Halo 2 Storyline Uncovered! -AMAZING- -SPOILERS INSIDE-


Jul 9, 2003
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In the trailer recently released, the xbox website at the end of the trailer changes in just one frame showing a site entitled www.ilovebees.com doing a lot of research, hundreds of people finally found out that this is suppose to be some journel for the A.I Cortana supposely speaking from the feature she warns you about a new threat. If this sounds crazy then you probably should read the books for as they explain everything. Heres the story:

At then end of the third book (Which takes place after Halo and before Halo 2) they take a sample of the flood back to Earth. 343 Guilty Spark learns about this and informs the forerunners. The forerunners make it their lifes mission to destroy all of life. Human, Covenant, Whatever. The Covenant always believed that the Forerunners where their gods and that they where suppose to destroy the human race. After finding out that that was a lie, the Covenant and the Human races join forces to destroy the forerunners and prevent the apocolypse.

Bungie wanted to have a little fun and make the "I Love Bees" site a future message from Cortana warning us now. Bungie previously stated in early Xbox Magazines that there was going to be some major surprises. I think we have just solved the biggest one. This is why there is more "Halo" instalations in Halo 2. After all, why elese would there be more Halo's? Perhaps 343 Guilty Spark is trying to use them against life. When Halo 2 was announced I always wondered about the name being "Halo" if it would have more Halo's in it and how would they fit into the storyline. I think we just found out. Now I don't know if this is the actual story or not, but it sounds like it fits perfect and other people are saying the same thing. I will have more on this as it develops. What do you guys think about this?

spoiler tags for ya :)
That was on te Bungie.net forums. Its pure speculation, nothing more. Also that sounds pretty ....disappointing if thats the real storyline. If it is i wanna see how they intregrate it
Personally i think someone at Bungie is throwing out red herrings to throw people of the scent.
Master cheif (John 117) is bitten by the flood, so he's the flood specimen (according to the book). It all fits!
Uhh, no. MC was never infected at any point. You're thinking of Sgt. Johnston. The black guy. He wasn't infected due to a rare brain condition. And the MC destroyed the flood data crystal that would condemn the Sgt, and instead gave the data crystal containing less information to ONI.
Kschreck said:
This is why there is more "Halo" instalations in Halo 2. After all, why elese would there be more Halo's? Perhaps 343 Guilty Spark is trying to use them against life. When Halo 2 was announced I always wondered about the name being "Halo" if it would have more Halo's in it and how would they fit into the storyline.
Nope. There's more than one Halo because each installation's effective range is... I can't remember quite correctly, but I know 343 says something like "Each installation's effective range is <x>. Once the other installations have been activated, this galaxy will be quite devoid of life." It's much more likely that all the Halo's weren't constructed for the personal use of 343GS, but rather that they are flood countermeasures should the flood ever escape the confines of an installation and infect the galaxy. And each Halo's effective range is limited to prevent wiping out the entire galaxy in one fell swoop, instead of wiping out only portions of the galaxy to kill the Flood.
Kschreck said:
I think we just found out.
Wrong again, it's been public knowledge for a while that there's at least a second Halo installation in Halo 2 :)
Pressure said:
There are halo books?
:LOL: Since last year.

[edit] So it's probably not a good idea for you to read this thread before you've read the books. Unless you don't care about the story between Halo and Halo 2, or the prequel story to Halo (if so, shame on you!).
Too late I've already read it muahahahaha. I don't really keep up with halo anyway. All I know is that in Halo you are some guy and there are aliens fighting you called something that starts with a C. Then you end up fighting these weird deformed things that exploded then sham bam bamina you blow up the ring.
Pressure said:
Too late I've already read it muahahahaha. I don't really keep up with halo anyway. All I know is that in Halo you are some guy and there are aliens fighting you called something that starts with a C. Then you end up fighting these weird deformed things that exploded then sham bam bamina you blow up the ring.
For shame!!!

