Halo 2 versus Half Life 2?

Well, Halo stacks up decent against Half-Life (in multiplayer at least) but against Half-Life 2.. it just ain' fair.
Halo isnt a bad game, by any means no! But Half-Life 2 is like... Bush... :dork: and Halo is like... Saddam... :dozey:
Pitt-Bull said:
Halo isnt a bad game, by any means no! But Half-Life 2 is like... Bush... :dork: and Halo is like... Saddam... :dozey:
-insert flame here- rabble rabble rabble!!!!! :naughty: :smoking:

well I know im buying both.... hehe
NEVER EVER COMPARE HL2 (coolest game in the works) and BUSH (dumbest idiot ever period)
If you want my opinion, HL2 will be great, Halo 2 will be good. Halo was a good game because it had co-op everything else was mediocre. Now HL was a great game because single player was fun and the multiplayer was arguably the best in any game to date.
skrip00 said:
im not comparing graphics or technical aspects, but im wondering, which game will be a favorite...

Half Life original was an awesome singleplayer game, with a great story, and so is Halo

i think Halo2 will be an awesome competitor to Half Life 2, even if it is only released on Xbox, which i hope its not, cuz that would be dumb of microsoft...

Half Life2 delay is pissing me off as is...

Half Life2 is the stolen code of Halo 2. HL2 is too hyped up and will now suck much ass. They got pwnz by uber hackers while eating their ding dongs and twinkies. they got uber fuxord cause they were dumb. and thank god. maybe they'll be outa the gene pool son enough.
Why aren't there some kind of anti-asshole rule here on the boards?
It certainly would become quite handy...
chewysplace said:
Half Life2 is the stolen code of Halo 2. HL2 is too hyped up and will now suck much ass. They got pwnz by uber hackers while eating their ding dongs and twinkies. they got uber fuxord cause they were dumb. and thank god. maybe they'll be outa the gene pool son enough.
The general stupidity of that post is quite...stunning
Lads. I've warned Chewy... anyway.... I' m going to love them both :)

So there, Halo 2 and Half Life 2 competing for our attention = teh win 4 gamerz! :D
Badger I think you should put a rule to end "versus" threads. They are just flame wars waiting to happen.
I don't make the rules, sadly :)

But as long as one of us keeps an eye on proceedings.. then it's ok
Ok it depends on what aspect you're looking at.


Halo 2 has Half Life 2 beat hands down. Not because its a better game but because the amount of people who play console games overwhelm the amount that play PC. Its always been that way and always will be. Thats why I give Halo 2 the advantage is this area.


I say Half Life 2 will be better in this area. Halo 2 is excluse for Xbox for a while atleast and you can't do much improving upon the graphics of a game on a console but there will no doubt be improvements. Half Life 2 is a great improvement upon the first. Since its on a computer it can go much further with graphics then Halo 2 could on the Xbox. Don't get my wrong Halo 2's graphics look amazing but I say Half Life 2's are better.


Depends on what you like. Half Life 2 will have several way to beat a level but you still end up at the same place believe. You run into fairly small amounts of enemies and you fight them constantly along your way. You can run and gun or you can use you surrounding to kill these enemies. The addition of vehicles gives it a little boost in playability. Halo 2 is quite different in its game play. Halo 2 you run into small groups of aliens and a batle commences. You fight for thirty seconds to a minute then its over. Then you get to parts where theres an overwhelming amount of weak enemies and you fight them off for about two minutes. As for vehicles although they were in the first one I'm sure they've added new ones and tweaked old ones to assure fan enjoyability. Thats a general summary of Halo 2's game play.


This is a touchy subject for most. But I'm willing to go with Half Life 2 on this one. The E3 video for Half Life 2 I believe was scripted but I'm not sure. But they did that to show what the AI would be like on the finished product. If they will achieve this it will be better than Halo 2 if not scripting is fine with me. Halo 2 will be scripted the whole way I believe. By this I'm not saying the enemies will be idiots for those of you who are quick to judge what I'm saying. Infact I believe the enmies in this game are going to be quite intelligent but not to the same caliber as Half Life 2's enemies.


Nothing is known about Half Life 2's multiplayer at the moment. Halo 2 will probably be the same as the first. There is really no way to compare these so neither wins in the area.


