Halo 2 vs. Half Life 2

fluffhead said:
Destrucible environments that your enemies/allies will use to their advantage. Placed in real world locations around the globe, where gigantic battles will take place, I am sure the environments will be "interesting" to say the least.

was that their spin? well, if you're expecting that, you're going to be disappointed. ;(

there's a touch of that at the start of the game.. but that's about it.
i also downloaded and an playing the Halo 2 leak. So ****ing WHAT if i've downloaded it. Does it mean i'm not going to buy it? does it hell. I'm still gonna buy Halo 2 for the full multiplayer support.

MS keep throwing this "dowload and go to jail with 100k fine" what a load of horse shit. That kinda sentance would probably go to a majour repeat-offense warez distributor.

Given the fact that almost everyone (certainly everyone I know) has copied software in their house, theres no way in hell they could come arrest you and throw a 100k fine at you for playing a warezed copy. Don't buy the "shock tactics" and utter bullshit you are reading on these gaming sites to try and deter you away from the copy.
And stop trying to suck the developers cock by saying "you do know its illegal, bla blah blah!".
that aside :

Halo 2 is good, but **** the graphics can't even compare to near any PC game nowadays, I mean the xbox just doesn't have the power to process anywhere near the level of PC games.

My 9800 pro in my second machine can render FAR FAR superior graphics.
If Halo 2 was on the pc with updated textures etc, then it would absolutely own.
The game however is brilliant, and The environments amaze me.
As for fully destructable everything? this is bull, you can break a few things by stepping through them, and blow a few holes in some terrain / walls.

There is no way in hell this compares to Half-Life 2, and it's not nearly as amazing as Halo when that first launched. I feel that this is just like playing an expansion to Halo 1.
Whether you equate it to "sucking the developers cocks" or not, you will not discuss illegally downloaded software on this forum.

I'm still bemused by that particular turn of phrase "sucking the developers cocks". So we shouldn't show our appreciation for the developers by complying with their wishes and not downloading the leaked copy of their game?

I suppose the difference is that some people have morals, and others don't.
Exodin said:
Nah, so far HL2 was reviewed - The results say it lives up to hype.

Meanwhile, Bungie is keeping Halo 2's reviews from being printed before it's release last I heard.
Well, last I heard is that Halo 2 reviews are being published (read: available for purchase) about a week before the game is released. www.planethalo.com.
Serial45 said:
Halo 2 is good, but **** the graphics can't even compare to near any PC game nowadays, I mean the xbox just doesn't have the power to process anywhere near the level of PC games.

My 9800 pro in my second machine can render FAR FAR superior graphics.
If Halo 2 was on the pc with updated textures etc, then it would absolutely own.
The game however is brilliant, and The environments amaze me.
Whoa, whoa, hold up here. Halo 2 is "brilliant", yet it can't "own" without having bleeding-edge graphics? :LOL: That's kind of funny.
Serial45 said:
As for fully destructable everything? this is bull, you can break a few things by stepping through them, and blow a few holes in some terrain / walls.
And by the same standard of watered-down generalization of destructability, "Wow, you can break two by fours, and throw pop cans at soldiers! This destructability is BS man!" HL2 is no more destructible than Halo 2. HL2 merely has a higher density of destructable objects, making it seem like the world is more destructible, when the objects you DO destroy have little to no effect on how the level plays out. 99% of the walls you encounter will be solid BSP brushes, which are invincible.

Then again, HL2 is meant to put you in a more "personal" world. The battle you fight is in a city, with relatively few soldiers on your side, and physical interactivity is there to help establish the world as "real" when you have the time and leisure to explore. Halo 2 is meant to display a massive war between civilizations on an entire planet. Millions of Covenant are fighting millions of humans, executing massive attacks on installations, and so on and so forth. Halo 2 is a game not meant for 100% real-world accuracy, but rather a world real enough to pull you into the story.
It's one thing to not like a video game - but the hate that has been thrown at Halo in this thread is crazy.

