Halo 2 or Half life 2?

JAVA said:
well as shitty as that reply was, i think halo 2 isnt rubbish cough it did win at gphoria cough, and if half life 2 is god....then wow....ure f'ed up.

If you're going to start a poll based on peoples oppinions, don't thrash them about it.

That's like saying "hey buddy, tell me the TRUTH, how do these shoes look on me". Guy replies "they look horrible on you". Other guy says "WHY YOU DIRTY ROTTEN STINKING BASTARD!!!". Guy replies "hey, you asked for my honest oppinion, you got it, so next time you ask somebody about their oppinion, be prepared to GET it."

Now for my oppinion.

Gphoria is rubbish. What i've played of Halo 1, I can say that it's a good FPS, but nothing special. The only reason the series gets so much good praise is because it saved the xbox from doom. Microsoft reps have even said that in EGM interviews. If it wasn't for the Halo series, the xbox would no longer exist.

HL2 by far beats the Halo series. It's actually something special. It introduced something that the gaming community hadn't seen much of before, a physics engine that worked, and that interweaved with the gameplay. It had innovative combat (gravity gun) and let you take on fights in a number of ways, rather than just shoot and kill. Maybe set up a little fortress with chairs and tables and fend off an attack from there. Maybe block off access to the upstairs area while you jump out the window and attack from behind.

Don't get me wrong, Halo is a kickass game, but it's nothing AMAZING.
EDIT: Glad to see you're not just another basher from Halo 2 looking for some fun. Welcome to the forums :thumbs:
ríomhaire said:
*warning spoilers* Crap Synths and Mortar Synths, they're seen in the last cofin tram ride before you go to Breen's office.
Didn't know there were Crap Synths in Half-Life 2 :upstare:
Do you have Halo 1? If not get it, very good game.
ríomhaire said:
Do you have Halo 1? If not get it, very good game.
Yeah, check it out, it's a textbook example of how mediocre a well reviewed game could be. So many people have opinions on it that it's a good idea to get your own.
Crap Synths. lol! that made me giggle.
Yes you see, a long time ago in a galaxy far far away the combine were becoming very advanced, but some synths made out of crap were also strong. The combine and them went to war. The crap synths eventually were forced into the combine force. They self reproduce by shitting shit.
The Crap Synths are one of the Combines strongest and most effective killers. Sometimes they will suffocate the victim by smell, other times cover them with crap via crap guns.
Apples and oranges.

Before we debate subjective things like story and gameplay, lets get two things right.

Halo 2 is told by spoon-feeding. You are told the story through cutscenes and narrative scenes, and are basically forced and told the true story. There's not as much speculation over the main parts of the storyline. Sites like HBO, have opened speculation that covers pages, but most of it, relates to seemingly useless details, that trust me, will never mean a thing.

On the other hand Halflife 2 doesn't do that. You hear the story at your pace, and debate it yourselves. One day, we'll know the truth, but basically, a great deal of it is up to speculation. And Valve knows that. So they build levels around speculation. They purposely design aspects of the level to make you think.

Gameplay wise, Halo 2 is just shooting. All the enemies can be easily killed. Legendary isn't difficult at all. Take your time, and with dual plasma pistols, you can obliterate all resistance. When the flood come, use a bruteshot melee, and all is ended.
HL2 admittedly doesn't pick much up in AI. However, by utilizing the single most interactive physics engine ever, players are allowed to reach one unreachable areas, build bunkers out of debris and so forth.

Really, if you wanted a better quesiton, I'd have compared Halflife 2 to Chronicles of Riddick:EFFB, just because that game was a sleeper hit that was absolutely great to play. Its one of my favorite shooters ever.
Yeah, comparing Riddick and HL2 is a better question.

Anyway it depends what you like. The first few levels of Halo 2 were great fun. After that it was all downhill. Whereas the first few levels of HL2 are good, then its all uphill, just getting better and better. At least for me anyway.

You're probably better off posting this at a less bias forum. Try the Penny-arcade forums, they're pretty balanced.

JAVA said:
thanks to those of you who werent a holes to my post, dont get me wrong im not knocking half life 2 AT ALL! i cant wait till it comes out because i watch all the movies on gamespy like everyday. i think it has all the elements i want in game and cannot wait til it comes out, i love halo sure, but i agree half life 2 will be better for me at least, but i enjoy single player and intense story line over multiplayer which is where bungie went with halo 2, the story line is pretty good jus not finished of course. i love the combine soldiers jus how they are more human than alien. so i hope you guys can see where im coming from. and from what i have seen, i wouldnt think that metropolice were real humans, they seem like brainwashed a holes to me.

Halo 2 had a pretty decent storyline up until that psychic plant came along. Then it just went all Matrix on itself and ruined it for me.
If you're into storylines in games make sure you pay attention to absolutely everything thats said in Half-Life 2. There is so much in the game that adds to the storyline. I'm not talking a massive amount of information but alot whats said in the "cutscenes" (if you can call them that) in Half-Life 2 adds heaps to speculate about and generally makes the games storyline feel alot deeper than your average shooter.