The voice acting in both are top notch I believe. They'll both have a plethera of extra noises in the background with some great music. But I believe Half Life 2 wins in this area. The music changes depending on whats happening in the game and as you near action the music gets more fast paced and when you back up it slows down again. In Halo 2 I believe its just a song that runs in the background while you play. Thats why I give this one to Half Life 2.

Story Line:

Half Life was just the beginning of a story line where as Halo was just a whole story played through. Half Life 2 will continue and expand upon this story to provide the gamer with excitement and antcipation of whats going to happen next. From what I've heard Halo 2 is that they found another Halo and have to destroy it. Sounds like a copy of the first. Unless they throw a twist or two into the mix I'm not expecting much from this game. Half Life 2 win in this area.

Over all I think both game will be great and I'm looking forward to getting them both but I believe Half Life 2 takes the cake as being the better overall game.
mrBadger said:
Lads. I've warned Chewy... anyway.... I' m going to love them both :)

So there, Halo 2 and Half Life 2 competing for our attention = teh win 4 gamerz! :D

yeah you warned me about 6 hours after the fact. 6 hours after i had stoped posting.
good call.
Well, since Halo 2 is an XBox only game, wont H-L 2 beat it in sales? Im pretty sure there are more PC gamers than their are XBox gamers. There are more console gamers in general, but I personaly think there are more pc players than xbox...but I may be wrong. Anyway, I would personally go with H-L 2, I dont really think Halo was THAT special, but it was extraordinalrily fun :D :cheers: But hey, Halo 2 might be totally different than Halo 1.
To me Halo 2 is like what Vice City was to GTA 3. It seems more like an expansion pack type game. A new level and a few extra goodies hats it.
srry for taking this thread back to page 2 but i have to make a correction....

Halo was originally meant to be a PC game. An RTS to be exact. So imagine a bunch of Master Chiefs running around doing your dirty work lol.... then they got a deal to make it for XBox and BOOM the XBox halo craze began. Anyone who didn't want to buy an XB was pissed cause it was supposed to come out for PC from the beginning but microsoft changed all that... they made him wait till XBox had all the reviews and they just kept adding graphical upgrades to Halo and didn't bother to fix some SP problems (stupid M$)............. just to let you know if anyone care which i doubt they don't

Halo 2 and Half-Life 2 are both great games. I am going to buy them both. Why compare...

*edit* MrMan16: Halo 2 will come out for PC a few months after the XBox release. Hopefully with the modding tools already prepared!
Halo 2 will undoubtedly be the top game for xbox when it comes out, and it will actually give a reason to people for playing on xbox live (expect microsoft to raise the price when this happens). If halo 2's multiplayer is as good as the first's, it will end up being a very good game.

Half life 2 will have much less scripts than halo 2 (you can tell from the movies), and will no doubt have some very solid multiplayer action. Im sure the single player game will be very interesting and involving. With CS2 almost a certainty to be out at around the same time too, HL2 will consume many hours of my life.

In the end, Both titles are kings of their domain, and it seems that they both will be advancing on their predecesors quite a bit. I like both the styles of halo and halflife, and I will definitely be getting both games.
Watch it Frank. He is the Soup Nazi! No soup for you!

And, to be OT, I think that HL2 will defeat Halo2 easily. I'm tired of this mainstream bullshit. Too much of my country, the US of A, is uneducated about the true power of the PC. I honestly have a few friends that think that an Xbox is more powerful than a PC. Whenever I try and explain it to them, all that they say is "UR GAY!" Whenever I go to one of their Halo LAN parties, and I say "Ok, lets change the map," they all laugh. They say "It's a level, not a map, you retard!"

This is why I don't like Halo, Halo2, everything the Xbox stands for. It encourages this ignorance, this total disregard and disrespect for the PC, the true gaming machine.
The only thing that the Xbox has on the PC is that it comes with a controller. But now, with even wireless controllers being sold for the PC, I just don't see any reason to buy a console.

The choice is yours, in the end. I mean, you can go on and play SICK games on the Xbox, or come and play something real on the PC.
TheSoupNazi said:
And, to be OT, I think that HL2 will defeat Halo2 easily. I'm tired of this mainstream bullshit. Too much of my country, the US of A, is uneducated about the true power of the PC. I honestly have a few friends that think that an Xbox is more powerful than a PC. Whenever I try and explain it to them, all that they say is "UR GAY!" Whenever I go to one of their Halo LAN parties, and I say "Ok, lets change the map," they all laugh. They say "It's a level, not a map, you retard!"

