handheld wars

which new age handheld?

  • Total voters


Jan 15, 2004
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so what do you think? PSP or nintendo DS?

^^^nintendo DS info

^^^^metroid prime DS trailer

^^^^^PSP info

^^^^^PSP video (big)

if u want more info b4 u choose which ones better, try typing it in www.google.com or searching 4 vids on www.fileplanet.com

and dont immediately go for ur fave, i thought DS owned but after watching the psp video, and watching a spiderman trailer on one in the vid, im not too sure. PSP is PS2 graphics, btw.
Not that I'm going to buy either but; PSP is better because:

1)Looks better
2)It's more powerfull by a long way, by the sound of it, it's as powerfull as a PS2.

The DS has some gimmicks but the PSP will counter them with addons, except the dual screen of course.

The only reason's to buy the DS are if you a)hate sony b)like Nintendo better c)Want a specific game(s) d)the DS is much cheaper.
There's really no doubt that the PSP is better than the Dual Screen in pretty much every way. It has a much better design, much better graphics, better multiplayer options, and better multimedia options. The Dual Screen seems to be just an updated Gameboy Advance with an extra screen, which BTW doesn't seem like it's being put to good use in any of the launch games.

So while the PSP is obviously better, there comes the question of price and support. Sega came out with the Game Gear awhile back, and in many ways it's still better than the Gameboy Advance (screen is much better, very sharp colors, not sure technically but it destroys the Gameboy Color). Gameboy has never been a very quality product, but people choose to buy into it because of precedence. We'll have to see how this works out.

And BTW - I don't believe the PSP is as strong as PS2. It looks more on the level of Dreamcast. Just compare Metal Gear Acid to Metal Gear Solid 2 and you'll see what I mean.
smwScott said:
And BTW - I don't believe the PSP is as strong as PS2. It looks more on the level of Dreamcast. Just compare Metal Gear Acid to Metal Gear Solid 2 and you'll see what I mean.

the demo says it has 30 mb storage and 4 mb ram if i remember correctly. its not as powerful by far, but the graphics look amazing for the games (but they were being shown from a PC!!! such cheating!).

The DS looks crap in comparison (i saw the psp vid play a spiderman 2 trailer and it looked amazing, if not slightly blurred). The PSP graphics are far better in comparison, but (and this is true) the gameplay in the DS games own those in psp oput of the ones shown. i mean, metroid prime and super mario 64 compared to tiger woods golf and street basketball... plus the DS has a touchscreen.

tbh, i much prefer nintendo to sony, but the psp looks much better. Mind you- the DS is for games, but the PSP is for lots of things and is far more expensive, so DS will probally get better games.
Nintendo themselves said that the DS wasn't supposed to be in competition with the PSP, it was going to be their "third pillar" or whatever. The real competition will be when they bring out the GBA2, which is going to be a direct competitor to the PSP.

Just to answer the question though I'm not really too sure.

For example the PSP IMO looks better than the DS. Sleeker and really well designed, however the DS design isn't finalized yet(they're still tweaking it), but I doubt nintendo will change the look too much.

However by all reports the PSP will have a short battery life(2.5 hours for watching movies and 10 hours if you're playing games) so basically 2.5 - 10 hours for a set of batteries, whereas the DS is going to be in the same region as the GBA.

Graphics, the PSP beats the DS, but I won't judge completely until I've seen the games running on the PSP, someone on another forum posted that most of the movies for PSP games were running off of a PS2.

Features wise they are more or less quite similar, except obviously the PSP has multimedia capabilities, whereas the DS has the backwards compatability with the GBA games.

As for the multiplayer, I'm not too sure about the PSP, but the DS has wi-fi, you'll be able to play with other players with wireless lan(up to 16 players within 100 feet or something) plus you'll be able to play over the internet. In the multiplayer aspect I believe they are very similar though the PSP maybe better, I'm not sure about this.

The price, well the DS is supposed to be cheaper than the PSP, by about $50-100 although we'll have to wait and see on the actual prices since I'm just going off of the popular rumours here.

One of the most important things though has to be software. To be honest with you I'm very intrigued by Metal Gear Solid, but then there's Metroid and super mario 64
I already liked the DS better... but over the internet?! Wow... :)
smwScott said:
And BTW - I don't believe the PSP is as strong as PS2. It looks more on the level of Dreamcast. Just compare Metal Gear Acid to Metal Gear Solid 2 and you'll see what I mean.

Believe it or not the dreamcast is more powerfull than the PS2.

The psp's graphics probably arn't as good as the PS2 because of it's lack of memory. If I had the specification for the PSP then I would know for sure, it probably has a slower clocked cpu/gpu but one that is more advanced.

It's not clear yet how much of the PS2 game will make it into the PSP version, with Sony having just released this brief statement on the game: "Gran Turismo Mobile, coming from the Gran Turismo series, is the PSP version of the real driving simulator. Its product quality is not at all inferior to its PS2 counterpart and is compatible to competition over wireless LAN, a unique feature to the PSP."

So what there saying is PSP will have wireless networking and the version of GT2 for the psp will be the same as the PS2 version quality wise.
The DS.

Nintendo are the best company, bar none, for making fun, simple games that are all about gameplay - the type of games that are ideal for mobile gaming.