* Stigmata throws a rock at Pressure
Haha, hologram chick. Am I the only one in this forum who actually paid attention to the story and books? :)

And Pressure, it's not that you did something wrong, it's just how you described your experience of the story. Sham Bam Bamina, you blew up the ring? :LOL:
I stated that there where more Halo's in Halo 2. I already knew that.
Well I have the game but I've only played the first level. I've played coop at my friends house. From what I've played you're this dude in a green suit and you're all like mysterious. You start killing these aliens that attack you for no reason and you end up on this giant circle machine. But on the inside of the circle theres like a fake planet. You run the circle killing more of those aliens. Then I forgot what happened but then you fight these big ugly bloated things that exploded when you kill them. But when they die these little crawly things come scurrying after you. Then you like blow up this ship or something but the guy and the alien hug. Then the circle goes BOOOOOOOOOM pssssssssss BOOOOOOM BOOOOOOOOOOOOOM POW! You get away and you're all like thanks lady in my head for helping me and I guess that guy and the alien that were hugging died. That's too bad though because then the aliens and the humans could of all started hugging but the character you are is a war freak and likes to shoot aliens instead of hug them. Maybe in Halo 2 since some other aliens or something say the marine and the alien hugging you'll be friends and your objective is to hug every aliens on the giant circle.
The books explain almost everything that you want to know. I read The Flood, and when I began playing Halo, I knew exactly what to do, because The Flood takes place during Halo.
couldn't bring myself to read them all they were so bad. I sincerly hope that the book arn't needed to fully understand Hal's Story, the game had little narrative as it was.
I thought the books were extremely well written. Though, the ones by Eric Nylund were better.
Pressure said:
Well I have the game but I've only played the first level. I've played coop at my friends house. From what I've played you're this dude in a green suit and you're all like mysterious. You start killing these aliens that attack you for no reason and you end up on this giant circle machine. But on the inside of the circle theres like a fake planet. You run the circle killing more of those aliens. Then I forgot what happened but then you fight these big ugly bloated things that exploded when you kill them. But when they die these little crawly things come scurrying after you. Then you like blow up this ship or something but the guy and the alien hug. Then the circle goes BOOOOOOOOOM pssssssssss BOOOOOOM BOOOOOOOOOOOOOM POW! You get away and you're all like thanks lady in my head for helping me and I guess that guy and the alien that were hugging died. That's too bad though because then the aliens and the humans could of all started hugging but the character you are is a war freak and likes to shoot aliens instead of hug them. Maybe in Halo 2 since some other aliens or something say the marine and the alien hugging you'll be friends and your objective is to hug every aliens on the giant circle.

You, sir, are a genius.
There are lots of other hints that the forerunner are your new enemies. Heres a sample:

"The day will break and the sun will rise when the Queen returns to rule, and further let it be known that retribution on any who hinder the return of the Queen will be swift and terrible."

that was in an e-mail sent to "dana" the creator of ilovebees.com. Maybe it's the return of the Forerunners! It makes it sound as ig the Queen has been gone a long time like the Forerunners have been. The Queen it the boss of the bees and the Forerunners are superior technology wise to both the Humans and the Covenant.

Theres a heck of a lot of other information and such floating around the web on the Halo 2 forums, Gamefaqs, ETC!!!
sHm0zY said:
LOL that looks kinda cool. But halo 1 sucked, so i duno.


Banish him to the hell of a 1000 Call Of Duties! aahahahaha!
I think this is actually a distress call from some marines on another planet, alot of talk about being lost and not knowing which direction is north, they could be on the covenant home planet since they did say we would be fighting there.

Taken from the site.

...of course, if I am behind enemy lines, then constantly shouting for help wouldn't be the smartest play in the world, would it?
No they know which way is North, they said the method they used to find out. They're trapped on some desert I think because they talk about all the sand.
"Survive evade reveal escape.

Survive-well, I'm not dead yet.
Evade-don't want to evade. I want to be FOUND.


...of course, if I am behind enemy lines, then constantly shouting for help wouldn't be the smartest play in the world, would it?

got to run silent. got to run deep.

hide and go seek"

Taken from the site again

Anyways, I remember reading HOW to find north, but then they say like

no stick...

no sand...

Well I skimmed through it hours ago I can't reallly remember what was going on lol.
black beach, nothing but sand and darkness. Sometimes, in the distance, dry lightning: in the flash I see pieces of the wreck around me, the spars and rigging of my brain

-hold on. hold on. Steady up. Get a grip, girl. You have to fight through this.

Take a deep breath.

