Halflife2.net Left 4 Dead Versus Mode Server

Last night, we played HL2.net versus. So many people were involved we filled up two 8 slot servers. In chat everyone was in L4D :laugh: Such an epic game in our server like Reggie said. The infected always won!
Goddamn L4D, quitting on me in finale.
You know, it's only on the HL2.net server that we get that bloody "PREPARING TO SPAWN... FOR 10 MINUTES" bug.
Did anybody record my awesome Tank Sniping?...

Had a great game just now on the server. I absolutely SLAYED everyone as Tank. Acid got hit off the roof.
Would be nice if we could get SourceTV on the server...that way if some awesome games happen, we can just go back and FRAPs off them.


The server has been closed as I've heard from Digi. Hopefully we can get this kind of thing back up and running at a later date!!
Had a look last night but the server was empty. It was also set to Co-op instead of verus.

Edit: *sees post above*
Oh. Well that just sucks.
Yeah, it was a little tough. I'd like to get a pub going, and whenever we all want to play just kick em off. Not like there is an easy to use server browser to keep regs in... >_>

What is happening to this server guys?
I don't get what these SS's are about. Is it the fact you're playing on the old IP address still, on campaign?
I could probably do one over the summer as I would have more free time. :farmer: