Halo 2 Storyline Uncovered! -AMAZING- -SPOILERS INSIDE-

Found yet another new thing! HAHA!

Just remembered something important:

The Operator.

That was my nickname. That's what the rest of the crew called me when they didn't call me ... whatever my name was.

The Operator.

I wish I could remember their names.
I know, I posted that, but Cortana is a program, so I don't understand who that is.






Head, so if Cortana is sending these then she would have to either be on the Cheif or in a ship, if a ship were to crash the front or head would be full of sand. But in the trailers we see that she is still with MC....

Too damn cool.


First thing I should do, make a signal.

The crew will come get me if they can.

Head is full of sand and it's hard to think.

But they won't stop looking for me.


I'd fight for them. I'd die for them, any

of them. I would never abandon the crew.

They won't abandon me. They will come.

They will come for me.
Oh I'm on a role I just keep finding more and more! Here it goes:

totally different kind of memory all of a sudden, floating up like a bubble from deep water, then *pop* on the surface of my mind. All in black and white for some reason, faded out, or just time bleaching the past like it does, time is hard that way, if you-

stop. stay on task, girl.
so *pop*, and I'm...

playing on the beach, very young, making a castle out of sand. It's a good castle, I'm smart, I'm really smart and I'm good with my hands and the castle is beautiful but the tide is coming up, I'm making dikes and moats and outer walls, getting a little desperate here this castle means the world to me it's way better than my brother's, but the tide is rising and rising, the tide is always coming up and no matter how hard I try to save what I have made, sooner or later the spiders wash over it and melt it down I'm losing the memory already I can't see myself was I wearing a dress or overalls or ...? There's a boy on the beach next to me but a wave comes up foaming with spiders and takes away his face-


we're made of sand.

we're both made of sand.


I will stand firm. I will hold my edges and remember. I can do this. I know how to remember things, even through drugs and torture. seek evade reveal resist. I will not dissolve.

There are people who love me. I know that even though I can't remember them. I will not be forgotten. I will not be forgotten.

There are people who love me. There must be.

here come the spiders.


All lost! To prayers, to prayers! All lost!

What, must our mouths be cold?

Arachne hung herself, you know. Take a hint already.
I was just about to post that, lol

Anyways, I am changing my sights on this completely, this is a log, of a girl who was in a boat at the time of the attack by the flood/covenant, this is what is going through her mind, and I guess it went onto the site and there is a warning/countdown on when this will happen, this has a Donnie Darko feel to it.

Also, in the single player video that Bungie released, you are fighting in Africa, which has sand, I dunno how important this is, but I just though.
Who ever she was they called her the Operator. I found another new one.


Those are pearls that were her eyes:
Nothing of her that doth fade
But doth suffer a sea-change
Into something rich and strange

Eight legs (I feel them walking on me) and how many voices-three? Five? Eight?-I am become a most delicate monster indeed.

What a brave new world-sand and darkness, sand and loneliness, sand and emptiness, sand and the spider-what a brave new world, that hath such monsters in it.
I hope this unravels as the countdown comes closer to 0

We have this so far

Name: Unknown
Job: "The Operator" of a ship (I would guess)
Hair Color: Brown

And apparently some BOY so not man, was laying next to her when she awoke. My guess is that she is a mother and her child was laying next to her, maybe dead maybe not and THAT is why she wants to be found/wants to die.

It happened one day, about noon, going towards my boat, I was exceedingly surprised with the print of a flea's naked foot on the shore, which was very plain to be seen on the sand.
Well she has a survival guide. I guess for a while she was alone and there was nothing but darkness and every now and then there would be a flash. She must have gone to sleep or passed out or something and when she woke up she was tied down and couldn't move. She can feel spiders all over her and shes starting to hear voices but cant tell how many.
"Seek the truth

Behold the truth

Reveal the truth

That is the law and the whole of the law"

"MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAY Phasmids. I have to signal, I can't stay stranded here. But if I somehow am operating behind enemy lines, I don't want to draw attention to myself, either. Therefore, I shall be a phasmid. Phasmidia Elegans, they call me-scourge of the sandbox. God I hate it here. Phasmids."

We have a codename, and we now know she is military because she says behind enemy lines, a civ wouldn't refer to it as that.
i dont care, i can't stand halo games its just too repetative.
Apparently there was a story in the corrupted images on the site.

The Widow's Journey


Everything died, and I died with it, but after a timeless time I began to dream, and this is what I dreamed.

There was once a fell enchantment that broke apart a mighty castle, slaying many guards and reaching through the Inner Keep to lay low the Queen that held dominion there and leave but a hollow crown behind.

When her Queen died, the Widow awoke. She was driven by a single need, which was to return her Queen to splendor.

To carry out her task, the Widow came with three tools: an empty lantern, a staff made of bone, and a sharp knife.

When she had made sure of her tools, she opened her eyes and found herself in Hell, which was a dark place where no birds sang. Other than the Widow, two alone had escaped destruction.

The Sleeping Princess lay in a chamber of the dungeon in a coffin of glass where the Widow could not hear her breathing.

