Halflife2 WW2 Mods?

Originally posted by loofy
I think people finally realized that there are only so many ways to make an Omaha Beach map in games. Maybe concentration on fronts that don't involve Americans (Those exist? Huh?) bring up new interest?

I am sort of looking forward to Last Great War, but my great interest is in Finland At War - because it is A. Does not involve Americans and B. It has nothing to do with Western Front.

Yeah, I agree with both of your points =)
Finland at War seems like an interesting mod, is there some sort of website I can visit?

And yes, I don't see why every WW2 game involves Americans. It's not like they did as much as France/England/Russia.
*thinks awhile*
Hmm, maybe a game where you were a part of the French Resistance doing covert missions for them would be cool? Blowing up German bridges and convoys and stuff =)
Originally posted by iamironsam
Vietnam is in now, didn't you hear?

hes right... just look at bf:v men of valor ect.

sad thing is... a teen rateing (and dumbed down violence) slapped on a vietnam game is almost and insult to the mentally scarred veterans

and men of valor is by the medal of pussy allied assault team creators of the innovative smoke puff bullet inpact!!! w00tr (dont get me wrong it was a great game)

and of course bf:1942 isint bloody
I take it back I just saw trailors of men of valor (to low detail to see gore) but it had lots of naughty language fun :)

and bf:v had a scene of brief bloodspray

JOY VIOLENCE w00tr!!!11
Resistance And Liberation looks swell!

Guys, there aren't alot of WW1 mods since then it's just basically about not showing your ugly ass out of your trench place, if you do you're dead before you can say "fhqwhgads".. Lotsa camping.. Slooow..

I wanna see lots of futuristic and kewlx0r mods for HL2
Please, for the love of all that is evil, Stop with the ****ing WW2 mod/games.

Just because 400 WW2 movies have to come out, doesn't mean its a good idea to make 400 WW2 games.
Yea BF: Veitnam looks awsome! Can't wait until it comes out. BF1942 is my ALL TIME FAVORITE WW2 game! It is awsome. Nothing is better than BF.
Originally posted by AudioRage
Please, for the love of all that is evil, Stop with the ****ing WW2 mod/games.

Just because 400 WW2 movies have to come out, doesn't mean its a good idea to make 400 WW2 games.

Or how about this - we continue playing the games we like, and you can keep playing the games you like... just because you dont want to play it doesnt mean we shouldnt.
No way, the world revolves around me and gaming companies should make games based upon what I think and what I think only.

......I see your point :p
anyone know what engine BF:V is gonna run on? would be interesting if it was equal to the source or better >=) but im doubting that it is..
Originally posted by AudioRage
No way, the world revolves around me and gaming companies should make games based upon what I think and what I think only.


:sniper: :borg:

i just want a space war mod...thats all i ask for...with nice ships and nice shiny suits star trek style...lol
Forgive my ignorance, but I don't see what all the fuss is about. Last time I looked there were almost twice as many modern combat mods than there are WWII mods. I'm not sure why people feel the need to go out of their way to complain about the number of WWII mods when other genres are just as saturated if not more so. On top of that, so what if there are a lot of WWII mods. Doesn't that give you, the 'consumer', a better chance of getting a good mod instead of some ill fated attempt at game development? There's really not a subject matter out there that hasn't been done three times over. All that matters is that each mod differs enough that people can distinguish between the good and bad. The more the merrier I say.
I agree, the WWII mods won't stop until I'm actually picking up my severed left arm off the beaches of Normandy in VR.
Originally posted by bAbYhEaDcRaB
how bout a ww1 mod.... nobodies ever done one of those

My thoughts too. WWII is just way over done at this point, but a WWI mod could have a lot of potential and "newness."
I personally never get bored of WWII games, they all have their unique style.

medal of honor has its one man winning the war stuff

dod has its fun squad based combat

call of duty says that "no one man wins the war", how come the commanders always seem to look at you and say "you, get inside that bunker and clear it out!" or "quickly, takes these explosives, et inside the power plant, kill 50 germans, plant the explosives, and find an amazing way to escape!"

battlefield has its bad hitboxes.

Day of Defeat 2 (My title for it would be Day of Victory) will be awsome. I cant wait to see (dont say it) Omaha beach with the Source engine
I think that someone should make a Korean War mod. That war has gotten almost no attention at all even though it was practically Vietnam before Vietnam.
Originally posted by Colonel Sanders
I think that someone should make a Korean War mod. That war has gotten almost no attention at all even though it was practically Vietnam before Vietnam.

Yeah, true. It's sort of like Vietnam is a re-run of Korea, except with bigger bombs and a hell of a lot more casualities.
Vietnam and Korea were very different conflicts. First of all, the weaponry and second of all the terrain.

The Korean War was a lot of capture this hill then hold it off of a Chinese wave attack. Therefore, it may not accurately be portrayed in a game.

However, there were a couple of mods set during the Korean War for Half-Life, but I think they died. Like most mods do...
Looks like some awesome WW2 games heh..Whats everyones fav WW2 :sniper: game?
There was a Korean War RTS game coming out but I don't know what happened to it. I remeber File Planet having a demo for downloading about four months ago.