HalfLife2.net...the series.


Party Escort Bot
Aug 23, 2004
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Taken from the beastiality thread, which is now closed and sinking. I actually thought this was a good episode...IMHO..

CyberPitz said:
Hl2.net the TV show.

Munro buys a rather large house, but can't POSSIBLY pay the bills by himself. So he puts an ad in the paper for, "Resonsible adults to help pay for the bills." Ennui, CrazyHarij, and Samon all show up for the interviews for who will become the roomate. They are the "parental figures" of the household...to keep the others in line, that way the place doesn't go to hell.

Then the odd folk start to show up. Numbers walks in wearing his, "I HATE COMMUNISM!" T-Shirt, sporting his blue pants of course. He is Korean, so he automatically gets a thumbs up for living there.

Next up is Captain Stern. They ask him why he wants to be apart of this living group. Stern discusses why orginized religion is a negative impact on society, and how Bush is horrible for office. After 35 minutes of listening to him, they decide the best way to shut him up, is to accept him.

Next to walk through the door is Ikerous carrying his stuffed cow. For some reason, the cow is cut up in numerous spots, and a gaping hole is where the smiling mouth used to be....anyway, they ask him why he should join the group. Before he could say ANYTHING, CyberPitz busts through the door screaming, "PLEASE TELL ME THERE IS STILL AN OPEN......" Ikerous and CyberPitz meet eyes. A sort of *spark* flashes between the two. They start to close in on each other, both licking their lips in seduction. They reached out their arms, with the loving embrace welcoming the two. Then the "Parental Units" decided, with the disgusted look on their faces, that the only way to AVOID THE HORRIBLE ACTS was to yell, "YOUR ACCEPTED, THE BOTH OF YOU! CONGRATULATIONS!"

Then Idonno decides to walk through the door, all calm, but looks slightly lost, with his similar stuffed cow...though the marks and scars look like they were just recently ripped, but no "wear and tear" marks on it....

Munro states, "Sorry son, but we are full up." As if his father just died, Idonno bursts into tears, and the only the audible through the entire sentence was, "IkerPitz."

Samon walks to the door, shuts it lightly, lets out a sigh of relief, only to hear a crashing noise from the kitchen, and hearing a Korean man scream. The Parental Units rush into the kitchen to see some foreign man laying on the floor, with a knife shoved through his face, and Numbers standing above him with his face tensed up, as if he went through a war......

That is the pilot episode.
lol, thats funny cyberpitz! but even i know that its spelled samon! ;)
I think I should be the next door neighbor making cameo appearances everyday rendering the word cameo pointless.
I'm up for it! someone should make it into a gmod comic!

no, i'm too ****ing lazy.

no, i won't do it!

alright, alright, I'll think about it..
Well, I've got a HL2.net simulation game in the works. Super early stages, as I just started today.
Isn't Idonno a girl? Ikerous' girl to be more specific D:

I wanna be the other neighbor!
Isn't Idonno a girl? Ikerous' girl to be more specific D:

I wanna be the other neighbor!

I never though of Idonno as a female...as a matter of fact, I don't think of anybody on the internet as a female. D: Other than Bliink of course.

lol, thats funny cyberpitz! but even i know that its spelled samon! ;)

Fixted. You shoulda seen how many spelling mistakes there were in there to begin with. I say his name like salmon, so when I'm typing fast, I spell out the word that comes first to mind...the fish. Sry bro.
Excellent story! :thumbs:

And Vegeta I like the idea...Is it going to take on a resembelence to the last HL2.net game idea or a completely different spin off?

Unfortunately I'm just not distinctive enough for a place ;( Maybe I could be generic visitor #4
And Vegeta I like the idea...Is it going to take on a resembelence to the last HL2.net game idea or a completely different spin off?
Actually it kind of will be similar in a way. It's gonna be isometric, and the characters will have a strong resemblence to the ones I designed for that other forum game from long ago that you mentioned. It'll basically be a bunch of members milling around and events will be triggered when conditions are met. Hard to explain, but I've got some cool ideas. For a first real version, you won't have any control in the game, you'll just watch and enjoy the AI. I hope it will be interesting to watch, and I also hope that having several thinking AI people won't cause lag.

I'll be making a thread for the game when I'm at a more presentable level. Its development is going to rely on the community's ideas and feedback.
Excellent - Hopefully it goes well for you...I remember I saw the old thread waaay too late but only realised it had hit it's demise after reading through all the pages! :)

I was enjoying the whole process throughtout the creation.

Also - I like what's going on with Isotown too!
Back on topic (and enough arse-kissing to hopefully earn myself a place :p)
this sounds like The Sims with no control at the moment but sounds like an interesting prospect!!!
Well, the series isn't going to be BASED around those people in the pilot. Hell Idonno was going to also be a regular..kind of a fighter between Ikerous and I. Now someone has to answer me, WHO IS IDONNO. Ikerous' girlfriend/boyfriend/brother? I dunno!

So yeah, I think this would be a great idea to get this community bustling again...some great fun is to be had.
Idonno = she-Ikerous (girlfriend).

I demand to appear in this at some point.

/me waves old-man cane at Pitz
Idonno = she-Ikerous (girlfriend).

I demand to appear in this at some point.

/me waves old-man cane at Pitz

Dun worry old man, you'll get your shot. I've got bigger and better plans for you.


So how is this "show" going to be made? Flash?

I'd be willing to help :)
So how is this "show" going to be made? Flash?

I'd be willing to help :)

I'll do the story, but I'm not NEAR creative enough to do ANYTHING. serious. So someone can make the stuff, I'll be the director. :)
Well, I've got a HL2.net simulation game in the works. Super early stages, as I just started today.
Maybe I will later. Playing Zelda Ocerina of Time right now. It's sort of absorbed my life, and I've only just gotten the master sword ^_^
Sounds good. We should somehow work in our BF2 games. I'm not sure how, just putting it out there.
i think samon and i should be married ;)
Then I will appear in an episode and i'll be like,"Rick James BIIIITCH!"
I need to go on a shooting rampage with an airsoft paintball gun.
WTF, did you edit that post at any point or did I quote the wrong post or am I seeing posts that don't exist? :rolling:
What are you talking about?

You quoted my post that said I was making a simulation game, and you said "not right now, later I will" and I was completely confused.

So, did you quote the wrong post?
What are you talking about?

You quoted my post that said I was making a simulation game, and you said "not right now, later I will" and I was completely confused.

So, did you quote the wrong post?
The post I thought I quoted doesn't seem to exist...I must be going mad:rolling: :rolling: :rolling: :rolling: :rolling: :rolling:

Anyway, it doesn't matter
I was thinking more because we tend to squabble like a married couple :p

That's the hinting. You squabble, and we are like 'hahah, you guys act like married folk.."

and then you guys give shifty eyes towards each other.
>_> <_<