This is why I don't like Halo, Halo2, everything the Xbox stands for. It encourages this ignorance, this total disregard and disrespect for the PC, the true gaming machine.
The only thing that the Xbox has on the PC is that it comes with a controller. But now, with even wireless controllers being sold for the PC, I just don't see any reason to buy a console.

The choice is yours, in the end. I mean, you can go on and play SICK games on the Xbox, or come and play something real on the PC.


Really though, I won't be missing either game so it doesn't matter to me if one pales in comparision to the other.
I promised myself I would get involved in this thread but I'm going to jump in anyway...

The Xbox is a discrace firstly becuase it's made by microsoft, the evil ****ers who put enough restrictions on there OS to send any technition nuts then have the nerve to "buyout" freeware developers who make tools to service windows that should have come with windows, then comercialize the software so if you don't particularry want to edit the registry yourself you have to buy a tool to do it from a company that is owned by the orginal company you bought your OS off.

Now because microsoft are such complete and utter ****ers the first thing they do when building a game base for there console is to try and make every up and comeing game whith any potentail Xbox only or failing that at least for the Xbox. This has ruined many PC games includeing DX:IW and the orginall Halo, I don't care what people say the original incarnation of Halo that was intended for mac and PC seamed a whole lot better than the shite that now calls itself Halo.

As for the console it's self, it is a rip off of the PC, although it's dumbass games and image may seam nothing like the PC's if you compare it to the old school consoles you will see what i mean. The games are being advertised as more mature and sophisticated like a PC's yet not as nerdy, which is simply achieved by dumbing it down and throwing in lots of pop culture. Alot of xbox/PS2 gamers claim that the GameCube is a childs toy but how they can say this while playing game's like BMXXX and DOA I don't know, those games are not for children but there not exactly screaming of maturity either.

In my opinion Halo 2 isn't going to even stand up to HL2, the graphics are nothing to shout about. Everything about them seams very bland, the walls almost always seam to be devoid any detail, the bump maps are milked for all there worth, the real time soft shadows that I have seen look like shit to put it mildly. The atmosphere is really quite poor, the bright colours of the aliens don't go with the dark streets of earth's destroyed citys which look so poor it hurts compared to HL2's city 17. As for gameplay Halo 2 will most likely be exactly the same as the first, which means more repetitive levels and running round it circles while fireing at some kind of mutant beetle whith the odd bos type thing or buggy ride thrown in. For the people who think there will be more to it let me just remind you that we'r talking about a mass market product that has a target audience which was pretty much described in TheSoupNazi's post.

no offense to anyone who likes Xbox.
Look everyone in this forum should agree that things lk this are pointless WITHOUT A POLL.
It´s unnaceptable to mk a vs topic WITHOUT A POLL.
This way no one will know sh** except that - this guy is a fanboy, this guy is an asshole...

Anyways I think these two games are going to mk a mark in the FPS world, no matter which one anyone lks.
Ownzed said:
wtf do you mean whats wrong with that!? It's not right being gay. God didn't make us to be gay!

God made us to be free therefor god doesnt give a shit if somebody is gay or not, he just wants said person to be happy. That also means you shouldnt discriminate againsts gays (no im not gay) because they're normal people same as you and their sexual preference is their own.
MadMechwarrior said:
God made us to be free therefor god doesnt give a shit if somebody is gay or not, he just wants said person to be happy. That also means you shouldnt discriminate againsts gays (no im not gay) because they're normal people same as you and their sexual preference is their own.
Being gay has bugger all to do with HL, keep it on-topic or take it to PM.

Fenric1138 said:
Being gay has bugger all to do with HL, keep it on-topic or take it to PM.

Who says Gordon or Barney isn't gay? :E

Just kidding, I also agree that we should keep it OT.

Halo's singleplayer was it's biggest problem, IMO. Aliens trying to take over the world, weapon of mass destruction that can destroy the entire universe blah blah Flood blah blah sentinels... It must have been the single most gray, generic, piece of shit plot I'd ever heard. But so many people ate it up, and thought it was great. I just don't get it.

