Handgun and SMG WIPs for Neotokyo


Jul 1, 2003
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OK Here's what I've been working on lately...

Semi-auto pistol:



This is close to being done. Thats a laser sight on the front end in case your wondering.

Submachine gun:


This one is inspired from a gun from Shirow's Intron Depot 3. The magazine configuration is weird I know - blame it on Shirow ;). It's missing sights right now obviously...

C&C wanted!!!

Before I go here's some concept art Retleks is currently working on:

On another note - a good modeler just joined up with us so expect to see more than programmer art from our mod very soon :).
very nice plz model that ninja person, and put ur weap models on the internet to download...PLZ THAT IS SOO SWEET!

just a suggestion, have u seen 'Tomb Raider' the pistol she uses, its a double barrel (.50 cal?maybe) plz make it to replace the deagle (for Counter-Strike) thanx ...
and what program do u use to model these weaps? any info on it would be great...thanx
I can't make *anything* with wings 3d, how long did those take?

I really need some tutorials for it :(


That really rocks, the ninja, the pistol, the smg, ALL OF THEM!!!
now is this model for cs or another mod and is this program made for making weapon models that work?
Why dont you tell everyone what make the gun is, and model, ya know? USP right?
and who is this retlek person im intrested in his ninja model...
hey that ninja reminds me of mgs any link ?
nice concept sketch and nice guns only one thing id like to ask you is dont u find the exporting a problem coz doenst have a good 3dsmax exporter if it did i would use it.?
@ nw909: Hmm I'll have to time it some time. I often work on and off on a model for short periods over a day. I would think there'd be at least a few tutorials around for wings have - you done these: http://www.wings3d.com/tutorials.php ? But any way, use what feels right for you. Thanks for the complements :)

@ Sgt.Igneri: Because it's not really any make or model. I used the P2000 for references though, so close guess :).

@ wbcheater: These are for a mod called Neotokyo for HL2. What's CS? ;)

@mindless_moder: Maybe there's a link ;). I export from wings as 3ds format, just rename the objects from the default primitive names. I've never had problem except for normals. I redo the normals in Max.
Originally posted by Grey
@mindless_moder: Maybe there's a link ;). I export from wings as 3ds format, just rename the objects from the default primitive names. I've never had problem except for normals. I redo the normals in Max. [/B]

have u not noticed the change in the amount of polys?
Could be one of two issues mindless_moder.

First - Maybe your exporting with sub-division, when you go to export try going to the advanced menu (the little box right next to it on the menu) and make sure sub-division steps is zero(mine defaults there).

2nd - Max counts the mesh triangulated, try this - when in wings select all your faces, right click>tesselate>triangulate. This will tell you how many triangles the model is, which is important because HL2 deals in triangles. Then cntrl-z to undo and keep working :).
I dig your style Grey. Do those renders come from Max? Or does that free modeler render out those awesome pics too?
hey grey were u the guy who i asked how u got brazil ?
well if u are im sorry i acussed u of being a warezer and i think it s a very noble thing ur doing using the modeling of wings and only using max to render.
cs is a mod for HL1 its call counter-strike, cs for short.never heard of a Neotokyo, its a mod for a game that isnt even out yet?
EDITED BY STONE: (because Mindless was confuzzled and his answer was really bad)

No its for HL2, (hence the HL2.NET) THIS IS NOT A HL forum it's a HL2 Forum, all mods are for HL2, not for HL1
Heh heh, I would of liked to see what mindless said...
lol what has wbcheater been up to if he has 64 posts and doesn't know what game thse forums are for? :eek:

ontopic: looking nice as always grey, i might have some qualms with the smg magazine tho (it just can't work like that!! can it?)
Thanks alfuh :)

I won't take responsibility for the weapon design, I decided to model a gun like that after seeing a sexy anime chick holding one in Masamune Shirow's Intron Depot 3 Ballastics :). I think it'd have to have an innovative feeding system thats for sure. Let's just assume it does ;).
Maybe it flips the bullets before it fires, hmm it would have to fire slow then...
Maybe - a 90 degree turn isn't that much. Besides this is anime, things just work some times hehe.
Yeah, nothing in anime has to work, just say its like in the year 3024 and nobody will be alive then :D
Well, doesn't the P90 have the clip up along the top of the gun? How does that feeder work?
Neotokyo takes place in 2028 so it should be semi-realistic :)

Looks like at the end of the magazine it turns 90 degrees :) I wonder how it feeds the last few rounds in, I would think that'd be a problem.

Nice, so your gun would kinda load it and spin it like the P90?

That rocks.
Well yeah I guess it could hehe. I think that part would be internal rather than on the magazine like the P90.
grey as always these models are awesome. The only question i had regarding the model has already been answered (how the bullets feed from a rear loading magazine) The design of the rear loading gun is awesome. i just have this bad ass mental image of how that would be animated. the models are flawless per usual. Keep us posed on the progression.
Damn, thanks Hiro :). Well I was gonna wait to post these (I like to double my model pimps per thread hehe) but I think I'm at 99% done on this one...



Thats a square 'reflex' sight on the gun. Ohh and it's at 2200 triangles even.
eee carIst (say it phonetically) the nly thing i would say is maybe a beefier scope. Unless it's like a LCD screen, imaging scope then it's perfect.
I wanna have that guns children, man its sexy.

Wings3d is too hard for me and its a free program :x
Awww.... that's awesome. Great work Grey. Keep it up!

My only concern might be the shading in this part here:
Thanks again guys :)

Chimera, I know I know. Makes me wanna cry sometimes hehe. When I export from wings I have to do the normals in Max. When I'm lazy I just use the smooth command like you see there. If I do any more work in wings to the model I'd have to redo all the normals so I figure I'd do it the easy way until I know for sure the model is done with a capital D.
So you have to work in two phases then eh? Basic desgin in Wings, then move to fix stuff in Max. Boy, that would drive me nuts having to switch back and forth.
Well I don't really go back and forth tho. It's more of a stream wings>max. Though sometimes I bring the object in early to see how it looks rendered to make sure I'm on the right track. The one program that I use thats I go back and forth between it and max is Ultimate Unwrap3d. Which also f**ks up the normals.

Any way it's worth the few minutes it takes to import, I can model ALOT faster in wings.