Halo 3 - to buy or not to buy

Let's face it, as good as both these games are, neither would win a prize for there story.

Majora's Mask and Wind Waker both had great stories. And you're on crack if you didn't like Chrono Trigger's story.
Majora's Mask is probably one of my favourite game storylines ever. Dang, I want that game on VirtualConsole now.
I have said it before and I will say it again: I just don't like the Halo series at all. H3 wouldn't convince me to buy a 360 just like neither 1 nor 2 convinced me to buy an xbox. Some other titles might, but not this one. Unless it is the best game out there at the time, I won't subject my wallet to this.

Plus its absurd that people are saying that they will buy it "no matter what" when virtually ZERO is known about the game right now. Its pure lunacy to blindly pledge allegiance (and more importantly, money) to a game that is not due out for a LONG time and so little is known about how it actually plays. Oh well, ignorance is bliss after all. Enjoy!! :cat:
I am definitely going to buy this. What really gets this series for me is that I was able to understand what the characters were thinking. I still have no idea what Gordon Freeman thinks of the world around him, and the fact I have to play as someone with no personality is scary. When playing as the Arbiter, I greatly enjoyed Flood levels, as I could see the enemy as "A blasphemous cancer to be purge from the Sacred Ring."

Actually, that is the one problem I have with the Half-life series.
For anyone who is saying the first halo sucked: Did you even try it on legendary? (goes for second as well)
For anyone who is saying the first halo sucked: Did you even try it on legendary? (goes for second as well)
Yes, but somehow the Legendary mode didn't get rid of the repetitiveness of the levels, funny how that works.
Yes, but somehow the Legendary mode didn't get rid of the repetitiveness of the levels, funny how that works.

Odd. I found it did just that. I first played Halo on the standard difficulty setting and wasn't that impressed - ok, but good fun in co-op. Going back on Legendary changed everything - levels that felt dull and repetitive before became frantic battles to the death. No longer could you run and gun you way through the game, it had been transformed from a complete no brainer into the most demanding and rewarding single player fps i'd played. Every other shooter released since seems like simple point and click fps in comparison.

Library is shite though.
Odd. I found it did just that. I first played Halo on the standard difficulty setting and wasn't that impressed - ok, but good fun in co-op. Going back on Legendary changed everything - levels that felt dull and repetitive before became frantic battles to the death. No longer could you run and gun you way through the game, it had been transformed from a complete no brainer into the most demanding and rewarding single player fps i'd played. Every other shooter released since seems like simple point and click fps in comparison.

Library is shite though.

I felt that way too. When you battle a group of enemies, you don't do it just once. If you die, you have to go back through again and again trying to figure out a strategy to take em down. And every time you had to go back through, something about the same battle you just died in was a little different. Those were some of the greatest experiences I've ever had in gaming. (halo 2 legendary was shit compared to halo 1 BTW._
I felt that way too. When you battle a group of enemies, you don't do it just once. If you die, you have to go back through again and again trying to figure out a strategy to take em down. And every time you had to go back through, something about the same battle you just died in was a little different. Those were some of the greatest experiences I've ever had in gaming. (halo 2 legendary was shit compared to halo 1 BTW._

Exactly. Not to mention there was a serious sense of accomplishment that most games nowadays don't have. There was also a feeling of...well..."oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit" when you knew you had to be close to a checkpoint but were scrambling to stay alive :D
yes for sure i am getting it
halo 3 is the reason of buying a 360
No, don't have a 360 and won't get it when it comes to PC. Didn't like Halo ... from the portion I played of Halo 2 it seems like a crappier version of the original ... I think it's safe to say that I don't like the series.

On the other hand, other than a little teaser we've seen nothing about it (that I know of). Kinda hard to say right now.
LOL Halo. Flamebait FTW.

Majora's Mask is probably one of my favourite game storylines ever. Dang, I want that game on VirtualConsole now.
No need, there's a Gamecube version with Ocarina of Time + Majora's Mask, which should be backwards compatible for Wii (it's gonna be 100% GC compatible, right?). I'm planning on grabbing it too.
I played both games on legandary and it sucked. It wasn't that they were riduculously hard, but we weren't rewarded well. In the first one we got a five second scene with no relevance to the story, and in the second we didn't even get that. Just some crappy date in the credits that never had any meaning.

Scares me how rabid some Halo fanboys are on some other forums I've been to. I hate Halo fanboys, they are like a thousand Raciel Jcd's shoved into one person.
This thread makes me want to play Halo on legendary again.
Obviously Legendary was far better than the normal difficulty. But it didn't get help that much.
That depends on how you choose to do things. The beauty of the first Halo is that each situation can be tackled in a number of different ways. Other than being super tough, I think the way the game asks you to quickly adapt while offering plenty of choice is what sets it aside from other shooters. Legendary alone offers more of a learning curve than most entire games - being able to survive the game to completion on this setting is a world of difference from being able to make it your bitch.
Bah, that's nothing...I put one shot kills on in MoH: Frontline and tried to imitate what it was really like back then. It's incredibly difficult, apparently...especially on Omaha Beach :)
Of course i'll buy Halo 3, i absolutely love both Halo and Halo 2, i guess i'm just one of the few
Bah, that's nothing...I put one shot kills on in MoH: Frontline and tried to imitate what it was really like back then. It's incredibly difficult, apparently...especially on Omaha Beach :)

heh, that sounds like the most annoying and frustrating trail and error, hindsight fuelled quicksave-tastic gameplay ever ;)

(I did like the beach landing, and shat my pants the first time the game loaded and a world of pain came flying down the beach :) )
Go for it. But if you can get it at a cheapo dodgy marketplace, so much the better. And if it's legal, so much the awesome!

I'd get it... if i had a 360. But only to see wtf the Ark is. Stupid cliffhanger ending.
No need, there's a Gamecube version with Ocarina of Time + Majora's Mask, which should be backwards compatible for Wii (it's gonna be 100% GC compatible, right?). I'm planning on grabbing it too.

I only got the version with OoT and Master Quest. Not sure how to attain the MM version now. :(
I'm going to buy it. I didn't like the second, but word on the street is that it will be more "open-ended" like the first one.
no... they pissed me off too bad when they announced that you would need to have vista for halo 2 lol. Now I just dont want anything to do with halo.
well I've played the first 2 but unless it's coming to pc or if I ever do decide to get an xbox360 I may rent it ...the second one was a snorefest ..even in co-op ..never did finish it and didnt follow the cut scenes so I have no idea what's going on ..damn developers, dont they know cut scenes are supposed to be skipped?
well I've played the first 2 but unless it's coming to pc or if I ever do decide to get an xbox360 I may rent it ...the second one was a snorefest ..even in co-op ..never did finish it and didnt follow the cut scenes so I have no idea what's going on ..damn developers, dont they know cut scenes are supposed to skipped?

I couldn't enjoy the game without understanding the story...
I tried but it just got so boring ..I tried by myself and with two different friends of many occasions ..we just couldnt follow it ..first you're a marine, then it's avatar dood, then marine then some more avatar followed by ..you guessed it: marine then a smattering of avatar and then I persume more marine ...etc etc
Yeah, well, it's Halo, it doesn't win any awards for the story. Though, it wasn't...that bad.
heh it elicited at least a few: "groan, not the avatar again!"
Who the hell is the avatar?

I like Halo's storyline. Especially since I read the books, gives more meat to the universe.