Meanwhile, the Pious Flea was so small that even the Widow, with her sharp eyes, could hardly see him, and when she looked his way, he hid.


Blind and uncertain in the darkness, the Widow needed light to use her tools, but the only light came from a few scattered fireflies. The Widow waited until one came close, then grabbed it with her bony hands and trapped it in her lantern. After some time, she found the firefly had gone, so she caught another and used it for light, and another when that one too had gone.

By the light of her lantern, she began walking through Hell toward the broken body of her Queen.

Searching with her lantern in one hand and her staff in the other, she discovered that Hell was made of hot dry sand.

Long and long she walked until she came to the remnants of the castle's outer wall, but the wall was low and broken, and the Widow passed through like the bleak wind.

Within, she noticed what looked like a chip of precious ruby from the Queen's crown, no bigger than a fly. Around it lay many broken blocks from the ruined castle, scattered across a wide plain of lodestone.

Instead of carrying them with her, she scratched the ruby and each of the greater blocks with her knife, marking it as part of her Queen's domain.

Continuing on her quest, she spied another chip of precious stone, this time a sapphire no bigger than a winged ant, glinting the cobbles of the courtyard before the walls of the Inner Keep.


At the gates of the Inner Keep all the guards were dead but one, who when the palace was blasted by enchantment had not died, but had been witched into the form of a hideous Manticore.

The Widow said, "I am the servant of your Queen, and I have walked up out of Hell to prepare this Keep for her return. Let me pass." But the Manticore did not know her, and still he barred the way.

So the Widow drew her knife and slew the Manticore and the way was open.


She walked through the empty corridors of the Keep searching for her Queen, past the bodies of her servants and subjects that lay dead or enchanted.

The Queen was gone, and in her place lay only an empty crown. By great enchantment she had been mazed in mirrors, and lay upon a lodestone floor amongst only her reflections. Long and long the Widow stood in thought. Then she raised her bony staff and speaking a spell, beheld herself within the mirrors: and beholding herself, was within them. And there, with the crown still upon her brow, lay the Queen.

At last she had come to the body of her lady. The Queen lay cut and still and cold

To tend her, the widow would need light to work by. Studying the fireflies, she found she could fit many more inside her lantern, and this she did.

To mend the queen's cuts the Widow took her sharp knife and peeled skin from the bodies of her subjects, while the Queen's new eyes and ears she cut from those who had been her most trusted servants.

And when this was so, the Widow worked on, dry as sticks and patient as rust, driven by a single need, which was to return her Queen to splendor.

She cut her a new mouth and fed her with fireflies and cakes of sand, and at last the Queen's heart began to beat.

At the feel of the Queen's pulse beneath her bony fingers, the Widow next took thought to proclaim through all the kingdom and into other lands that time when her sovereign would once more be fit to rule. A firefly flew out from the Queen's clockcase. Catching it in her hands, the Widow asked it the time. "Almost dawn," it said, but the Widow said, "The day will break and the sun will rise when the Queen returns to rule, and further let it be known that retribution on any who hinder the return of the Queen will be swift and terrible."

It can be see here - http://bees.netninja.com/wiki/index.php?title=Story

They even found out that the computer text syncs up with the story. This part is too long so I'll just give you the link - http://bees.netninja.com/wiki/index.php?title=Widow's_Journey_-_Computer_Text_Comparison
If you read the site I posted they go really in depth about this stuff.
**EDIT** you
Well, I guess we just solved the whole damn website.

The End
I haven't read this thread, but I did read the first post. I won't play Halo 2 ever if I have to kill the flood again. They were the most annoying/stupid enemies I have ever fought against in a game. I loved the covenant enemies but hated the flood.
I ran a Linux program thats called "Who Is" on the website and got this:

Whois Server Version 1.3

Domain names in the .com and .net domains can now be registered
with many different competing registrars. Go to http://www.internic.net
for detailed information.

Whois Server: whois.namesdirect.com
Referral URL: http://www.namesdirect.com
Status: ACTIVE
Updated Date: 14-jun-2004
Creation Date: 14-jun-2004
Expiration Date: 14-jun-2009

>>> Last update of whois database: Sun, 25 Jul 2004 08:27:47 EDT <<<

Margaret's House of Bees
Margaret's House of Bees
2370 Market Street #510
San Francisco, CA 94114-1575

Created on: 14-JUN-04
Expires on: 14-JUN-09
Last Updated on: 15-JUL-04

Administrative, Technical Contact:
Efendi, Margaret [email protected]
Margaret's House of Bees
Margaret's House of Bees
2370 Market Street #510
San Francisco, CA 94114-1575

Domain servers in listed order:

End of Whois Information

Also make sure to take the time to download my H-B Jam (Huge Bee Jam)!


