--Halo 2.5 -IT'S OFFICIAL -Xbox 2 Launch Title- -READ NOW--

Jackathan said:
After Bungie sold out to Microsoft, they've turned into just a money making company... Good ol' Microsoft can kill anything great.

What makes you say this.

Im sick of people bashing microsoft when they produce decent products. They may own a lot of other companies and that may seem as a monopoly to you but they are producing really good products. I love windows xp ,I love my xbox, I love xbox live, I love my microsoft keyboard, I love the fact that they bought rare and bungie. I love my microsoft office. Hell the only thing I dont like about microsoft is internet explorer and the fact that they stopped making NFL fever. But apparently it increases your coolness ranking online to bash microsoft so I might as well get in on it to. :dozey:

The old days of shitty operating systems are behind us now.

So if you hate microsoft so much why dont you go fire up linux and try gaming on that! Not many games run on linux. (I think doom 3 is being moved over to linux though) Oh and did I forget to mention microsoft created directx?
stigmata said:
I'm talking about the same level :) I'm fairly sure it was going to be a part of the game. After watching the Making Of Halo 2 documentary on the special edition, you see them (Bungie) showing off the New Mombassa level at E3, returning to their offices after E3, and only then seeing that what they had worked on for months just wasn't fun to play. So they scrapped it and started anew on the singleplayer.
Hm. I'll have to check that out. I haven't watched the Making Of yet, which is one of the reason I bought the CE anyway. :laugh:
Thanks for the heads up on that, I'll check it out. But not fun to play? That level looked cool. ;(
Oh great another gay ass game for xbox. To bad such a waste of money.
Rotary said:
Oh great another gay ass game for xbox. To bad such a waste of money.

why even make posts like that ? go to some ps2 forum and bash the xbox pls.
So this will be an expansion pack for an expansion pack?
chu said:
So this will be an expansion pack for an expansion pack?


it will be a remake of halo2, which is a sequel to halo1.

but if you suck, go with narcolepsy's answer.
destrukt said:
why even make posts like that ? go to some ps2 forum and bash the xbox pls.

I think I'll stay here in my hl2 forum and bash the xbox instead. Thx anyway. I was just stating my opinion. Not trying to be a dick.
destrukt said:

it will be a remake of halo2, which is a sequel to halo1.

but if you suck, go with narcolepsy's answer.

Well sir, then I suck. Halo 2 doesn't have the credentials to consider itself a "new" game.
chu said:
Well sir, then I suck. Halo 2 doesn't have the credentials to consider itself a "new" game.

ehh, having just played kotor2 i know my standards are low for what defines a "new" game
chu said:
Well sir, then I suck. Halo 2 doesn't have the credentials to consider itself a "new" game.


why don't you think it's not enough to warrant being labelled a sequel ?

the storyline continues on, it's visuals have been improved, levels [design] are fairly different, new 'things' [guns etc] etc. just the normal stuff that makes a game a sequel :s
Is half life 2 a sequal? what about doom 3? how about rainbow 6 or max payne 2? Are those not o sequals also. All had graphical improvements, all had new weapons, all continued storyline, all had new gameplay elements. So why isnt halo 2 concidered a sequal? Well halo 2 is a sequal no questions asked.
i smell a shitty "buy it again" edition, but man, im still gonna buy it. Halo 2 in 720p or 1080i makes me drool. If there is more content, bring it on!
I'll buy it just because I wouldn't be able to play the original Halo 2 on the Xbox 2.
well I think microsoft will be making an emulator for xbox 2. The xbox 2 has more then enough power to emulate the xbox.
What the hell? This is just a money-making ploy by Micro$oft. The "extras" will be goddamn singleplayer and multiplayer maps made by the developers because the X-Box can't get player-made maps.
is true that the Xbox2 will not be avaible whit xbox1 games?

on topic: lets hope they add a lot of extras
for example I heard some cuted stuff was, ATV (4 wheel motorcycles)and flamethrower so sure they will add them
if that halo will hav that great graphics that were showed in that E3 stuff will be a good choice
me wishes for a HL2.5 to finish off the endin
That's kinda cool. Having played Halo 2 more and more over the past few weeks...I realize I don't like it much compared to Halo 1.