The story is told different than most games. Most games have levels and either at the start, end or maybe somewhere during the level there is a cutscene which tells the player whats going on, and then sends them off to go kill whatever it is that they're killing. Happens in pretty much every game i can think of. The Half-life series tells it a little differently. Instead of cutscenes explaining why Gordon Freeman is being chased by the Combine, you'll hear Dr. Breen over a PA system motivating Combine troops to capture Gordon Freeman and telling the general population not to join his cause. It's just little things like this that add to the storyline in a bigger way then 1 minute cutscenes do (well...in this case i think that speech is actually some 5 or 6 minutes long, but anyway).
The onlt parts of Halo 2 that was an improvement was the vehicles(although I do have complaints about individual ones) and dual wielding(too bad I hated the weapons)
I enjoyed Halo 2 more than I enjoyed Half Life 2. I know the fanboys who see consoles as some sort of threat to their man hood will bash me for saying that, but I don't particulary care.
I enjoyed Half Life2 more than Halo 2, mainly because there was a story, i cared about it in Half-Life 2. In Halo 2 the overall feeling i was getting can only be described as 'Shut up shut up shut up i wanna shoot things now!'
Jintor said:
I enjoyed Half Life2 more than Halo 2, mainly because there was a story, i cared about it in Half-Life 2. In Halo 2 the overall feeling i was getting can only be described as 'Shut up shut up shut up i wanna shoot things now!'

Exactly, Halo 2 is the type of game in which you see an enemy and the feeling is "uhh... duh.. gAH! I GoTTA SHOOT!. But in HL2 its more strategic and in my opinion, alot more mature. (mature as in strategic movements instead of holding in the R-Button and watching the shotgun constantly shoot bullets into aliens that mindlessly come lunging at you for no aparent reason.)
xzeox said:
Exactly, Halo 2 is the type of game in which you see an enemy and the feeling is "uhh... duh.. gAH! I GoTTA SHOOT!. But in HL2 its more strategic and in my opinion, alot more mature. (mature as in strategic movements instead of holding in the R-Button and watching the shotgun constantly shoot bullets into aliens that mindlessly come lunging at you for no aparent reason.)
If you played Halo2 you'd know not to use the shotgun, they shitified it. Hell the shitified almost everything :bonce:
ríomhaire said:
If you played Halo2 you'd know not to use the shotgun, they shitified it. Hell the shitified almost everything :bonce:

I have Halo 2. I beat it. On legendary. And I played Xbox live for like, months.
And i have used the shotgun alot to beat the game. (or maybe on multiplayer, i cant really remember.)

anyhoo, HL2 is better.
ríomhaire said:
If you played Halo2 you'd know not to use the shotgun, they shitified it. Hell the shitified almost everything :bonce:
they shitified it by making the first one to begin with. then it got even shittier.
ríomhaire said:
If you played Halo2 you'd know not to use the shotgun, they shitified it. Hell the shitified almost everything :bonce:

They didn't need to go too much trouble to make things shittier :p
halo 2's singleplayer was fun, but could get a little tedious. halo 2's multiplayer was too hard to get in to, since you have to pay for xbox live.

half-life 2's singleplayer was fun, and never tedious, the first time around. half-life 2's multiplayer was crap, and i didn't get in to it at all.

so... my choice would have to be half-life 2 for a less tedious single player.

i own both games.
Halo 2 wins the multiplayer round, But HL2 beats the crap out of Halo 2 with its singleplayer. (but then again HL2 fans also get CSS so.....)
Half-Life 2 is highly moddable, it has countless multiplayer mods. Ven Shira Co-Op, Half-Life 2: Deathmatch, Counter-Strike: Source, Dodgeball, Hidden : Source and loads of others I can't remember titles now (There's a fort building mod, teamplay involving turrets mod, players against players with zombies wandering about mod, etc.).

Half-Life 2's storyline is very original and unusual. HL2 kicks Halo 2 in the nuts with storyline, gameplay, graphics and especially sound.

Sorry to flame but Halo 2 is a pop game released for consoles, a la Cold Fear. I consider all console games which haven't been ported to PC unworthy of being in my Hard Drive.
I know I'm a hypocrite for saying what I'm going to say since I'm doing it right now by posting in it. But stop bumping this thread! This argument has been done to death already and I'm surprised you guys didn't just lynch the newb.

This is just as bad as watching the comic geeks argue over Superman and Thor.
Half-Life 2 owns Halo 2 hands down. You should definitely get it on pc and enjoy the mods, multiplayer, and counter-strike: source.
Wow you guys are idiots. This shit your posting has nothing to do with the topic. If you having nothing to say about Half-Life 2 or Halo 2 why even post?
If you debate in a Half-Life vs. ______ thread why even live?

If you see flame bait why even post?

If you join a forum just to insult the people to dwell there why even join?

