Halo 3

I don't know if this has been asked yet so I'm just going to ask it myself. I'm wondering if when I play Legendary Coop whether all the cut scenes will still happen and if I'll miss anything that I would get by playing legendary solo? I've beat the game on heroic already but I'm just trying to see if you get a different ending/cutescenes on legendary as well as get the legendary achievement.
Please no flaming if this question has already been asked. Thanks. :cheers:
There are no different cutscenes, but there is a slightly different ending on legendary. Yes, there is a legendary acheivement, and it also unlocks some new armor. I think the cutscenes still happen, but it's better to just skip them if you've already seen them. Oh, and legendary coop with 4 people is so rediculously easy it's just insane. It's hard on solo..
I didn't understand the ending... Did Master Chief die? And if so, how?
The video after the credits reveals more.

I just got all 9 Gold skulls. I had to read some hints (read: tips, not official walkthroughs) but ****ing hell, without those some of the skulls would be impossible to find, esp. the Fog skull.
Ohh.. I accidentally pressed A and skipped the credits, but I didn't think there'd be anything else to see.
You obviously don't know Bungie..
lol.. there has been something after the credits for all 3 games.
It's 'tied' to the credits, so skipping the credit's skips it too.