Who cares which machine has better specs? When it comes down to which handheld will offer the most enjoyment I doubt the PSP will be able to compete (not saying that it won't sell well - but we all know sales don't equal quality .... look at the PS2 :/ )

(The PSP will have the true sequal to Rez coming - now that is very tempting :) altho I can already feel the Tombraider games coming /o\) )
on all comparisons...the psp wins hands down. the only way i see the DS being better, is the price. :eek:
x84D80Yx said:
on all comparisons...the psp wins hands down. the only way i see the DS being better, is the price. :eek:

and games :)
x84D80Yx said:
on all comparisons...the psp wins hands down. the only way i see the DS being better, is the price. :eek:

well I consider battery life to be very important for a handheld console. By all reports the battery life of the PSP is pretty crappy. That said I won't make any final judgements until I've either tested out both handhelds myself(or bought them both if I can afford it). Since somethings may still be subject to change.
PSP vs DS on IGN

saw this article just now and thought it was perfect for this discussion. One thing I've realised though, is I don't care anymore who wins. Finally there is some decent competition for Nintendo in the handheld market and this can only be a good thing for us the consumer. There are exciting times ahead :cheers:
Teh PSP by far...just look...it has Gran Turismo 4,wipeout!,MGS!, Tony Hawks underground 2!, Need for Speed underground 2 on it! and many more :D

You can also by addons for it like speakers, mouse keyboard etc

Anyone know how much it is ?, and when it is released ?
simmo said:
Teh PSP by far...just look...it has Gran Turismo 4,wipeout!,MGS!, Tony Hawks underground 2!, Need for Speed underground 2 on it! and many more :D

tbh, only MGS really intrests me out of that list, and its probally a remake or a sequel or something. the only thing i saw on the video was snake cicking a guy. But then again ALL the DS games intrest me, such as 3D metroid: hunters, super mario 64 WITH 3 freinds and SMB, which is side scrolling but 3D. Nintendo own at making games, and most of thos for the psp will probally come round to the DS sometime or another.
I'm gonna have a look at the DS now, I havent seen it yet so I cant say PSP 0wnz yet :) lol

edit: well, people may say DS has many more things and lengendary games such as mario, but the psp appeals to me more, because of the adult games it has if you know what I mean

edit2: whoa, metroid on the DS looks out of this world! :thumbs:
Unless I am mistaken, all the footage of PSP games shown so far are from an emulator, not actually running on the PSP.

And just FYI:
Metal Gear: Acid is not an actual Metal Gear game but some turn-based card game.
CheapAssStrat said:
Unless I am mistaken, all the footage of PSP games shown so far are from an emulator, not actually running on the PSP.

Yeah I know about that, I'm expecting the graphics to be turned down a little

edit: I wasnt lookin forward to MGS: Acid that much anyway :p, I am GT4 tho, and maybe NFSU 2
Almost all non PC games are ran on a emulator to show off the graphics, doesn't anyone find the fact the Halo 2 screenshots are ultra high rez and have AA/AF on a bit suspicious?
The MGS game isn't a remake or a sequel (unfortunately), it's a spinoff. It's called Metal Gear Acid and it's a RPG kind of game. It's not a traditional RPG though, it's pretty unique and hard to explain, read one of the previews.

Anyway, I predict the PSP will win because of mass market appeal. It's a system that can play DVDs, music, and games probably for around $300 (just a guess). I mean, games are only one of the reasons to buy a PSP, and on top of that it looks to have much better games than the DS.
smwScott said:
.... and on top of that it looks to have much better games than the DS.

How dare you!!!

Wait untill the next Zelda/Advance Wars/Mario Kart game comes out - then we'll see. You can take Tony Hawks and Gran Turismo (good handheld game?? I don't think so :/ ) and stick em up your bum.

Handheld games have to be pretty simple, fun and have top gameplay - none of which usually appear on a Sony console.

//end fanboy mode
I can't vote on this, because to me the DS has better gameplay and some better games, but the PSP has WAY better features. To me both are equally good. But if I were to buy one of them i'd probably go with the PSP.
tbh, who actually wants to watch a DVD on a tiny little screen with shit sound and all blurry action anyway? on the psp demo, they showed spiderman 2 being run on a psp (the trailer, anyway). it looked great but was all blurred and must have been running at like 10-30 fps. its a good idea, but unless you go on regular trips to scotland you could just buy a DVD player for about a sixth of the price.

i like the idea you can link it up to the PC tho, thats very cool, but tbh i dont think it will actually give you much. The DS can actually connect to the internet (though i dont know wether through a PC or wireless) so that gives it more possibilities Theres allready an instant messenger).

out of the 2 i would say DS, because although the psp can do nifty things, in the end it all boild down to games- and the psp game look really amazing graphics but average gameplay, so the DS owns them in that respect. (and 2 was always better than 1, anyway).

and just think- this DS is a third pillar. if the DS can compete with PSP on its own, even though its not supposed to, imagine what the GBA3 will be capable of... :LOL:
I can get games like Need for Speed: High Stakes and Tomb Raider running on my XDA2 already (400mhz/128mb ram) which boasts GPRS connectivity to the net from anywhere theres a mobile signal (o2) - NFS supports multiplayer gaming over IP, Bluetooth and Wireless (802.11b) - Shame I dont know anyone else with an XDA2 - but the single player is excellent anyway!


Doubles up as a mobile fone too, which is nice... :p
sony is lying out the ass! i haven't trusted sony since PS2.... remember the ball room "demo" for the unvieling of PS2? and they claimed that the PS2 could push 120,000,000 polys when it can only push 20,000,000 polys.... and then they say PSP can push 30,000,000 polys?!?!? hell. no. i have to actually see a game running on PSP hardware, at least the DS can run software as of now.... and batterylife is going to be all of 20 minutes of the PSP if it can do anything sony claims it can... my money is on the DS