Anyhoo Batman will pwn them all with prep-time and his humungous cock.
Nabobalis said:
Someone should post that question on a halo 2 forum and see what responses you get.

not even close to the responses here, it would probably die in the first few minutes of its existence
doctor weetodd another question could be if you hate the name of the thread, then why post in it? hmm jus to flame people. and i never said im here to flame anyone obviously you didnt read my posts you stupid idiot. i never said halo 2 kicks half life 2's ass did i? no. i jus wanted to know what people here thought because on bungie.net people made a list of their fave games and half life 2 topped lots of lists even mine and i have never played it i have jus watched, resident evil 4 was on their too cuz thats a sweet game. and nice posts about batman's cock..and you said we were losers ahahah.
JAVA said:
and i never said im here to flame anyone obviously you didnt read my posts you stupid idiot

JAVA said:
and nice posts about batman's cock..and you said we were losers ahahah.

That was kind of hypocritical, wasn't it?

And dude... How old are you? You read like a little kid.


Anyway... On topic... I thought that Halo 1 was more fun than Halo 2, and that even the multiplayer in Halo 1 was better than Halo 2.

Half-Life 2 single-player was definately better than either of the Halo series and the multiplayer was still a lot of fun for me (HL: DM).

Let's all just try not to get too mad at each other.
I'm not spamming. I'm comparing how bad Halo is. Halo is as bad as Batman. Simple as that. And topic-related, too.

Seriously, though, Halo for shooting, and Half-Life 2 for thinking. Half-Life 2 has a complex storyline, realistic physics, graphics, face expressions along with excellent voice acting... For Halo storyline is to make the game look complete. Halo is simply a shoot-out game to waste time on. It depends on your taste - whether you "Shoot first, ask questions later" kinda gamer, or one who likes to really feel like he's in the game. Technically, though, the fact that most forumers around the globe sem to compare most of the games to Half-Life 2 is already a sign that HL2 is one of the best games out there. HL2 vs. Doom 3, HL2 vs. Halo 1/2, HL2 vs. FEAR...

As for me, I'd gladly play HL2 100 times than Halo once.
RaBiD WeAzEL said:
That was kind of hypocritical, wasn't it?

no it wasnt i never said i came here to flame. you should read better next time

And dude... How old are you? You read like a little kid.

like you should talk, and that makes no sense anyway, how do you read like a little kid? and how could you tell? lol so DUDE dont try to flame me cause you suck at it. i didnt come here to flame, but it is turning into that and not by me.
iMMuNiTy said:
I'm not spamming. I'm comparing how bad Halo is. Halo is as bad as Batman. Simple as that. And topic-related, too.

But Batman, isn't as bad as Halo :p

Anyway, this thread is on a downward spiral, anymore flames or spam will see it closed. (Probably)
Samon said:
But Batman, isn't as bad as Halo :p
Batman is as ugly as Masterchief though. Horrible character design. :p

Anywho... JAVA... I'd appreciate it if you typed a bit more correctly, because it's a pain for my eyes reading your post. My grammar isn't perfect, but at least I try...
JAVA said:
no it wasnt i never said i came here to flame. you should read better next time

And dude... How old are you? You read like a little kid.

like you should talk, and that makes no sense anyway, how do you read like a little kid? and how could you tell? lol so DUDE dont try to flame me cause you suck at it. i didnt come here to flame, but it is turning into that and not by me.

I swear to God this will be my last reply to this thread, but our friend's true intentions have been revealed! We must resist!

And Batman is the pinnacle of human perfection! Unlike most other superheroes he had to work to get to his status and he doesn't rely on cheap tricks like guns which he feels are for pussies. He wasn't just some loser who got lucky by getting bit by a spider or some farmboy born born with it! He is a mere mortal that somehow goes side by side with Gods and even defeating some (Metron, Darkseid, Ares).:p

Oh God I'm sounding like my cousin. I think I'm going to slit my wrists now.
JAVA said:
That was kind of hypocritical, wasn't it?

no it wasnt i never said i came here to flame. you should read better next time

And dude... How old are you? You read like a little kid.

like you should talk, and that makes no sense anyway, how do you read like a little kid? and how could you tell? lol so DUDE dont try to flame me cause you suck at it. i didnt come here to flame, but it is turning into that and not by me.

hmm...shouldnt you have capped dont, or me...and dont delete the /quote when quoting sombody thats something that is SUPPOSED to go there. and i have to say that that comeback was a little childish
o man Pesmerga, you shouldnt have done that, your probably going to get flamed now. some dicks on this site dont like the idea of people expressing different views on ideas or disscusing things they dont like. doctorweetodd sent me a private message saying he wasnt going to write again, but he jus couldnt resist flaming lol. im done with this i think, i just wanted to discuss something and people here cant seem to open their minds. so im done with all the flaming.
I dont see why he should get flamed for expressing his opinion. Because it's just that. We all have our own opinions about stuff and no opinion can be "wrong" it can only be diagreed with. like I disagree with the point that Pesmerga but that makes neither me or him wrong. I've never really noticed people getting flamed for opinions, unless they bring them up as facts. And claimbing that opinions are facts is wrong. So dont do it.