I can give some respect to the multiplayer aspect just for being addicting, and mostly being something that would be playable on the PC. There were only two major problems with the multiplay, as far as I'm concerned.
1. Rocket Launchers: I loathe them. They should never be included in another game's multiplayer portion EVER unless if they're balanced, i.e. RTCW: ET, CoD, etc.
2. Respawns in Capture the Flag: Horrible. Which idiot's idea was it to make people spawn back RIGHT NEXT TO THE FLAG so that they basically just overwhelm any intruders until they run out of ammo/die. You can turn death delay on, but that pisses people off, so the best bet would be to tune respawns so that they maybe come back in different parts of a base and not right on top of the flag point.

Hope Bungie fixes some of this stuff for Halo 2, and makes it less arcade.

Fenric1138 said:
Being gay has bugger all to do with HL, keep it on-topic or take it to PM.

he is right though ...if your going to warn someone....you should warn ownzed. :|
for making such a stupid comment.
Pitbul said:
Halo2 = X-Box Fanboys only game to hold on to claming its great but really its Overated Gay pile of blue sh*t. HL2 has shiny things and Driveable vehical too. even the Halo 2 enemies are retarded. little morons run away. in Halo that was especialy annoying.
I must say, you are quite the fanboy. Halo 2 has "shiny things" and driveable vehicals as well. In Halo, the grunts ran away because they were smart, not stupid. The little grunts were weak, therefore they were programmed to run away in fear after you started shooting them. The elites, on the other hand, did not run away. Personally, I will probably play HL2 part way through and Halo 2 all the way through. I really only care about HL2 as an engine because I don't play many games. The game I've played the most is probably calculator tetris during school.

They're equal in my mind, btw.
TheSoupNazi said:
And, to be OT, I think that HL2 will defeat Halo2 easily. I'm tired of this mainstream bullshit. Too much of my country, the US of A, is uneducated about the true power of the PC. I honestly have a few friends that think that an Xbox is more powerful than a PC. Whenever I try and explain it to them, all that they say is "UR GAY!" Whenever I go to one of their Halo LAN parties, and I say "Ok, lets change the map," they all laugh. They say "It's a level, not a map, you retard!"

This is why I don't like Halo, Halo2, everything the Xbox stands for. It encourages this ignorance, this total disregard and disrespect for the PC, the true gaming machine.
The only thing that the Xbox has on the PC is that it comes with a controller. But now, with even wireless controllers being sold for the PC, I just don't see any reason to buy a console.

The choice is yours, in the end. I mean, you can go on and play SICK games on the Xbox, or come and play something real on the PC.

Whoa... Alittle caught up in your techno world there aren't ya?

I play games on my old (out dated by techie standards) computer that I use for all types of things, I play in my spare time because I get bored doing other productive stuff sometimes. I have an xbox too, for those times I don't feel like hunching over a keyboard and sitting 2ft from a glairing screen.

'Hardcore' PC folks probably think its really cool to have the fastest processor thinga-ma-bob, with the custom paint job, etched case & neon lights.. Most people really don't care, I don't.

I'll enjoy both games, I'm not going to hail them as the 2nd coming, or say I wait day and night for just a sentence of news, that would be rather disturbing if anyone did. Unplug yourselves and step back just for once.
Halo was a good game, but to me it was a little too repetitive. Those mazes inside the buildings where you fight the covenant was like a kick in the balls, I almost fell asleep. Most of the time while playing Halo I was thinking when the mazes were going to end. Blasting away the people was fun, sure, but I think Half-Life gave a better sense of surprise and shock when you found a zombie lurking in a dark corner ready to rip you apart. Halo's vehicles were FUN, but aside from that it was just another FPS with some shiny new tricks and average environment. IMO Half-Life is better than Halo, but when we match Half-Life 2 and Halo 2 we can only wait and see.
chewysplace said:
Half Life2 is the stolen code of Halo 2. HL2 is too hyped up and will now suck much ass. They got pwnz by uber hackers while eating their ding dongs and twinkies. they got uber fuxord cause they were dumb. and thank god. maybe they'll be outa the gene pool son enough.
Wait... you're on halflife2.net, and you have 190 posts...

AND you think HL2 will suck?

Begone, 1337 nub.

I am aware of the slight hypocrisy of that statement.

On the HL2 vs. H2, HL2 will own. Halo 2 is not a single player intended game - its qualities are in it's multiplayer which is mediocre, in my opinion. HL had the most immersive SP of all time, and the multiplayer spawned CS, the most popular and active multiplayer game of ALL TIME.

