Hamas Mickey Mouse replaced by Nahoul the killer bee

My solution:

Infantry and Tanks. A whole lot of them, and we can arrest anyone who resists. Then tear gas the entire building, that'll make everybdy come out, and we can finally go ahead with my final solution: a ton of good ol' Composition 4.

After that, we can suck all their oil from their lands. Freedom comes at a price, you know, and liberators do have to be paid!


So that's your solution to people hating you, blow their shit up? Why do you think they hate you in the first place?

If people hate you, the freedom lovin' liberatin' good guy, then it's a mental problem of theirs and you need to blow some shit up to make a point/knock some sense into their heads.
If people hate you, the freedom lovin' liberatin' good guy, then it's a mental problem of theirs and you need to blow some shit up to make a point/knock some sense into their heads.
Freedom's a biatch.
In Iraq, anyway.
Latest by Nahoul the killer bee: [YOUTUBE]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tneSE6nJiLw[/YOUTUBE]
Hey, met too!

Wait.......... EDIT nvm it was a book.
wait, that old man's wife was a mouse...and his brother or sister was a bee.

so, the quran condones bestiality?
but two guys can kiss on TV.:rolleyes: go figure

yes god forbid the gheys kiss on tv when red blooded americans cant see boobies on the tube ..it's an american right, just like guns, beer, gus named bubba and tractor pulls ..yeehaw /me fires gun in air

thoses videos are FUBAR. Religion of Peace my ass!

yes, a poor imitation of mickey mouse typifies all 1 billion muslims ..it's like saying that since christian fundamentalists want gays dead it must mean all christians are that way ...right?
I'm really getting sick of muslim extremists.

Religious tolerance goes out the window when you are stoning women for adultery and for showing their face :|
yes god forbid the gheys kiss on tv when red blooded americans cant see boobies on the tube ..it's an american right, just like guns, beer, gus named bubba and tractor pulls ..yeehaw /me fires gun in air

yes, a poor imitation of mickey mouse typifies all 1 billion muslims ..it's like saying that since christian fundamentalists want gays dead it must mean all christians are that way ...right?

Those ROP'er are f*cking crazy.
To be honest, I'm really getting sick of muslims. Maybe not all, just all the ones on the news:p

Religious tolerance goes out the window when you are stoning women for adultery and for showing their face :|

generalizations ftl ...my secretary is sunni muslim, she does not cover her face and has never been stoned to death, or at least not that I know of ...
Oh yeah, Al Jazeera covers Nahoul:

generalizations ftl ...my secretary is sunni muslim, she does not cover her face and has never been stoned to death, or at least not that I know of ...

I didn't word that well, edited.
yes god forbid the gheys kiss on tv when red blooded americans cant see boobies on the tube ..it's an american right, just like guns, beer, gus named bubba and tractor pulls ..yeehaw /me fires gun in air

Yes, because they have tractor pulls in New York City.

my secretary is sunni muslim, she does not cover her face and has never been stoned to death, or at least not that I know of ...

You should ask her. Don't tell me you're passing this chance up.
More from Nahoul, this time you can see him abuse animals at Gaza Zoo: [YOUTUBE]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ExZVimjST8[/YOUTUBE]
More from Nahoul, this time you can see him abuse animals at Gaza Zoo: [YOUTUBE]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ExZVimjST8[/YOUTUBE]

holy hell.

Maybe it will start a Hamas vs. PETA war. Perhaps they can blow each other up.
Yes, because they have tractor pulls in New York City.

that doesnt even make sense ..he said "2 men can kiss on tv" ...what does that have to do with New York?

You should ask her. Don't tell me you're passing this chance up.

well ....I dont have to ask her ..because she's not .....dead? :O

Cptstern said:
.... has never been stoned to death ..

last I checked there's no coming back from the dead ..so I probably couldnt talk to her had she been stoned to ...death
The show should be shut down. I don't mean violently, but it needs to stop because it can and probably will cause violence. Other shows might cause violence if they are perceived the wrong way, but this one downright encourages it.
You know what would be funny? If the Israelis countered this by launching missiles at them every day, but there's a twist: Instead of an explosive payload, it contains paint! Imagine the hilarity that would ensue when they show up for work in the morning and the building is suddenly blue and white! :D
This is getting spicy now! The PETA are involved:
International animal rights group PETA on Wednesday condemned a “shocking and sickening” video clip produced by a Hamas-run TV station and posted on the YouTube Web site that showed the abuse of animals.

PETA said it would protest to the TV station over the program that showed animals being abused as part of a program aimed at teaching children not to hurt animals.

The clip prompted scores of complaints from viewers worldwide.

“It’s shocking and sickening,” said Martin Mersereau, manager of the domestic animal abuse division of U.S.-based People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA). Mersereau said PETA was drafting a letter of protest to the Gaza-based Al-Aqsa television station.

Let's hope that these nice people at Hamas will listen to these nice people at PETA.
More on Nahoul. Last time he went to the zoo to abuse animals. This is earlier in the segment featuring some nice talk about how Al-Aksa will be liberated with blood, prayer, pain, etc...

En....joy I guess?
WTF !!?!! THATS KIDS TV? i am interested in knowing what the adult tv is like.
he said "2 men can kiss on tv" ...what does that have to do with New York?

What do tractor pulls have to do with part of a countries choice for accent?

When will I hit puberty?

How come all the boys at the Bathroom stall call me, "Banana Dick"?

When will I drive?

Is jesus real?

DOES BUSH HAVE A BWAIN?! /retardeddrool

ISWAM IS WEAL!!1 /dies
What do tractor pulls have to do with part of a countries choice for accent?

When will I hit puberty?

How come all the boys at the Bathroom stall call me, "Banana Dick"?

When will I drive?

Is jesus real?

DOES BUSH HAVE A BWAIN?! /retardeddrool

ISWAM IS WEAL!!1 /dies

you know if not for the fact that some of those sentences are captitalised I'd have taken you seriously ...mostly because what you wrote above makes about as much sense as what you usually post; undecipherable gibberish ...at least this time I'm content in the fact that I actually get what you're trying to say ...however nonsensical it is

kirovman: that video is awesome :LOL:
mostly because what you wrote above makes about as much sense as what you usually post ... I'm content in the fact that I actually get what you're trying to say

You've always known! :thumbs:
Nahoul's gone through puberty ... I think Fatah Al-Islam wasn't affiliated with Al-Qaeda. I just think the thing was a plot to completely severe any connection the Palestinian Fatah had with the outside world.

A nice two pronged attack while they entertained the western media with, "Lebanon fights Al-Qaeda linked militants."
their methods far more subtle than using a giant bee/mouse to get your message across

the delivery of the message might be different but the message is the same

Yanno' - if rockets were raining down indiscriminately in residential areas, in lets say New Jersey, in a Canadian American war, I might sign a few artillery shells too with a select choice of words for those Canadian bastards.

Theres a pretty big difference between writing a few stupid messages, most likely voluntary, on an artillery shell, during a time of war none the less, than being blatantly indoctrinated by a children's show, thats endorsed by the state and publicly broadcast for all who have a TV to watch. Which sole intent and purpose is to breed a new generation of extremist to fight Allahs Holy War against the infidels.

Also who's to say Muslim children weren't singing rockets, IEDs, and suicide bombs?
How come the videos don't load at all. Must be banned in my country?

Their desperation to force this bull into the minds of children is pathetic.
So tell me, do they actually think that this will somehow MAKE terrorists?

NOTE: is this from Iran? cause Iranians love freedom and will never fall for this shit. The mighty Persian race never is that dumb.