Halfquake Sunrise


Jul 21, 2003
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So... a long time ago there was a series of a couple of mods (plus a small package with a few bonus levels) called Halfquake. These mods had nothing to do with Half-Life or Quake and everything to do with killing you as many times as possible. For some reason, I and maybe two other people here found this to be highly enjoyable.

The first mod was fairly typical aside from the incessant dying and the part where you had to repeat the entire game with slight variations (which involved more dying) three times. In some sadistic way, it was really hilarious. The second mod, Halfquake Amen, was stylistically awesome in that the entire first half was totally in black and white, like playing in a world drawn on a chalkboard. In the second half of the game, you also got to see green and gray. Also, there was a 20 minute long part called Patience where you had to wait for a train. This mod somehow managed to be really cool and also really hilarious, even though you still died every 10 seconds or so. Perhaps there was some delirium involved. I don't even know.

Anyhow, the dude finally released the third part, Halfquake Sunrise, today. Seeing as this series made up one of the two HL mods that were memorable for me (the other being They Hunger -- whatever happened to the sequel for that??), I'm excited to play this. It looks a lot like the second mod. I can't say I'd recommend it to everyone, but if you liked the previous mods at all or are interested in crazy stuff (and don't mind dying a lot), you should try it.

By the way, it's for Half Life 1. Haha :D.


Also, wow this board is totally dead.

[edit] Played for an hour or so. Unfortunately not so similar to the 2nd mod as I'd thought. It is very gray though. Got to a place with 4 doors where I can't open any of them. Not sure if I'm stuck or if it's a Patience thing they didn't warn me about. Quit for the night.
[edit2] nvm figured it out. Man I'm dumb. Room directly after that is a nice little puzzle. Nothing kills you aside from the floor.
Oh wow, seriously? I've been waiting for this forever, and assumed it was dead.
Cool. I'm a big fan of Half-Quake, but I'm busy at the moment.
Well, I just beat it. One sitting, no cheats! Yet again a bitchingly hard game where f6 and f7 are your best friends. I was really impressed by this, I didn't know what to expect after Amen.

The visuals and style is probably the best part, it feels like such an artistic game. The music was great too, as I expected.

No combat aside from evading enemy fire, I liked this. Nothing but difficult agility challenges and puzzles. Some parts had me stumped for so long and I was so tempted at times to either look for a walkthrough or cheat, but I forced myself to finish this game legitly.

The little metagames were neat, too.

I liked the throwbacks to HQ:Amen. To anyone interested in this game, I strongly recommend playing Amen first.

Listened to all of the end part, too. What can I say, I like their accents.

Some screenshots I took:







Argh, does anyone have any tips about the chess puzzle? It seems impossible.
If I got it right then I'm supposed to get to the farthest left corner but I can't find any way of doing that..
Trust me, it's possible.

What I did was draw out a chess board on paper and then make a note of what piece each square was, then just keep moving to a new square until I found one that took me there.
Haha I did that too, and another guy on facepunch did that too. Apparently that's the only way to finish this part :p

and I just finished it.. I think.
After you jump on Somo or whatever its called and you get trapped down - that's it right? I just heard the guys talking about crap for 10 minutes then the screen went black.. Is there more?
I can't remember that part. Can you give some more screens?

Have you tried just jumping down?