Survival Key #3: How Badly Are You Hurt?

Mentally, subject is confused and disoriented.

I keep slipping in and out of consciousness.

Physically, subject is paralyzed but moving.


What the hell does THAT mean?

Held down: yes. As if strapped to a table. Could I be in traction in some sick bay, some hospital ward?

Not necessarily one of ours.

But at the same time, parts of me being moved around, emptied out. As if under general anaesthetic, dimly conscious, half-aware as the surgeon cuts off my feet and sews them onto my shoulders. She opens my head with a medical hammer and sand spills out.



never that.

survive evade reveal escape. That is all you know, or need to know.

ANOTHER thing from the site, I don't think this can be classified as spam since I am on topic here. We know the person sending messages is a girl, but Cortana can't be hurt since she is a computer program, and it's not Master Cheif because he's is a dude, so I have no damn clue.
Seek the truth
Behold the truth
Reveal the truth
That is the law and the whole of the law




"Find a straight stick about a meter long and stand it upright on fairly level upright ground. Mark the tip of the shadow cast by the stick: wait 15 minutes: mark the shadow again. Draw a line from the first mark through the second and some way beyond. Stand with your left foot on the first mark and your right on the end of the line. In the northern hemisphere, you will now be facing north, and can recall the other directions by their relationship to north. In the south, contrariwise."


No stick.
No sun.









"At night in the Earth's southern hemisphere, run an imaginary line along the axis of the Southern Cross to extend out about five times the length of that axis. Any landmark directly under that imaginary point will be in the general direction of south."

Any landmark.




Ok, here is what I have/we have so far

A woman is stranded on a planet, she is sending distress calls that this bees site is getting, she was with a squad but they all died in the crash, my guess is she was the pilot, she is constantly slipping in and out and is being attacked by some spider like figures or is being hunted by them. Also they must be in pain because they say they want to die, either that or they went mad from being alone which could mean she was there for some time. She is eventually tied down and that is all I got. I think we know what happened to Echo 4-19 or whoever that chick was that flew us around in Halo 1.

In Halo 1, on the last level she was shot down, they do say in the end of Halo 1 that they found no life forms around them BUT if you are unconsious you wouldn't be alive, if you remember the area around the Pillar of Autumn on the last level was very sandy, the baby floods are like spiders. So if she is sending distress calls then that means that she lived after being shot down, that is the only thing I can think of.
Yea I think she is tied down. I found this also.

"MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAY nd in about half an Hour the Boat was overset by a sudden Flurry from the North. What became of my Companions in the Boat, as well as of those who escaped on the Rock, or were left in the Vessel, I cannot tell; but conclude they were all lost.

lay down on the Grass, which was very short and soft, where I slept sounder than ever I remember to have done in my Life, and, as I reckoned, above Nine Hours; for when I awakened, it was just Day-light. I attempted to rise, but was not able to stir: For as I happen'd to lye on my Back, I found my Arms and Legs were strongly fastened on each Side to the Ground; and my Hair, which was long and thick, tied down in the same Manner. I likewise felt several slender Ligatures across my Body, from my Armpits to my Thighs."

From what I see here she was on a boat and it was tossed by a "flurry." Everyone else on the boat was lost. When she awakes she is tied down.
I think I may have it, read my spoiler tag (unless you don't want Halo 1 ruined for you)
I just found this.


Of course the crew won't come for me if they're all dead. If they're all dead and I alone am left to tell the tale.

I'm crying, and my tears are made of sand.
Ok, the woman pilot in Halo 1 crashed on the halo. The environment was sandy, the halo's weather sensory thingy went crazy after you started messing with it on assault on the control room, that would explain the dry lightning and....


The flood were there, that was their nest if you will the baby flood can infent people AND do have 6 or 8 legs (im not sure of this, but I would expect that)


She became one of them, the flood feel nothing. But I don't understand how you could send a distress call then.

Over-analyzing is fun.


Just read your edit, I guess I am wrong. :(
I think you're wrong because I just found this:


length: 120 meters
crew: 40
cover: pleasure yacht
hair color: brown
What are the specs of The Pelican that they flew around in....

And her hair color I would guess to be brown but the cover part I don't get.

Or they could be talking about the Pillar of Autumn.