It's obvious both games cater for a different audience:

HL2 in a super immersive, cinematic experience with sweet gfx (wrapped up in a safety bubble of quicksaving and *speculation* easy fighting - like HL)

Halo 2 for all out combat (that is rock hard), explosions, carnage and, of course, co-op. (but with little interaction or physics)

Both sound great to me - but for very different reasons.
i dont really care which is better, ive already got hl2 through the ati voucher and im getting halo 2 as soon as its out (my birthday :D)
Warbie said:
It's one thing to not like a video game - but the hate that has been thrown at Halo in this thread is crazy.

It's obvious both games cater for a different audience:

HL2 in a super immersive, cinematic experience with sweet gfx (wrapped up in a safety bubble of quicksaving and *speculation* easy fighting - like HL)

Halo 2 for all out combat (that is rock hard), explosions, carnage and, of course, co-op. (but with little interaction or physics)

Both sound great to me - but for very different reasons.
Nobody seems to understand that. It makes me sad that people can't find a place in their hearts for both games.
Pi Mu Rho said:
Whether you equate it to "sucking the developers cocks" or not, you will not discuss illegally downloaded software on this forum.

I'm still bemused by that particular turn of phrase "sucking the developers cocks". So we shouldn't show our appreciation for the developers by complying with their wishes and not downloading the leaked copy of their game?

I suppose the difference is that some people have morals, and others don't.

The moral question is a difficult one, what if you have already paid for it? I have mine on pre-order fully paid for so what difference would it make to bungie if I dl it so i can play it early? Think I will still resist the temptation though.

And why is everyone here having such a go at Halo 2? Halo 1 was fantastic (top 4 fps's of all time in my opinion) I fully believe halo 2 will be brilliant, graphics sucking or not. It may not revolutionise anything but it should still be bloody good fun.
theres a leaked copy of hl2, why not go get that?
My op: Halo2 VS HL2 will be tights. HL2 will probably win because of its anticipation, buts thats the only solid reason. Halo, as said above, has a destructible environment, like red faction (PC). and if halo was released for comp, what makes anyone think halo2 won't?
I don't think it's fair at all to compare ANY Computer game.

First it was Doom 3, now it's Halo 2. Why can't you just take solace in the fact that your game will be a good one, instead of berating any game that might come out any time near when HL2 does?

Stop being anal, getting bent up over trivial things such as which game will win a pissing contest. It's really stupid.
Mitch2891 said:
It may not revolutionise anything but it should still be bloody good fun.

exactly my opinion, I didn't hink halo 1 was as good as halflife one but it was still fun (exept for the last few levels).
Eon Blue said:
Why can't you just take solace in the fact that your game will be a good one, instead of berating any game that might come out any time near when HL2 does?

Amen, brotha.
fluffhead said:
If you don't know anything about one of the other games in a VS. poll/thread, dont bother to post, your opinion will be based on what you DONT know about another game. I loved Half Life 1 and have been following Halflife 2 for quite some time, same with Halo 1 and Halo 2. Honestly, right now I think they both look incredible and I dont think one looks better than the other. Both have great single player campaigns(although no reviews prove this, but what has been released so far looks great), and both have great mp components, although halos is original and hl2s is rehashed mods, BUT there will be some new mods that will reign terror in CS:source and the like, I am sure of that. Anyways both look great, so just try and enjoy both of em.
I completely agree. People who say halo2 is going to suck because it's not as well made as HL2 need to remember that halo2 is quite different. Otherwise they are extremely biassed.
I am going to enjoy both games, hl2 a little more than the other, otherwise i'm excited about both.
partyboy said:
was that their spin? well, if you're expecting that, you're going to be disappointed. ;(

there's a touch of that at the start of the game.. but that's about it.

What? Have you played through the entire game or something? I dont think so, considering it not out, and don't tell me you have the stolen build....
I've read Bungie's lastest update yesturday and found there WILL be printed reviews, a week before release though? Talk about minimalizing the damage.

