Halflife2.net on Facebook


The Freeman
Dec 31, 2003
Reaction score
That's right, the (Official?) Halflife2.net Facebook Group is here!

Now you can make it that much easier for psychotic e-stalkers to find your personal information, while also managing to demonstrate to all of your real life friends what a tremendous geek you are!


Join! Invite your Halflife2.net friends! Rejoice!

(I know, I'll add a good picture and stuff soon, I just reformatted and don't feel like installing photoshop at the moment.)

disclaimer: not really official, but it may become official if we ever decide we need an official FB group for something
I don't want people KNOWING I come here, dude what if they join up and search all my posts.

Then don't post what your username is. Or don't join. This is for people who want to flaunt their allegiance, not cower and hide from it.
Just joined.

Good idea though, surprised it hadn't been done earlier.
Facebook? Maybe when I have time to create an account....
We should rename it "Aspiring Nuclear Engineers/Alien Hunters." That would make it WAY cooler
You know, I've never been very comfortable with social networking sites, mainly because of privacy concerns.... Is this unreasonable? Because it would suck to have strangers suddenly steal your identity and shit.
You know, I've never been very comfortable with social networking sites, mainly because of privacy concerns.... Is this unreasonable? Because it would suck to have strangers suddenly steal your identity and shit.

That's pretty ****ing rare, I mean the vast majority of my friends, hell, even my family are on facebook and none of them have had their privacy invaded to some truly harmful extent, and needless to say none of them have had their identities stolen either. It's a cinch to make your profile extremely private, someone would have to go out of their way to hack you to really get into your shit.
I joined. I'd better not end up regretting this...

worst case scenario: you end up naked in the fields with a terrible throbbing pain in your ass and can't remember who you are

best case scenario: you post something hilarious
I feel the same way. Also this is Halflife2.net, not Half life 2.net :E

Everything cool has more than once FB group for it anyway.
You know, I've never been very comfortable with social networking sites, mainly because of privacy concerns.... Is this unreasonable? Because it would suck to have strangers suddenly steal your identity and shit.

Wow, numbers worried about privacy. Now I heard it all.
I'm sorry, but I've committed my time already to two other groups: Knitting Enthusiasts and Porcelain Cat Collectors.
Wow, numbers worried about privacy. Now I heard it all.

Well, actually I'm quite worried about those things, because I don't like to be traced. You make a blog and the next thing you know goverment operatives are storming your postition because you're an idiot and posted something about illegal activities you were doing.

I like to keep anonymous when I can help it, which is pretty hard on the Korean internets.
Yeah I figure if people you knew in real life came here, they whould recognize some shit you post. Like all of your gay emo threads about relationships and shit.
I'll join later

my profile is not serious
as man you know
I got the invite on my phone, but have to use the computer to accept. I'll do that when I get off work tonight.
I joined as well, and I am sure I'll end up regretting it. But hey, its hl2.net, I gaylove hl2.net.
Whoa, people here have real names? This is weird. I'm not joining! (mostly because I don't want my real-life friends to know who I am on the internet...)