Halo 2 fans

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The step back with Halo 2 was reducing the amount of levels like the Silent cartographer. If it had more like that, wow. Instead it includes pretty crappy levels like "Delta Halo" where every now and then you have to stop, defend from a wave of enemies and move on.

Nothing seems to change gameplay wise. The best levels were quite easily the Arbiters.
Warbie said:
You obviusly never tried Halo (Xbox) on Legendary.

I have.

/me Shoots
/me Hides
/me shoots
/enemy dies
/me runs
/me shoots
/me hides
/me shoots
/enemy dies
/level over
*rinse and repeat.
Halo 1 was hand down better than Halo 2. I hate Halo 2 with a passion (alot due to limited multiplayer cause no broadband).
Kouler said:
For anyone who wants to get into the Halo games on Legendary, I have some advice as to how I did it. Start with Halo 1, and i know this is gonna sound painful but, play The Library on Legendary.
There's your problem. Most people thought Halo was repetitive enough as it is on Normal. To recommend that you play through one of the most repetitive levels ever made on the hardest difficulty level isn't really going to be rewarding for most who do so.
Libary on legendary was a horrifying bitch. I did it in the end but uh...not again. Even on normal its horrid enough
ríomhaire said:
No, I really like Halo 1.

Halo was ok, nothing in the way of groundbreaking.

Libary was crap, worst part of any FPS. Same corridors, same enemies, same everything.
Halo never felt repetitive on Legendary (unless you spent the whole time hiding and painstakingly taking out the enemy one by one. Kyo ;)). You have to be 'in the zone' the whole time, mind racing like the most hectic Q3/CS/RTCW online match. As with most great shooters, at times there really is no time to think - it becomes about instinct (as opposed to HL2, where you have time to smoke a cigar and make a cup of tea during combat ;)) Halo is the only place I can get 'online thrills' offline.

It's satisfying because it takes that much practise. Improving your skill to the level that you can charge through these levels and truly master the enemy is very rewarding. It's rare that a single player fps asks this much of the player, and gives as much back (the only other titles that spring to mind are GE and PD, which anyone who managed to unlock all the cheats will know what i'm talking about) The more recent pc shooters (Far Cry, HL2, Doom 3 etc) just don't have this depth and challanege. I'd finished them all within a week, on the hardest settings, with no need to 'learn' the game, improve skills etc. They were great fun (especially HL2 - which has never been about the combat for me)), but just point and click when it comes to fighting, and nothing to really challenge the player and keep him coming back after the first few, albeit fun, walk throughs.


(Library was poop though :/)
Warbie said:
Halo never felt repetitive on Legendary

It did to a degree, but besides that, most people prefer to play on the medium difficulties and thats where the linearity issue comes in. People don't want to play something super hard with the only plus side being a little reduction on repetition.

And besides that, a major downside to Halo is the repeated level design in the final three levels. :p

Granted, I didn't mind the last..the Maw was awesome.
Samon said:
People don't want to play something super hard with the only plus side being a little reduction on repetition

The plus side is that the game is far better in every way on the harder settings, not just a 'little reduction' in repetition :) (so much so that i'd give Halo on Legendary 10/10, and knock a point or two off the score for every difficulty setting you go down under that) It makes that much dfference.

(Levels that I thought we terribly boring and repetitive on normal weren't in the slightest on hard)

Then again, i've always been a score attack, perfect run, old school arcade/console gamer, and can understand that the elements that I love about Halo aren't for everyone (namely the need for practise, practise, and more practise) - it's just a annoying when peole criticsie the game wihtout even having scratched the surface.
Well I've scratched the surface, on all difficulties...bar easy, and my opinion stands firm.

Halo - 8/10

Halo 2 - 7.5/10

If Bungie had kept what I enjoyed about Halo in Halo 2, and not taken it out, I would've scored it higher.
Fair enough, horses for courses an all that :)

I respect your opinion in this - as you've obviously given the game a fair go. That's a million miles from the umpteen posts of 'omg Hlao is the worst game ever' ect
Warbie said:
Fair enough, horses for courses an all that :)

I respect your opinion in this - as you've obviously given the game a fair go. That's a million miles from the umpteen posts of 'omg Hlao is the worst game ever' ect

And I respect yours :)

Also, your not a raving halo loon screaming how brilliant it is because you accept its flaws, but take the argument to a new level :thumbs:

I'd have liked Halo 2 more, had they kept the absolutley brilliant Assault rifle, the good-looking shotgun and put more action on Earth...as they said they would. Ah well, still fun.
In my opinion Timesplitters 3 has Everything Halo 2 had and more. Not to mention the fact there was a huge jump from Timesplitters 2 (Which was Excellent) to TS3 (Which took everything that made 2 and then improved it 100X over).

Halo 2 turned into a chore to complete and finish yet Timesplitters 3 managed to keep me enthralled through the whole thing. Not to mention the graphics in TS3 look better than Halo 2's and the characters are more memorable. (Sgt Cortez for one) and theres an element of humour. Only thing slightly lacking was the vehicles. But who cares when your laughing like a loon as the future Cortez fights alongside you?

"Its time to split!"
Venmoch said:
In my opinion Timesplitters 3 has Everything Halo 2 had and more. Not to mention the fact there was a huge jump from Timesplitters 2 (Which was Excellent) to TS3 (Which took everything that made 2 and then improved it 100X over).

Halo 2 turned into a chore to complete and finish yet Timesplitters 3 managed to keep me enthralled through the whole thing. Not to mention the graphics in TS3 look better than Halo 2's and the characters are more memorable. (Sgt Cortez for one) and theres an element of humour. Only thing slightly lacking was the vehicles. But who cares when your laughing like a loon as the future Cortez fights alongside you?