The Mr. X and Mr. Z he talks about is Dan Hsu and Mark MacDonald of Electronic Gaming Monthly fame. You know, the only good console magazine in existance.

*spits on game informer*
You guys need to stop bashing Halo 2 before its even out. If it comes out and sucks, then go right ahead.
HL2 vs Halo2.

Someone tell me - who actually decides the winner?

You can't directly compare facets of the two games.

You can't compare sales.

So what's left?

People are going to pick their own favourite. There isn't, and never will be, a "winner"
I still feel that Half Life 2 is going to win.

What is there to win? This is not a competition. The only winner here is the consumer/gamer since there will be two great games available.

People need to start realizing this and forget about the imaginary rivalry between games. I bet you if you asked Gabe, he would tell you that he can't wait to play Halo 2. And the same thing goes for the developers of Halo 2 wanting to play Half-Life 2.
The only thing there is to win is Game of the Year, which Halo 2 will win no matter what due to console biases.
I'll be getting both fo sho'

Actually I've already bought both.
Pi Mu Rho said:
HL2 vs Halo2.

Someone tell me - who actually decides the winner?

You can't directly compare facets of the two games.

You can't compare sales.

So what's left?

People are going to pick their own favourite. There isn't, and never will be, a "winner"


So wat is the sum up of this thread.

Its: 2 games with 2 different experience. In my side I will buy them both and play them for many months. I don't see a winner here and I don't see a loser. They Both unique :thumbs:
I view halo 2 as a sort of expansion pack to Halo 1. The ammount of changes is so minor, you can't even consider it a full game- with a continued story line and some new guns? Big deal? Half-life is MUCH older than Halo 1, therefore the fans will be more anxious to get there hands on it. Besides, did Halo change the FPS genre for years to come? No. Did Half-Life? Yes. Oh, and comparing a computer game to an Xbox game is pretty much apples to oranges anyway. Theres no way that the Xbox can produce such high res textures and advanced effects/physics like a computer can. I played and beat halo and thought- "Yeah that was cool... Now what... oh yeah I'll play half-life another 3 times because it ACTUALLY HAS replay value." Also, consider that Half-Life 2's multiplayer will consist of hundreds and hundreds of mods, free to download.
I thought Halo had replay value, thanks to Coop and the Legendary difficulty setting.

Also, if people are going to insist on evaluating two different games that they have yet to play through, then please stop bringing up the mod community. Mods are user-made additions. They are not actually part of the game itself. You can't say "Halo 2's multiplayer will suck compared to HL2's because HL2 will have so many mods". Mods != HL2's multiplayer.
I think both games will be fun, and I bet most fps fans who have both systems will get both. What deters me from halo 2 is the fact its run on xbox, if you look at the reviews of games with updated graphics, coming out on xbox now there are problems. Lagging, is one major issue but there are others. This is why the new generation consoles are coming out, but I think the games with newer graphics coming out now on these older systems are going to be hurt by it.

Dont beleive me compare the reviews for farcry instincts compared to its pc conterpart.
Isn't it kinda dumb do download illegal Microsoft software on a Microsoft OS? :)
StAtiC said:
I view halo 2 as a sort of expansion pack to Halo 1. The ammount of changes is so minor, you can't even consider it a full game- with a continued story line and some new guns? Big deal? Half-life is MUCH older than Halo 1, therefore the fans will be more anxious to get there hands on it. Besides, did Halo change the FPS genre for years to come? No. Did Half-Life? Yes. Oh, and comparing a computer game to an Xbox game is pretty much apples to oranges anyway. Theres no way that the Xbox can produce such high res textures and advanced effects/physics like a computer can. I played and beat halo and thought- "Yeah that was cool... Now what... oh yeah I'll play half-life another 3 times because it ACTUALLY HAS replay value." Also, consider that Half-Life 2's multiplayer will consist of hundreds and hundreds of mods, free to download.