They took Halo...and completely changed the basic aspects of combat.

Halo 2 - Spawn - Find gun - Find people - Shoot
The first thing you have to do when you spawn is find a gun because the weapon you start with just blows by itself. Not to mention there's tons of situations you can just spawn or walk into where (if you're playing an equal skilled player) you can't win. If someone sneaks up on you and has any brains or talent at all...they'll kill you because it takes so long to kill another player. There's no turning around and fighting back unless you have the appropriate weapon (rocket launcher, shotgun, sword).

Don't even get me started on the sword. The last thing this game needed was a 1-hit kill from about 15 feet away where all you have to do is look at the person and press 'R'. Wasn't the rocket launcher newbie friendly enough? Aim at their feet...'R'...kill. The entire online game is based around weapon control because Bungie messed with the weapon spawning. So in Team Slayer...(considering equal skilled players) once a team controls the sniper rifles (which is easier to use now), shotguns (which are worse now), the rocket launcher (easier as well - lock-on) and sword...they will win. That's all there is to it.

Halo 1 however started you off with a good weapon. That was best at mid-long range battles. You could kill with 3 shots if you were good enough. If someone crappy comes up behind you and trys to kill you...wheel around and pop 3 in his head. If you encounter more than one shitty player at the same time...you still have a chance to kill both without having to reload.
The rocket launcher is lame for the most part, but say you're playing CTF...the Warthog is cruising with the flag across the level like 200 yards away from you. You line up your shot...lead apporopriately and fire. You just watch and watch as your rocket goes across the level until it finally nails its target. That is a satisfying feeling. Now you have these fire and forget rockets that chase vehicles quite well after a 1 second or so lock-on time (I've dodged one rocket with the warthog). Snipers were balanced because you actually had to lead the player rather than lining up the easy headshot. There was an advantage to plasma weapons because you could slow the player down while your teammate runs him over or while you get in close for a melee hit. Grenade throws felt like the arm of a badass spartan...not a 14 year old girl (seriously...I can throw a baseball a longer distance than MC in Halo 2).

There are just so many things I miss from Halo 1. It seems like Bungie just decided to make the game more newbie-friendly and take everything out of the game that took skill...or at least take everything that took skill and make it much easier...or maybe they all just sucked with the pistol.
ray_MAN said:
What the hell? This is just a money-making ploy by Micro$oft. The "extras" will be goddamn singleplayer and multiplayer maps made by the developers because the X-Box can't get player-made maps.

I totally agree.
ray_MAN said:
What the hell? This is just a money-making ploy by Micro$oft. The "extras" will be goddamn singleplayer and multiplayer maps made by the developers because the X-Box can't get player-made maps.

there was things appart of levels that where cut in the final game

read it again

“Halo 2.5 will be an Xbox 2 launch title and is going to run in HDTV resolution with new, improved textures and graphical effects. All the stuff that people expected from Halo 2 but didn’t make the cut will be there.”
Should tide me over nicely untill Halo 3 comes out :) (and, hopefully, Perfect Dark 2)

XBox 2 should be one mean console \o/
blackeye said:
Is half life 2 a sequal? what about doom 3? how about rainbow 6 or max payne 2? Are those not o sequals also. All had graphical improvements, all had new weapons, all continued storyline, all had new gameplay elements.
That is what Halo 2 didn't have.

The gameplay was EXACTLY the same as the first game. Half-Life 2 was varies a fair bit from the gameplay of the original, Halo 2 doesnt.

Max Payne 2 didn't vary much from the first games gameplay but it was alot more refined then the first game. Halo 2's gameplay is pretty much identical to the original. Even Greg K admits this at Gamespot.

Im not saying it sucks, i'm just saying i dont think there really is enough there to warrant it being called a sequel. More of an expansion pack (Expansion packs DO continue the storyline as well).
i fealt like halo 2's gameplay was completly different without health packs, you dont lose damage when you jump, rockets follow vehicles, dual weilding, vehicle damage, alot of new weapons (the sword), the fact that you get to play as covenent and use the invisible camo once in a while. That all was new and in my opinion really changed the way halo 2 played. Halo 2 is a sequal it is not an exspansion pack, I dont see how some people concider it an exspansion.