"Its time to split!"

yeah timespliter 3 was very awsome
Timesplitters has always been a great multiplayer game, but with ok single player (which feels like an poor Golden Eye/Perfect Dark imo)

Nothing really there to challenge the player - fun for a mindless blast :)

(now, stick 4 mates in the same room, and TS is fantastic \o/)
Warbie said:
Halo never felt repetitive on Legendary (unless you spent the whole time hiding and painstakingly taking out the enemy one by one. Kyo ;)). You have to be 'in the zone' the whole time, mind racing like the most hectic Q3/CS/RTCW online match. As with most great shooters, at times there really is no time to think - it becomes about instinct (as opposed to HL2, where you have time to smoke a cigar and make a cup of tea during combat ;)) Halo is the only place I can get 'online thrills' offline.

Getting into the "zone" as you call it is very easy for me. I find it very difficult to have a relaxing game of anything with friends. That doesn't mean I get frustrated or go around breaking peoples keyboards though. Anyway I sat through each level of the game in increments when I was by myself with no outside interruptions and went very well.

When I say rinse and repeat I'm talking about the large ammount of users that probably did that to pass the legendary skill level.
All of the people that I've met that love halo 1/2 are one of the follows:

uneducated about games
have never played "real" or "good" pc games
have never thought about the real expense of consoles
think halo is good 'cause xbox is good (2 errors there)
and any number of other misconceptions about gaming and what is good and what isn't.
Console gamers are generally limited to consoles.

At least, I hope they are.
they better be, or at least maybe they'd wise up if they started using the pc ;)
Well some people here play the Xbox and PC equally. :hmph:
Hazar said:
All of the people that I've met that love halo 1/2 are one of the follows:

uneducated about games
have never played "real" or "good" pc games
have never thought about the real expense of consoles
think halo is good 'cause xbox is good (2 errors there)
and any number of other misconceptions about gaming and what is good and what isn't.

Then you haven't met many gamers, at least any who are 'educated' about games (irony?).

Any fan who limits himself to just one format is missing out on a great deal .... especially if that means ignoring all consoles, which, let's face, is where you find the majority of varied, creative, innovative, polished, and just good quality titles these days.

I'm sick of this elitest and insular attitude found in many pc only gamers. The suggestion that people don't prefer pc games because they haven't experienced them, or because they like mindless titles, is rather offensive and terribly ignorant (and complete shite)

The pc is not the thinking man's choice, it is not the home of the innovation either (far from it) It does excell in a few areas - namely online gaming, online comunities, and a handful of genres - and is a fanatstic hoby :) But thank god the pc isn't all there is to gaming, it would be quite a dull hoby/indsutry if that were the case.
Warbie said:
The pc is not the thinking man's choice, it is not the home of the innovation either (far from it) It does excell in a few areas - namely online gaming, online comunities, and a handful of genres - and is a fanatstic hoby :) But thank god the pc isn't all there is to gaming, it would be quite a dull hoby/indsutry if that were the case.

Naturally it also excels in the creation of consoles in the first place now doesn't it?

Consoles are just an evolution of board games.

"Everyone come around and play a game of Scrabble 3D!"
"The Scrabble board is 3D you moron."
"No I mean on the X-box it's so cool you can have different colours for each character."
"Uh, huh."

I was talking purely in the context of gaming ...... if we're going to go into all the possible applications of the pc then we'll be here all day (and off topic ;))
warbie I'm jsut arguing for the sake of arguing but what genre's have consoles done better than PC's?

I mean Pc's have them beat in RTS (I've only ever seen on RTS for a console, a C&C game for N64), FPS (the mouse being the primary reason) to name a few. Consoles have us beat in only what fighting games? Were on even ground with RPGs.

By beat I mean more orginality and potiental (ie. tribes series and the Battlefield series just wouldn't work aswell on a console as it does on a pc.)
What about platformers? Sports games? Hell, it also depends on what kind of RPG you're talking about.

Aside from perhaps the RTS genre, it depends on the game. Half-Life isn't the same on a console, but Halo isn't the same on a PC. BF1942 is not the same on a console, but Goldeneye is not the same on a PC. Yet these games still excel respectively on their home platforms. You cannot broadly say "FPS games suck with a controller pad".
pvtbones said:
warbie I'm jsut arguing for the sake of arguing but what genre's have consoles done better than PC's?

Sports titles, racing, action/adventure, platform, beat-em-ups, party games, arcade games, Japanese style rpgs, puzzle, and various others that don't fit into any genre.

I agree that fps are generally best on the pc, but Golden Eye, Perfect Dark and (imo) Halo are all on par with the very best pc shooters. Timesplitters deserves a mention too. It's also been a good few years since Baldurs Gate, Planescape, Fallout etc etc - decent pc rpgs have been few and far between recently (kotor being more a console title imo)

Dont get me wrong, I love my pc and pc gaming - but its not the be all and end all.
Has anyone else noticed a huge influx of threads started be new users that have been made 50x before? Eg..this one and the Far Cry one.
vegeta897 said:
Well, I guess because it's considerably harder to aim with a controller. Still really dumb though, the swipe sniping, and the fall damage is rediculous, regardless of the controls.

Well it is harder to aim with the controller, but Halo 1 was used as the example before each showing of the lame Halo 2 noob padding. Halo 1 for xbox didn't have all this auto-aim nonsense (at least not to this degree as you can see).