Hit the nail on the head my friend.... Halo 2 has about 0 new features...and will be more like an expansion pack then a new game.
That doesnt mean it wont be fun tho.
Do I smell a shitload of fanbois?
Yes, I think I do.

Some of you may or may not realize this, but the Xbox can and does in fact produce graphical effects that are on par and in some cases superior to that of a PC. Just because the hardware is older doesn't mean it's inferior.

StAtiC said:
I view halo 2 as a sort of expansion pack to Halo 1. The ammount of changes is so minor, you can't even consider it a full game- with a continued story line and some new guns? Big deal?

If Halo 2 is just an "expansion pack" to Halo 1, then what the **** is Half-Life 2 to Half-Life? An expansion pack! Man, you just shot yourself in the foot. Sure, HL2 brings the Source engine. Sure, it has CS, etc. But the core game; nothing new.

Let's talk about comparing the two games, anyways.
Halo 2 isn't a PC game. It's a console game. Half-life 2 isn't a console game, it's a PC game. I'm sure most of you realize that, but I'll say it anyways to help get my point across.

They are two completely different markets.

Outside of originality and the likes, one really cannot compare a pc game for a console game.

Now, I realize(Lot of realization here...) that many of you are close minded, dense, and tend to not think outside the box. But let's face it: How many of you people will play both HL2 and Halo 2? Probably...A lot! Why? Because the first ones were both great games in their own right, and who is to say that the sequels for either will suck? Shit, I know I'm playing both...Halo 2 is going to have an awesome multiplayer component. Half-Life 2 is going to be the shit for modding.

Best of both the PC and console worlds.
ferdelancebz said:
Some of you may or may not realize this, but the Xbox can and does in fact produce graphical effects that are on par and in some cases superior to that of a PC. Just because the hardware is older doesn't mean it's inferior.

Its not opinion or bias, its fact the xbox system cannot handle the graphics on alot of these newer games. This is why alot of companies have had to think alot about bringing their game to xbox (far cry, doom III, half-life 2). Farcry is out for pc, most of you have seen it, now I dont keep up on farcry for the xbox. I have researched it before about a month ago. And everyone says its a shaved down version of the pc version, WHY? because the xbox cannot handle it. Go read the reviews yourself buddy. That statement you made might have been true 2 years ago if that, but today your kidding yourself, This is why they are trying to get the xbox 2 out.

Port doom III in its current state to xbox, and see how it would look.
Both take place in the future

Both take place in a city that has been invaded (from what we have seen)

Both allow you to drive vehicles

Both are First-Person Shooters

Both include a female sidekick (Alyx for Half-Life 2, and Cortana for Halo 2)

Both heroes consist of a guy in a specialized suit that elevates him higher than everyone else (although Master Chief is more of a cyborg and isn't technically human)

Both look great on their respective systems

Both sound great on their respective systems

Both incorporate physics (Halo 2 may not have the ragdoll feature, but it does support cool vehicle destruction)

Both are hyped and will likely be released in November

Both have previously been leaked


These games are quite similar in these respects. In the end, it will all come down to the execution. Every game is different. The source of comparison usually comes down to the genre, but in this case, there are more things familiar than we realize.

Can you compare the Project Gotham Racing games to the Grand Turismo Series?
Is it possible to rate Fable as the best roleplaying experience than any other PC game of the genre? (Note: I haven't played the game and I don't really enjoy the genre too much).
Can you compare the Mario games to Sonic? To Donkey Kong? To Metroid?


There is NO answer

(there is no spoon :p )

Anything CAN be compared and contrasted, everything is similar and different.

"It all comes down to your opinion" (Man, that expression is becoming a cliche).

