Halo: CE remake coming 11-15-11

Before we all jump on that particular bandwagon, has anyone actually played Timeshift? Kind of the point, I know, but from all accounts I've seen, it was simply an FPS also-ran in a crowded market, as opposed to a maliciously awful game. Such a studio would be hard-pressed to mismanage what basically amounts to a port.
Even now I remember playing through it for the first time, and wondering: "When the hell is it going to get awesome? Surely, everyone that was raving about it couldn't have been this wrong."

I bought it used because it was supposed to THE BEST GAME (TM)... speaking of that, that's the reason I think it's smart to re-release it. IIRC, the game sold like 14 million copies on the Xbox alone - a console that only sold 27 million units - and that doesn't include used sales.
What's wrong with a remake? Don't buy/play it if you don't want it and it'll be the same as if it didn't come out at all. I like having more options though so now I can choose whether I want to play it or not whereas before I could only "choose" not to play it. Same reason I don't mind unnecessary sequels like the Saw movies because I've chosen not to watch any of those sequels but I like the fact that I have the option to watch them.

Dude, like, what the **** are you even talking about?
I just want to clear something up. This post:

dude wtf u tlaking about halo was revolutionary

was most definitely 100% tongue-in-cheek sarcasm. Halo and all of its sequels amount to little more than a festering heap of generic, derivative garbage not worthy of a tenth the fame and fortune the series has amassed.
To be fair, the actual core combat of Halo is a billion times better than the cardboard cut-out Call of Duty nonsense. As much as this forum has had a tendency to shit on the Halo series for being nothing new or interesting since the first game, you've got to at least admit that its a better alternative to that Michael Bay tripe that is what Call of Duty has become.

And to be truly honest, I'd probably take fighting the Marines in the first Half-Life game or the Elites in Halo: CE over just about everything the first person shooter genre has done since 2002. That's even including HL2.

Also, Forge was basically Bungie applying Garry's Mod to the Halo series and adding a record mode.
I agree, but COD is really just a pretty shooting gallery in singleplayer and in multiplayer it's not much better. Halo has solid mechanics, they just aren't original in any way, nor are they any significant amount better developed or imagined than other FPSes.
They were quite original and groundbreaking at the time (as evidenced by every shooter taking up the limited weapons and recharging health innovations of the game) and by themselves those innovations don't add to much (look at CoD). But by simply giving the enemy recharging shields and decent AI, even today that still puts the game above the vast majority of shooters that (still) do practically nothing with their AI.
derivative garbage not worthy of a tenth the fame and fortune the series has amassed.
I wonder if it had not become so popular then people would look back on it as a gem.
No, they just wouldn't feel the need to stand on their soapbox and educate people about how bad it actually was at every opportunity. :P

Also not sure where the CoD comparisons came from, given the first game was released two years after Halo.
Halo sucks ass nomatter which way you look at it.
Also not sure where the CoD comparisons came from, given the first game was released two years after Halo.
I compared them because Halo was once the FPS flagship and now its Call of Duty. I'd much prefer if Halo were still the flagship because at least you have to use your brain when playing it. And secondly, it's not ridiculous pro-American propaganda.
Guys, stop using ideas or facts or reasoning to make your point, clearly this is the way it's done:

Halo sucks ass nomatter which way you look at it.
Why thank you Sheepo. Smileyface.
I compared them because Halo was once the FPS flagship and now its Call of Duty. I'd much prefer if Halo were still the flagship because at least you have to use your brain when playing it. And secondly, it's not ridiculous pro-American propaganda.

Can someone please tell me what "flagship" means and why it ****ing matters in any conceivable way?

Also, the bad guy in MW2 was an american army general (spoilers lol). Just in case anyone forgot since the last time this was brought up.
Popular series; the 'Call of Duty games.' I guess that train of thought matters if you really care about popular stuff (as most people do?). shrugs
Yeah, but even so it has a pretty "YAY MILITARY AND WARS AND SHOOTING" sort of attitude to it. Also, every time we talk about COD as a series I get closer and closer to caving in and buying the original for $20 even though that's a ridiculous ****ing price for a game.
The first two COD games were absolutely fantastic in their time and I'd still recommend playing them if you haven't.

