Halo has GONE GOLD and gues the release date?

I can see no news of any press release on any of the sites posted. Someone care to give me a direct link or paste?
Well nobody is taking my side on this, which is fine. There is still no reasonable argument FOR piracy that I've yet seen. If you think a product is overpriced, don't buy it. If you think it's a bad game, don't buy it. But downloading it makes you a common thief--end of story.

It's no different from shoplifting. Again, if you see a stereo system that you wouldn't ordinarily buy--do you walk into the store and just take it? Would you if you could get away with it?

All of your justifying is a joke. But hey, whatever helps you sleep at night.
Originally posted by zdub
I'll buy HL2. i'll Aquire Halo. I refuse to pay for it after making us wait an extra two years for it

Yeah, that will REALLY make them want to make something for PC earlier, duuh.

Originally posted by Garp
Well nobody is taking my side on this, which is fine. There is still no reasonable argument FOR piracy that I've yet seen. If you think a product is overpriced, don't buy it. If you think it's a bad game, don't buy it. But downloading it makes you a common thief--end of story.

It's no different from shoplifting. Again, if you see a stereo system that you wouldn't ordinarily buy--do you walk into the store and just take it? Would you if you could get away with it?

All of your justifying is a joke. But hey, whatever helps you sleep at night.

I'll admit, if the developer won't release a demo, I'll warez it. once I've played enough to know if its worthy, I'll buy the game. otherwise

game is either a winner or a loser....HL, JK2, UT2k3, GTA3 = Winners!
Unreal2, BF1942....LOSERS...

The Thing...Undecided, I bought it, played about half way though, and I have yet to finish it....Its on of those things I should have waited until it was 20$ I think..
Originally posted by Garp
Well nobody is taking my side on this, which is fine. There is still no reasonable argument FOR piracy that I've yet seen. If you think a product is overpriced, don't buy it. If you think it's a bad game, don't buy it. But downloading it makes you a common thief--end of story.

It's no different from shoplifting. Again, if you see a stereo system that you wouldn't ordinarily buy--do you walk into the store and just take it? Would you if you could get away with it?

All of your justifying is a joke. But hey, whatever helps you sleep at night.

I agree with you completely but this is not the thread to discuss it in.
I just want to say this. There is no way I will have enough money to buy both of them at the same time, and if I don't get a game right away, chances are I never will get it. That means that Halo won't be on my shopping list.

As far as downloading goes, if a game isn't worth paying for, it usually isn't worth downloading. But like someone else said, if HL2 were to come out on IRC first, I'd get it to try it out ahead of time even though I'm going to buy it. I don't see anything wrong with that.

On another note, Halo wouldn't be worth downloading anyways because you almost always can't play multiplayer with pirated copies and that's the only thing worth playing on Halo, imo.

P.S. I rarely heard someone bitch about piracy unless they're ****in loaded and don't have to worry about it.
Well it is actually a bit different since when you physically steal something from the shop, the shop loses the money they spent on the game to buy it from the publisher. If you download it from somewhere, there is no physical loss. This is of course assuming that you would not buy the game anyway. And this is just an academical argument, I'm not advocating piracy.

And to to take it all into some kind of gray zone; laws aside, is it wrong to download and play a game while waiting for it to be delivered to you?
Originally posted by Kuros

And to to take it all into some kind of gray zone, is it wrong to download and play a game while waiting for it to be delivered to you?

Morally wrong? I don't think so. Fine line.
once you payed for it, its yours...so I don't see that as wrong, provided you payed for it already.
Originally posted by Feath
I remember reading that Valve is handling all of the PR of Half-Life 2. I would expect any announcement to come from them.

Thing is, when a game goes "gold" it's because the developer (Valve) sends a "Release Candidate" CD to the publisher (Vivendi), then the Publisher approves it for duplication and distribution, and declares it "Gold".

Gold is in the eye of the publisher. that's why the publisher makes the announcement.

look at that old gamespot article about the final hours of HL1. you can read about them getting the e-mail.