EDIT: It appears I may have just gone in one big circle :LOL:
Smack500 said:
Its not opinion or bias, its fact the xbox system cannot handle the graphics on alot of these newer games. This is why alot of companies have had to think alot about bringing their game to xbox (far cry, doom III, half-life 2). Farcry is out for pc, most of you have seen it, now I dont keep up on farcry for the xbox. I have researched it before about a month ago. And everyone says its a shaved down version of the pc version, WHY? because the xbox cannot handle it. Go read the reviews yourself buddy. That statement you made might have been true 2 years ago if that, but today your kidding yourself, This is why they are trying to get the xbox 2 out.

Port doom III in its current state to xbox, and see how it would look.

That may be the case - but that doesn't mean console games can't look fantastic. It's all about art direction :) - not technical specs. There are quite a few console games I consider to 'look' better than titles like Far Cry and Doom 3.

And then we have gameplay - which again is far more important than specs/shaders/bumpmapping/ragdolls etc. (and an area where consoles games usually reign supreme)

Look at it this way - in 2/3 years time HL2 will look very basic (just as HL does now) But if it turns out to be the game we're all hoping for it should still be great fun. If we forget HL2 as soon as a title with better gfx/physics comes out, then the chances are it wasn't that special - which is why HL2 having more advanced features than Halo 2 really doesn't make me anticipate it more.

I'm not sure which game will be better - but it won't be the gfx that decides.

(and a low resolution only looks rubbish on a monitor - it still looks great on a TV. Something many ppl conveniently seem to ignore when comparing console and pc games)
Warbie said:
I'm not sure which game will be better - but it won't be the gfx that decides.

Read the quotes please, I was responding to someone who said that the xbox is just as capable if not superior then a current pc. I was not trying to say that graphics make hl2 a better game, anyone who has played doom III would be an idiot to say such.

The only thing that might make a diffrence in my opinion as far as it not being able to handle these newer games is lags, and cut outs etc. ITs been reported by alot of gamer mags that the newer games on these consoles are having quite a bit of problems like the ones I mentioned.
Look at the current state of Doom 3 for the xbox. It looks fantastic, for the xbox. Doom 3 looks fantastic for the PC (though it was..."below expectations"...). I never heard anything about FarCry for Xbox, so, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt(trivial matter anyway). On top of that, not very many companies really know how to harness the power of the xbox besides Microsoft owned 1st party developers (Eg: Bungie, Rare, Day 1, etc). Look at Unreal Champ 2, MechAssault 2, ALL the Splinter Cell games...They look much better than their PC counterparts.

The reason could probably be boiled down to the fact that the developers don't have to create a game for a wide range of systems and be limited to what potential players have in terms of hardware, and thus they can go balls to the wall with their art direction, etc..(which, what Warbie, really does determine how pretty a game is)...anyways, I feel I'm going off on a wild tangent...

A True Canadian said it best(wtf? hehehe), they can both be compared and contrasted....anyways. Different games, different systems, different market.
Last I read doom III would have to be watered down as well. The load times would make you grow old, and it would lag crazy if the xbox version was just like the pc.
Here is what one reviewer said about the two games:

I agree about Halo vs HL 1. But I'll shit my pants if Halo 2 can outdo HL 2. HL 2 is like Stanley Kubrick made a videogame, not necessarily in its tone, but in its near absolute perfectionism. Everything from A.I. to dificulty to sound to music to pacing to dialog to just plain imagination is clearly the product of years and years of love and genius

Best shooter ever made. Possibly the best single-player game I've ever played

IMO HL 2 makes a mockery of HL 1, it's that good. I'm just giving these guys the benefit of the doubt, but I honestly think there isn't a snowball's chance in hell that Halo 2's single player will be better. But it's apples and oranges and when I review Halo 2 I won't even make the comparison. But as an FPS nut who loves console and PC, I can have my personal opinions.

Doom 3 and FarCry are garbage compared to this. Doom 3 more so. I really wish I could tell you why, but you'll have to wait. Once the reviews start coming out you'll get a better picture.

I can't really say much about it yet, but it's good stuff. And a very clear indication that either HL 3 or a series of expansions are on the way.

Interacting with the environment is amazing. The sheer imagination in the level design, events, surprises, and discoveries you make as you play is amazing. The AI of friends and foes is amazing. The pacing, and variety is amazing. Ditto for characterization, visual effects, audio effects, music, level of difficulty, everything. It's like Stanley Kubrick made a videogame and obsessed over every detail. There's not a whiff of commitee anywhere.

I'm a total HL 2 fanboy now. You're right in that Halo 2 "could" be better (of course if I already played through the final game i couldn't tell you), but here's the thing: I play most every FPS in existence and I have never, ever seen anything remotely close to Half-Life 2. Not even. Let's say I haven't played Halo 2 yet. I'm still in a position to say that its single-player would have to be absolutely fscking nuts to beat HL 2. But the whole argument is pointless. You'd be stupid to overlook either game, and until the Source mods start rolling in, Halo 2 will have the sicker multiplayer anyhow.

I'm gonna get Halo2, I reckon it'll be wicked.
Halo 2 is going to outsell Half Life 2, it's audience is much wider and so many people are looking forward to the game (not to say that HL2 doesn't have its fairshare of admirers) that it won't be much of a contest I should think. Graphics don't matter at all in sales of a game, well I suppose that matter somewhat but they really shouldn't. I'm not saying that Halo 2 will be the superior game, I'm definitely buying them both on their respective launch days and will be skipping classes for many many many days from then on. Saying that Halo 2 is like an expansion pack is just silly, sequels do not redefine series, if they did then they wouldn't be sequels they'd be entirely new entities. GameSpot said that they were surprised by how much HL2 was like HL1. Hope I don't get flamed for this post, just wanted to stick up for Halo 2 a bit as it seems to be taking a beating (in a HL2 forum... go figure).
NateDogX said:
Halo 2 is going to outsell Half Life 2, it's audience is much wider and so many people are looking forward to the game (not to say that HL2 doesn't have its fairshare of admirers) that it won't be much of a contest I should think. Graphics don't matter at all in sales of a game, well I suppose that matter somewhat but they really shouldn't. I'm not saying that Halo 2 will be the superior game, I'm definitely buying them both on their respective launch days and will be skipping classes for many many many days from then on. Saying that Halo 2 is like an expansion pack is just silly, sequels do not redefine series, if they did then they wouldn't be sequels they'd be entirely new entities. GameSpot said that they were surprised by how much HL2 was like HL1. Hope I don't get flamed for this post, just wanted to stick up for Halo 2 a bit as it seems to be taking a beating (in a HL2 forum... go figure).

Not really a beating, just most people are saying hl2 will be better (including reviewers), and will run on a better system. I will play both aswell, and I think both will be loads of fun. But I just dont see how halo 2 will be better then hl2 is all I was saying.
The only thing that can be compared between the two games is the plot which should be very good in both games... should be interesting when they both launch to see what twists and turns are made.
Not to take sides but... XBOX SUCKS!!!
and Bungie are traitors who sold out to the evil Micro$oft capitalist machinE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am a fan of both games, they bring different things to the table, if u have played hl on ps2 then u know it sucked as a console fps, but hell i think its the best shooter i have ever played on the pc. Halo is the best console one. and halo 2 brings more to the table then "new guns and extended story" its just like hl2, it has completely different and new engine, lots of new vehicles, new guns, new story, new abilities, better graphics, full online xbox live support.
and hl2, completely new engine, new vehicles, new story, new guns, and hey guess what, full online suppose (css)
so they are both bringing the same to the table, but i know hl2 will win for me cuz i love fps's on PC....but im still getting halo 2 cuz its the best fps on the consoles
Halo 2, as refined as it is, seems to still be just run and gun with story conveyed through cutscenes. HL2 will use the famous first person storytelling and have sequences like the trainstation and the apartment. Not to metion interactive scenes filled with object for you to use, and unusual things like the crane to keep things different. HL2 also looks like it has a simple puzzle element (like HL1) while Halo 2 is just shooting, shooting and more shooting.