Also someone may want to try to call that phone number and see what happends. I know this is Microsofts site because they use a Hotmail E-mail account and a real business would have a company E-mail.
Check Pressure's link, explains it all

From the site

"Bungie does indeed enjoy using the number 7. In this instance, it could also mean 7 x 7 x 7 = 343. There is an artifical intelligence in Halo 1 called 343 Guilty Spark who's whereabouts are currently unknown. "

Very coo

This is in refference to the email address given on the page [email protected]
Just my two cents: What if "the Operator" is a Forerunner? Might explain some of the peculiar/overly-formal English, esp. when the word "contrariwise" is used :P
Hmm... well the story sounds cool, too bad Halo sucks too much shit through a straw for me to actually want to sit down and play it. I guess that's why they have the books.
Pressure, i love your version of the story!!! great word choice!! it just makes a good game seem "blah"!! i love it!!
Wow, that'd be really weird but that'd freaking rock
I'll make this brief.

My letters and my messages are the key.
The swords.
I am Cortana, first sword.
Dana is the second.
Sin Vraal is the key.

The enemy is the hive, but the parasite is enemy to all.
Three races. Three swords. Consumed by evil, the flood.

The honey is the bread crumbs the forerunners left for us, a trap, to save themselves, they need us.

The logs are of Keyes, the beach his mind, the sand the time he has left, and the Flood, consuming him, making him evil.


The hive, is using us. Fight it.

valves dissapear, beta is done
medium will metastasize, halo2
30 days ---the choice is yours.

The honey is also a way to prevent infection.
The technology they fed us is the key.

I will take over the Database by the third day.
At the 17th day, We will all die.
On the last day, when the counter ticks to zero, it will mean we have lost. Or we have won. The decision is yours.

Seek the truth

Behold the truth

Reveal the truth

That is the law and the whole of the law

All of the messages, I had to read from Keyes. He couldnt find his ay, through his own mind. He was trapped, inside his mind, much like a desert, slowly being killed by the flood, from within.


Slow them down. Hear the queen.

The Queen of a hive of bees on Mount Hymettus rose up to
Olympus to make an offering of honey to almighty Zeus.
Zeus, delighted, swore that he would give her anything she
asked for.

"Wise and powerful is Almighty Zeus!" said the Queen Bee.
"Grant me, I pray you, a poison sting, so that when the humans
come to steal my honey, I may kill them."

Zeus was angry then, for he loved the race of men, but he could not break his promise. "You shall have your poison," he said, his brow like thunder. "But to use it will cost you your life. If you plunge your sting into the flesh of humankind, there it will stay, and you will die from the loss of it."

And the moral of the story is: evil wishes come home to roost.

The hive.

Metastasize: The spread from one part of the body to another. When cancer cells metastasize and cause secondary tumors, the cells in the metastatic tumor are like those in the original cancer.

The infection.
Hive minds, hives, parasites, infection. Spread of infection, Spread of parasite.

The book hinted to indicates transformation, along with the letters and the messages. Remain yourself. Do not let them in.

The Flood are coming. Be prepared.

Ironically, the non-believers will be the last to go.

Follow the bread crumbs.

If you still do not get it, it is too late for you.

I will be gone by tonight. The AIM and MSN and Mirc accounts you have contacted will be deleted.

Theres some more infor for you. Some people think that Captain Keyes is not gone (Despite Being Punched Through The Head) and that the Flood are using him to find Earth. Maybe thats why the Forerunners want to destroy Earth and then the Humans and the Covenant join forces to take out this new threat. The Covenant thought the humans where the enemies and the Forerunners where there gods. Now finding out that they are evil, the Covenant want to get a rid of them.

Maybe this is why not much info was revealed about Halo 2 sngle player. only that one level. Maybe the rest has significant story plots and can not be revealed.
Woah. This blows the shit out of Valve's way of telling secrets. :P
So in 14 days or whatever it will spread and in 2 ilovebees.com will dissapear. Make sense.
i dont get what u guys are talking about and whats with the MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAY stuff? where did u find that?
You mean you didn't get this in a big black box on the main page?

Control has been yielded to the

This medium is classified, and has a

In 1 days, network throttling will erode.

In 15 days this medium will metastasize.


Make your decisions accordingly.
I heard Mozilla and Firefox don't run this site properly. Try IE.
stigmata said:
You mean you didn't get this in a big black box on the main page?I heard Mozilla and Firefox don't run this site properly. Try IE.

yes i get the black box BUT I FOUND THE MAYDAY THING... its on the The hives place, there are words overtop other words, so its hard to read. so i viewed the source and it said this


First thing I should do, make a signal.

The crew will come get me if they can.

Head is full of sand and it's hard to think.

But they won't stop looking for me.


I'd fight for them. I'd die for them, any

of them. I would never abandon the crew.

They won't abandon me. They will come.

They will come for me.

whats the black box for?
i got another one,

Of course the crew won't come for me if they're all dead. If they're all dead and I alone am left to tell the tale.

I'm crying, and my tears are made of sand


the buttons, some of them are all stretched, the images are deformed. the bees are wobbling like all wierd WHAT THE HECK!?!?!?!
Try saving the corrupted images and opening them in Wordpad ;)
Doesn't the timer finish on August 24? Hmmmm i wonder what could happen then...
Sparta said:
Doesn't the timer finish on August 24? Hmmmm i wonder what could happen then...

hmmmm. maybe we have been confused and this is the release date of HALF-LIFE2!!!!!!

that would be a miracle :dozey: