Halo 2 versus Half Life 2?

Blair said:
Funny, bare basic MP options and it still out sold the orignal Half-Life ten to one. Not bashing either game, but just setting the facts straight.

Can we have a link to this? I've never really seen anything saying that Halo X-box outsold Half-Life PC 10-1, but I could be wrong. So, link plz :)
Sparta said:
In terms of multiplayer, Half Life 1 and Halo 1 are pretty even. Team Fortress was just plain fun, and Halo was great because of the vehicles. Half Life 2 and Halo 2 on the other hand, i dunno. I haven't heard anything about either, except that Halo 2 will definately have more vehicles

I'll get both either way.

HL2 multiplayer is going to be good for the simple reason you can ram buggys into one another.
In my opinion halo is absolute and utter crap , i just dont see anything going for it repetitive levels ,lame enviroments,idiotic enemys.For example i was hiding behind this hill i stood up shot the enemy and crouched back down, all they did was stand there.The multiplayer was nothing more than average.HL though great single-player it kept me intersted all the way without any fancy shit.The multiplayer rocked too the mods are just great.
If you want to see bad AI, play Delta Force 2. The multiplayer is great, if outdated, but the single player enemies are idiotic.

*shoots soldier in middle of camp, no one notices*

Strangely enough, I've heard little or nothing about Halo's SP. All of the people that I'm friends with seem to think that the MP is the only good part of Halo.

Maybe they're right.

Either way, Half-Life's SP "pwnz" Halo's SP, and Half-Life's MP is much better than Halo's.

What do you want, a few repetitive 4 player maps with a couple of vehicles, or hundreds of great mods like CS, TFC, DoD, and good ol deathmatch?

If you want vehicles, get UT2003 and a mod. Then get 2004 when it comes out.
If you want vehicles get Bf1942 and the mod desert combat.
Chris-008 said:
If you want vehicles, get UT2003 and a mod. Then get 2004 when it comes out.

None of UT2003's mod's have deceant vehicles, infact XMP's vehicles are pretty wooden too. UT2004 looks ok but if Far Cry has good vehicular combat then I don't seen any reason to buy UT2004.
well, not even gonna bother with the first 5 pages...


iamaelephant said:
I think you forgot to write "In my opnion" up there big boy.

This one pisses me off just thinking about it. If you slit my throat right now you'd get shot in the eye with boiling blood. Any time you say something sucks around someone who disagrees, they try to validate their taste in shitty music/movies/clothing by reminding you that you still only speak for yourself, as if their opinions are in jeopardy of being monopolized by your own. Everyone already knows it's my opinion by virtue of the fact that I said it, no need to restate the obvious you dopey twat.
TheSoupNazi said:
Can we have a link to this? I've never really seen anything saying that Halo X-box outsold Half-Life PC 10-1, but I could be wrong. So, link plz :)

Agreed, it's total bullshit too.

Half Life is the msot popular game ever and has sold the most copies too, even if you just compare the different time spans in which the games have been out HL would piss all over Halo.

Alos Halo came with most people XBox's when they bought them so it's not as if people actually went out especially to buy it, they were given it free and so it doesn't count in the 'sold units' count.
Erm Halflife has the record for best selling game EVER in history to date. So I am not entirely sure how the X-Box game Halo could beat that....

Maybe your thinking of the console version of halflife. Because I doubt that sold that well.
Meh well whatever. Halo is a good game, but i didnt get the same feeling as i did when i first played halflife. :)
marksmanHL2 :) said:
Erm Halflife has the record for best selling game EVER in history to date. So I am not entirely sure how the X-Box game Halo could beat that....

Half-life had sales records but it never reached the 100 million copies of Super Mario.
Non-Sequitur said:
Super Mario Brothers? And here I was thinking it was "The Sims"...

The Sims were the top-selling PC game ever not overall.
I think it sould somewhere near 30 million copies (not including expasions)
Mr.Magnetichead said:
This one pisses me off just thinking about it. If you slit my throat right now you'd get shot in the eye with boiling blood. Any time you say something sucks around someone who disagrees, they try to validate their taste in shitty music/movies/clothing by reminding you that you still only speak for yourself, as if their opinions are in jeopardy of being monopolized by your own. Everyone already knows it's my opinion by virtue of the fact that I said it, no need to restate the obvious you dopey twat.

Nice job directly quoting Maddox without any acknowledgement of his genius.

At least include a link so that we can spread the Maddox lovin'.

I would like a truck that is actually a velociraptor then I would run over your face and the tires would have teeth and they would bite you a lot then the tail of the velociraptortruckmobile would flick up and hit you in the testicles when I drove off then I would have a party and there would be girls with boobs and I might see the boobs.
I was so sure it was the No1....

Maybe it was number one selling first person shooters...

Meh, it has sold one hell of alot anyhow. And then there are all the people that have copied versions :p.
I don't see halo2 would ever be better then hl2
halo2 will probably just stick in an updated physics system same thing, were u can shot boxes and they will bounce around like they were real, but i dont think they will do anything revolutionary nor will they add much to there current halo
TheSoupNazi said:
Nice job directly quoting Maddox without any acknowledgement of his genius.

At least include a link so that we can spread the Maddox lovin'.


My god does that man get on my nerves, I have my own cynicle thoughts to contend with I don't need his aswell.
*cough* halo x-box sold 3 miliion copies world wide, and half-life sold 18.4 million, but of course, half-life has had a lot more time to do it
Blimy, when you think about it you realise that HL2 is gona sell one shitload of copies isnt it!
Especially since they seem to have gotten rid of the idea of pirate copies by having you sign on to steam in order to play online!
In theory anyway. :)
Pitbul said:
Halo2 = X-Box Fanboys only game to hold on to claming its great but really its Overated Gay pile of blue sh*t. HL2 has shiny things and Driveable vehical too. even the Halo 2 enemies are retarded. little morons run away. in Halo that was especialy annoying.
wow thats one of the most retarded things ive ever heard..

1. xbox is not blue.

2. halo2 has "shiny things" too

3. halo2 has "driveable vehical" too

4. halo2 enemies are not retarded

5. halo 2 enemies are not little
Who knows which'll be better. We do know that both games are gonna kick ass \o/

Two of my fave fps getting sequals in the same year :) (now I just want Rare to get off their ass and release a sequal to Perfect Dark!)
I thought they were? I read about that like.. forever ago.
I bought that hunk of crap called Halo for PC and I hated it. I paid 50 dollars for it, too! Halo is for console people that still don't realize PC gaming is better:

1. Better graphics capabilities
2. Better sound capabilities
3. Better resolution capabilities
4. Bug fixes through patching
5. First-person shooters are made for PC's
6. Easily downloadable demos
7. Ability to access game help from same machine playing on (PC)
8. Better framerates

And more I won't list...
d8cam said:
I bought that hunk of crap called Halo for PC and I hated it. I paid 50 dollars for it, too! Halo is for console people that still don't realize PC gaming is better:

1. Better graphics capabilities
2. Better sound capabilities
3. Better resolution capabilities
4. Bug fixes through patching
5. First-person shooters are made for PC's
6. Easily downloadable demos
7. Ability to access game help from same machine playing on (PC)
8. Better framerates

And more I won't list...
1. Hardware-dependent.
2. Ditto.
3. Obviously, but resolution has nothing to do with the quality of a game. Point disregarded :)
4. The reason PC games need patches is the single fact that you CAN download patches onto a PC. Console games cannot be easily patched, so in order to sell more copies console developers must fix as many bugs as possible. On the PC, nearly every new game has some bugs that can hamper the experience, but very few console games I've played ever had major bugs. Except when Enter the Matrix froze, but that's a POS anyway.
5. Yeah, but there's no reason why console shooters can't be just as good. Halo had one of the most impressive control setups ever devised for a console shooter. (IMO, for that guy who's going to point it out if it's missing)
6. Yeah.
7. Which is always good, but I make a point of reading a game's manual fully before playing it so I know exactly what to do when I start.
8. Not necessarily. Halo on Xbox has good FPS, and only dips when you view an entire SP level at once. However Halo on PC has absolutely horrible performance, most noticeably with specular effects. There's no good reason why it has such poor performance, and no, making the game DX9-based is NOT a good reason.
9. There are very few pc games worth owning, nothing of note has come out for quite a while. For innovative, quality games the pc is not a good format.
Erm yeah Warbie....

I don't completely agree with that statement...

No wait, I almost completely dissagree with that statement.

The PC has so many inovative titles its unbelieveable. They beat consoles at allmost every turn. For example. Massively multiplayer online games or well erm halflife2, doom3. Now I know these last two are probably gona be on the X-Box but well, no one can deny that they are primarally aimed at PC audiences.
There used to be many innovative games for the pc - but it's been years since Civilisation, System Shock, Half Life etc. These days we get rehash after rehash (Max Payne 2 :/) and little else. As long as the gfx are shiny, and there's a ropey physics engine, most pc gamers seem happy. While i'm sure Half Life 2 and Doom 3 will be excellent, we'll have to wait and see how groundbraking they are (HL2 will be amazing imo, but one game of note in years isn't very impressive)

If sports, action, platform, fighting, party/social, driving, adventure, shooting (not FPS) games are your thing - then it's consoles all the way.

PCs are good for online gaming only imo, and even then in very few gaming genres.
stigmata said:
1. Hardware-dependent.
2. Ditto.
3. Obviously, but resolution has nothing to do with the quality of a game. Point disregarded :)
4. The reason PC games need patches is the single fact that you CAN download patches onto a PC. Console games cannot be easily patched, so in order to sell more copies console developers must fix as many bugs as possible. On the PC, nearly every new game has some bugs that can hamper the experience, but very few console games I've played ever had major bugs. Except when Enter the Matrix froze, but that's a POS anyway.
5. Yeah, but there's no reason why console shooters can't be just as good. Halo had one of the most impressive control setups ever devised for a console shooter. (IMO, for that guy who's going to point it out if it's missing)
6. Yeah.
7. Which is always good, but I make a point of reading a game's manual fully before playing it so I know exactly what to do when I start.
8. Not necessarily. Halo on Xbox has good FPS, and only dips when you view an entire SP level at once. However Halo on PC has absolutely horrible performance, most noticeably with specular effects. There's no good reason why it has such poor performance, and no, making the game DX9-based is NOT a good reason.

1.) he said capabilities, it has the ability to have better graphics
2.) I guess
3.) Are you kidding me? Resolution is probably one of the most important aspects of how a game looks. The higher the resolution the better it looks. If you're talking about quality of the game itself (ie. if it's fun or not), then duh, it has nothing to do with it.
4.) Look at Battlefield 1942. Those patches didn't only fix bugs, but it updated the game a little bit by adding new maps and new guns for the different teams. I don't think you can download anything that gives Halo for Xbox any new maps or guns.
5.) Sure you can get used to a controler for the fps, but the fps is definately made for the pc; nothing can beat the mouse and keyboard PERIOD.
6.) Probably the best part of pc games...
7.) I don't really need to view "game help", it's called looking at the controlls and not being a n00b.
8.) No need to bring Halo for PC into this argument, they screwed it up. Doesn't even support Anti Aliasing.
The only time I ever think about an advantage of consoles over PCs is when I'm trying to play a racing or fighting game and don't have an analog control. But hey, they make those for PCs too ;)
I say, anything is better on PC... if you don't like mouse and keyboard, well that's what gamepads are for.
SupaKoopa said:
wow thats one of the most retarded things ive ever heard..

1. xbox is not blue.

2. halo2 has "shiny things" too

3. halo2 has "driveable vehical" too

4. halo2 enemies are not retarded

5. halo 2 enemies are not little

I was watching a Halo2 video.. it was soo boreing I stopped half way through. The blandness of the levels was just untrue.

There used to be many innovative games for the pc - but it's been years since Civilisation, System Shock, Half Life etc. These days we get rehash after rehash (Max Payne 2 :/) and little else. As long as the gfx are shiny, and there's a ropey physics engine, most pc gamers seem happy. While i'm sure Half Life 2 and Doom 3 will be excellent, we'll have to wait and see how groundbraking they are (HL2 will be amazing imo, but one game of note in years isn't very impressive)

If sports, action, platform, fighting, party/social, driving, adventure, shooting (not FPS) games are your thing - then it's consoles all the way.

PCs are good for online gaming only imo, and even then in very few gaming genres.

Your forgetting RTS games, MMORPG's and RPG's all of which are good genres and are all MP.

I also have to disagree with you on driving games, the physics,depth and visules of PC driving games are far superior to any console driveing game and I'm not just speaking out of my ass like alot of people here . I have actually played alot of console games as well as PC games and I can tell you now that the PC is better.
HL2 will whoop halo2 in every aspect accept for the realtime lighting/shadowing that halo2 has, other then that hl2 will be far superior

Also the fact that hl2 will launch on pc and halo2 will launch on xbox will make hl2 much better
ShaithEatery said:
3.) Are you kidding me? Resolution is probably one of the most important aspects of how a game looks. The higher the resolution the better it looks. If you're talking about quality of the game itself (ie. if it's fun or not), then duh, it has nothing to do with it.
But you missed the reason why I disagreed with d8cam's statement. He clearly says at the beginning of his post, and I quote:
d8cam said:
Halo is for console people that still don't realize PC gaming is better:
He's saying that PC gaming is somehow "better" because it can use higher resolutions. Well I'm sorry to say that this is a blatant lie. High resolutions have no effect on how "good" a game is. Knights of the Old Republic isn't somehow worse on Xbox just because it runs at under a 640*480 resolution.
ShaithEatery said:
8.) No need to bring Halo for PC into this argument, they screwed it up. Doesn't even support Anti Aliasing.
And why isn't there no need to bring Halo PC into the argument. It has poor performance on PC, it was just an example of how hardware does not always dictate the performance of games. Even with double the specs of the Xbox, Halo runs at a terrible pace.
stigmata said:
He's saying that PC gaming is somehow "better" because it can use higher resolutions. Well I'm sorry to say that this is a blatant lie. High resolutions have no effect on how "good" a game is. Knights of the Old Republic isn't somehow worse on Xbox just because it runs at under a 640*480 resolution.

And why isn't there no need to bring Halo PC into the argument. It has poor performance on PC, it was just an example of how hardware does not always dictate the performance of games. Even with double the specs of the Xbox, Halo runs at a terrible pace.

1. yes it does actualy.

2. thats cos microsoft cant code for shit, dont blame pc hardware for shitty backstabbing whore code.

take battlefield 1942 with 64 ppl.

a xbox would f*cking die if it even tried to run that.
You ask why everyone bought Halo on the pc? ......because....a pc is alot better than a x-box, lol. why even waste money on a x-box? :sniper: *shoots x-box*
Halo isn't that good, one of the most overrated games of all time imo

Halo PC is even worse, HORRIBLE port, hand crafted to sell more xbox's.

Halo 2 looks like the same banal crap, and won't come out on PC for 25 years, why even compare it to the mighty HL2?
Dougy said:
2. thats cos microsoft cant code for shit, dont blame pc hardware for shitty backstabbing whore code.

I thought Gearbox were responsible for the port...?
I am skeptical of Halo 2 because when does the X-Box hardware start to run out of gas? I mean look at Max Payne 2 for PS2, it was not meant to have physics and high detailed graphics. Yet Halo 2 is supposed to have everything that a gamer could want on DX 8 hardware and P3? I am a little bit skeptical right now, I dont think X-Box has the power to pull it all off without some tradeoffs.

Half-life2 on the other hand, I am really liking the potential of a physics-based gameplay but I am really worried about the graphics engine when compared to Doom 3. No real-time lighting? Problems with Nvidia and ATI hardware? I hope Valve is taking their time to spruce up their engine to help it compete with Doom 3.

Unless Halo 2 pulls off a miracle, I dont see it being better than Half-life2. I also predict that STALKER could be better than Halo 2, HL2, and Doom 3 if they take their time.

Oh yeah, the reason why Halo for PC framerate sucks is because it uses so many Pixel Shaders and bumpmaps.