher or get hit around easier..
obviously some powerups have advantages and disadvantages..
PiMuRho said:
Dougy: That's how I-fighter started :) It's also similar to one of the assault maps in UT2004.

I still really like the idea though.

cool never heard of i fighter and i didnt know there was a "boarding action" like map in ut2004.

i might just buy it now :naughty:
I really like the idea of the bounty hunter mod. I actually thought of making a mod/game almost exactly like that idea before, except it would focus on single player. here's my thoughts/ideas on it

-The idea of having civillians is a must.
-There should also be different contracts than just killing other players, but most of the contracts should be killing players, sometimes you'd get a contract to pick up or drop off something, or you could get a demolition contract.
-You should be able to buy info from contacts about players and what their contracts are. the info contacts would be different from the mission contacts.
-setting should be futureish so there could be flying cars and cooler gadgets to play with, but no plasma guns or any stuff thats too sci-fi. also it should always be in an urban setting
-players should be able to purchase disguises (nose and glasses :P) and change of clothing. disuses or changing clothing lowers the players wanted level
-players should also get a wanted level for any actions done in public and in private settings, but only if a witness gets to report the action (civillans have to get to a phone or make a call on a cell phone before the wanted level goes up)
-traps are also a must, but there'd be different types of traps like car bombs (when you start it), door bombs, trip wires (if players are moving too fast it causes them to trip, then you can place something for their landing, like a pointy object).

anyways I love that idea and would probably model some characters/vehicles for it.

the "Boarding action" idea sounds almost exactly the same as Eternal Scilence 2

that telepathic mod sounds good but wouldn't work as a community project.

and the "team vs the monster mod" sounds just like giants multiplayer. giants multiplayer was fun tho...
or you could do a cockroaches vs human mod, where you have to get into the player's food, then hide when they come into the room/turn on the lights or they'd kill you by steping on you/spraying you with raid. the human(s) would have to kill all of the cockroaches, but they'd have to eat something every few minutes of play, and if they ate something that the cockroaches got into they'd loose health. there'd be multiple rooms per level (kitchen, pantry, bedroom, ect), and maybe even space in the walls for the cockroaches to move about... man that would be sweet. you could even implement different insects such as flys, spiders, and ants ooh and maybe even mice (mice are actually mammals). spiders and ants could actually directly damage the human(s) but couldn't contaminate their food/environment at all.

man this would be the best mod ever. I vote for the cockroach mod, the title could be called "Pest Control" (quotation marks included) except people would still call it cockroach mod. wow what a good idea, sorry all you other people who thought up of ideas and got your dreams and life ambitions smashed by "Pest Control"!!!!!!!11!!1!


and on to my wacked up original idea that nobody would do (not even me :naughty:) and lots of people would complain about if done (more so than GTA). I just thought it up like 2 secs ago (well actually like 20 min ago now since i wrote all that other stuff after i wrote this) when i was reading this topic.

The domestic dispute mod. ohhhh yeahh it'd be a 2 - 6 multiplayer mod where a family gets in a huge fight around the house. you'd use weapons such as baseball bats, vases, nagging, and irons to duke it out. It could even feature a team based play with the husband's team vs the wife's team. the fight would be over when the police show up.
yeah, so its a messed up idea that won't get done. heck it wouldnt even be hard to do.
lets do the monkey ball style mod idea.. tons of physics type stuff is possible with it.. instead of monkeys, maybe use hampsters or something. I can see myself haveing a lot of fun playing it if it turns out how I imagine.. i dunno
i think that we need a semi-final round or something for the mods... pick the most thought out mods, then have a vote on them. Then have like the top 3 ideas go head to head in another vote... moderators, make this happen soon... we gotsta gets workin :)
Super Monkey (you could use some other animal or even HL2 characters if you want) Ball is a very versatile concept. There are tons of possible gameplay variants: Soccer, pool, KotH/sumo (like in Fuzion Frenzy), CTF, that American Gladiators event where you roll the caged balls over the smoke things, racing, golf, etc.

Endless fun for the whole family... not just the blood-thirsty teenagers.
i agree wholeheartedly.....whoever came up with that ol monkey ball idea.....well he deserves a pat on the back :)
possible problem: how easy should it be to model a perfect sphere in hl2? (and have perfect sphere physics too)

get on with the voting!
Sphere physics is easy compared to polygonal physics. All that is needed to define a sphere is a point and a radius and to check if something is touching the sphere all you have to do is check its distance from the center of the sphere... and with 7500 polygon characters in regular HL2 (multiplayer polycounts are a little lower, but 7500 might be standard by the time the mod is released) I'm sure you could get a decent-looking sphere with a small animal/person inside it.
yeah, lets get the voting going.. or else i am gonna have to start my own mod....
What about a Xiao Xiao stick-figure style mod? I imagine the task would be relatively simple for the modelers...
sorry for long post, but please look over my idea

I had an idea, which is based off of the game blast chamber (really old ps1 game) but evolved for next gen options. Blast chamber was a 4 player game where everyone had time bombs strapped to them and were placed in a giant cube. Once your timer got to 10 you would catch fire, but move slightly faster, and at zero you would, of course, explode. there was an energy ball of some sorts, that was randomly placed on platforms up in the middle of the cube, and if you put the ball in your goal, your bomb timer would get twenty seconds added to it...or you could put it into an opponents goal and their timer would lose 20 seconds. Buuut the twist is at the corners of the level there were triggers that you stepped on that would rotate the whole level 90 degrees so that the wall is now the ceiling. one teams goal was on each side of the cube so people on the other side of the level or up in the middle would fall down to the new ground.one teams goal was on each side of the cube and on the sides of the level cube were traps such as spikes, lava pits and hidden pads that would flip the level 90 or 180 degrees, and there were power ups such as speed boosts and magnet boots. Rounds of this game were full of flaming people scampering to get the ball so they could get time on their timer(hilarious to see someone fly across the cube on fire then explode explode in midair because someone flipped the level)

but improvements with the hl2 engine would be:
first person view(duuh)
goals on all six sides of the cube, and the cube rotating in any direction
lots of players...so team play, not free for all
have guns to pass the ball between teamates (like UT bombing run....but you would actually have to touch the goal)
weapons (all you could do in original was shove people over)
possibility for many different shape arenas, like spheres that could possibly be constantly spinning

ill make some pics if someone doesn't understand, or needs further idea of whats happening
Majestic XII said:
Okay, i found a old design doc of a mod i wrote loooong time ago. This mod has no storyline what so ever unlike my new mods. Some arcade action is always fun! :)

I think that would be a really good mod, i can almost picture it in my mind :rolling:
So whats goin on with this MOD? Anything ever going to happen? We really need a vote or something.
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