Can someone please tell me what "flagship" means and why it ****ing matters in any conceivable way?
"Flagship" just means it's whatever shooter/series the vast, moneyladen cesspool of casual filth that we call the console FPS market is most enamored with at any given time. Consequently, it doesn't matter in any conceivable way except for its depressingly huge influence on future games that are intended to be commercial successes.
Halo is a wonderful game and I love all of them (aside from Wars) and the multiplayer is absolutely fantastic in all of them.

it was original for its time and an innovator of what has become the traditional console FPS, though of course we all loved timesplitters

don't bring goldeneye into this discussion though, I actually played it again a few weeks ago and WOW it has not aged well at all, also the n64 controller sucks
"Flagship" just means it's whatever shooter/series the vast, moneyladen cesspool of casual filth that we call the console FPS market is most enamored with at any given time. Consequently, it doesn't matter in any conceivable way except for its depressingly huge influence on future games that are intended to be commercial successes.
Exactly. That's why I'd prefer Halo having more influence on future games than CoD.
Yeah I wish Halo were more influential too. Where all the space marine games at?
Please tell me this is punishable by death:
don't bring goldeneye into this discussion though, I actually played it again a few weeks ago and WOW it has not aged well at all, also the n64 controller sucks
You know, there are kind of less 'Space Marine' FPS games these days. Time was you were either a relatively contemporary soldier or a space marine. A lot of what tries to be edgy is simply just the two things mashed into each other. Either way, the FPS can't seem to look much further than Aliens for its inspiration. Sci-fi shooters these days are less 'Space Marines' than they are 'Marines... In Space!'
He's saying if you don't give a shit, ignore it.

I realize that but it just looked like he went on a drug induced rant about it.

Also, haters of the N64 controller go home. :frown:
The first two COD games were absolutely fantastic in their time and I'd still recommend playing them if you haven't.

Agreed. Totally recommended.

Also the only sensible thing I can see them doing is adding graphical improvements, online co-op, and the plethora of multiplayer components that Reach had (though since its not Bungie I doubt this would happen). So long as they dont mess with the actual gameplay or level design (yes, even the backtracking) I'd be okay with it.
If they don't bring back plasma bolts freezing your camera, I'm gonna be pissed.
Chiming in here on the 64 controller hate. The joystick ****ing sucked. The Playstation's joystick controller came out only a year after the N64 was released and was infinitely superior.

As for Halo remake: lol halo.
I had a friend who swears the n64 controller is the best. But he has 3 hands.

Here's what I think

The N64 controller is really the only one that was designed with my needs in mind.
Chiming in here on the 64 controller hate. The joystick ****ing sucked. The Playstation's joystick controller came out only a year after the N64 was released and was infinitely superior.

Yeah, with it's HUGE dead zone and analogue stick in the wrong place ;) The only problem with the N64 pad was the analogue sticks wore out too quickly - control wise it was clearly superior. The N64 stick is actually more precise and has less of a dead zone than the analogue sticks on the 360, which in turn poos on the DS3 sticks, which are crap.
I didnt find the n64 controller that bad,but yeah ps1 controller was better
The first two COD games were absolutely fantastic in their time and I'd still recommend playing them if you haven't.

Oh, I have. The original is one of my favorite FPS, I just lost it a while back. But I'm too stingy to pay $20 for a ten year old game.

As for the N64, my hand has become perfectly molded to the controller. It's awesome in its freakiness.
The N64 controller is really the only one that was designed with my needs in mind.

The N64 stick is actually more precise and has less of a dead zone than the analogue sticks on the 360
More precise? You must be kidding. The 360 pad is the most sensitive stick I've ever used. (I haven't tried the SixAxis yet)

Also, the dead zone on the 360 pad is entirely software. When you use it on a PC the dead zone isn't big enough, so if you can't adjust it in-game, it might always go to one side or the other.

It's easy to test what I'm saying; just hook a 360 controller up to a PC and calibrate it through Windows control panel. You'll see where the stick comes to rest isn't exactly on center. Other analog sticks - for example the PS1, PS2, Xbox [1], and GameCube controller are the same. (the few that I've tried). I haven't hooked a n64 controller up to my PC yet. However, I preferred using the 360 pad for the few times I've messed around with a n64 Emulator.
Yeah, with it's HUGE dead zone and analogue stick in the wrong place ;) The only problem with the N64 pad was the analogue sticks wore out too quickly - control wise it was clearly superior. The N64 stick is actually more precise and has less of a dead zone than the analogue sticks on the 360, which in turn poos on the DS3 sticks, which are crap.

Take off the nostalgia glasses please. It was good for its time, better than dual 1 maybe, but sixaxis rules it. The 360 is also the worst made controller this gen, sticky buttons, horrible d pad and not great stick