It's not even a question.
Chris-008 said:
Halo 2 is not a single player intended game
Chris-008 said:
and the multiplayer spawned CS
It didn't spawn CS. CS was a mod just like any other mod until Valve picked it up.
ankalar said:

It didn't spawn CS. CS was a mod just like any other mod until Valve picked it up.

First of all... what do we hear about, Halo's single player and storyline, or it's multiplayer? The game's MP is what makes it good, and they probably focused on it more than the single player.

CS was a mod for Half-Life. Duh. It's a multiplayer mod. Half-Life DID spawn CS... it's a mod, eh?
Chris-008 said:
First of all... what do we hear about, Halo's single player and storyline, or it's multiplayer? The game's MP is what makes it good, and they probably focused on it more than the single player.

CS was a mod for Half-Life. Duh. It's a multiplayer mod. Half-Life DID spawn CS... it's a mod, eh?
I quite liked Halo's single player. In fact, I loved it.

CS could have been a mod for Quake or any other engine, so Half-Life had nothing to do with CS being good/popular.
ankalar said:
I quite liked Halo's single player. In fact, I loved it.

CS could have been a mod for Quake or any other engine, so Half-Life had nothing to do with CS being good/popular.

The single player maybe good but that was not the game's focus. Did you like the Halo singleplayer better than Half-Life? You may, though I can't see how that could be, but my point is that Halo's real gem lies within its multiplayer aspects.

Counterstrike, although it could have been a Quake mod... is a Half-Life mod. So yes, Half-Life almost certainly spawned it.

In any case, I was and am stating my opinion, and I believe what I say to be true. I respect your opinion too, so if you disagree with me... I don't mind.
The Quake engine was much more limited than Half-Life's highly modified Quake I/II hybrid engine.

Counter-Strike would not have been the phenomenon that it was if it were made on the Quake engine.
Ok why are we comparing the graphics of an upcoming Xbox game to the graphics of an upcoming PC game? Its common-sense that an upcoming PC game is going to have better graphics then an upcoming Xbox game. Last i heard the Xbox games are still running with Direct X 8.1 right? how can that compete with Direct X 9 graphics? And doesnt the Xbox use a graphics card like the Geforce 3?
Well come on, the graphics are bound to be better on Half Life 2, if thats the case. The only thing Halo's got going for it in terms of graphics are the bump-maps (I dont care what anyone else says, i thought they were pretty cool in both the Xbox and Pc version of the game)

As for gameplay, Half-Life totally kicks Halo's ass out the window in that category. I didn't think much of the AI in Halo, except for the Elites, those guys are hard. But when you look at the Elites (Who were the hardest enemy to beat, in my opinion) and compare them to the Black Ops in Half Life, the Black Ops are much, much more smarter.

In Halo if you were facing an Elite, most of the time they would shoot you and then just sit behind a wall, then shoot you again. I remember in Opposing Force in one of the last levels (Worlds Collide or something like that, the big sorta factory like place at the end of the game, right before the boss) If you tried to pursue one of those Black Ops, you'd easily end up being shot in the back, and then blown up by a grenade. 5 years later i think Valve would've improved AI by now, im sure Bungie has as well, but in comparisons to Halo and Half-Life like i mentioned above, i'd say its just......logical to think that Vavle has improved the AI more, especially since they've had 5 years to do so where as Bungie has had....heck i dunno.....wouldn't it be just over 2 and a bit years since the launch of Halo on Xbox? Then again you never know

In terms of multiplayer, Half Life 1 and Halo 1 are pretty even. Team Fortress was just plain fun, and Halo was great because of the vehicles. Half Life 2 and Halo 2 on the other hand, i dunno. I haven't heard anything about either, except that Halo 2 will definately have more vehicles

I'll get both either way.
Chris-008 said:
First of all... what do we hear about, Halo's single player and storyline, or it's multiplayer? The game's MP is what makes it good, and they probably focused on it more than the single player.

CS was a mod for Half-Life. Duh. It's a multiplayer mod. Half-Life DID spawn CS... it's a mod, eh?

Actually Halo on xbox doesn't have mulitplayer on xlive, it does support linked boxes but not many people have that many friends over at once to play a decent sized game..

Funny, bare basic MP options and it still out sold the orignal Half-Life ten to one. Not bashing either game, but just setting the facts straight.

I found Halo on PC's multiplayer lacking compared to the SP experience. And I found Half-Lifes MP to be far better then the SP.