MGS3 trailer... looks ****ing class

Splinter Cell you could definitly "remove" a guard in your way, but you had to be damn careful about it, and even then you may end up on the wrong end of his gun.
MGS3 seems to be taking a much sneakier approach that previous installments, relying upon the player's ability to hide.
They're pretty much different genres of game, so you can't compare them. MGS has stealth elements, yes, but on the whole it's more of an action game. The SC genre is true stealth - you can't easily win in large firefights, plus you'd never see Sam Fisher leaping onto a mounted machine gun and start blasting away at guards.
Abom said:
They're pretty much different genres of game, so you can't compare them. MGS has stealth elements, yes, but on the whole it's more of an action game. The SC genre is true stealth - you can't easily win in large firefights, plus you'd never see Sam Fisher leaping onto a mounted machine gun and start blasting away at guards.

but thats the thing about MGS- the character is so damn cool! youd never see sam fisher jump on to a machine gun, but i wouldnt want to anyway because imo hes a pussy (lol). The point about MGS is that it can be an action game and it can be a stealth game, and im not going to say "its all about how you play it"... because its not, its all about what difficulty you set it to and the choices you make when starting a game.

But seriosly solid snake is one of the best characters. he's not invincible like many other characters, as you see his weak points and you see his faults, he is just as bulky and clumsy as the next guy- but its all about the will to fight on and his sheer determination to come out on top. He'll do at anything to complete his goal, and he's allways talking about how he's "only alive on the battlefeild..." but as we see in MGS 1 and 2, he does have a heart under that tough exterior, and it doesnt take much to chip his image away.
Have you ever seen Sam Fisher do a back flip off of a missle? Huh? :D
TTS doesn't count, it wasn't a real MGS game. It was made by an entirely different company, directed by a different guy, and produced by Nintendo. The game was much easier and not nearly as polished as the main games in the series. The director just thought making Snake do incredibly unrealistic stunts would be cool, but it turned out really gay and took away from his character. The closest thing Snake ever does to one of those fancy Matrix-like tricks in the real games is when he jumps out of the way before a tank shell blows up right next to him. They also FUBAR'd the voice work and changed the script up too much.

Do not base any of your impressions of MGS on TTS, base them on MGS1 and MGS2.
TTS was a great game anyway, so I don't see where the problem is. Hell the cutscenes were way over the top but I don't think they ruined anything (like the game is so super realistic to begin with :D). I'll point out that while the entire game was done by Silicon Knights in Canada it was under very heavy supervision from Konami.
Difficulty may be easier but it doesn't seem that far off. The enemy AI is most definitly an improvement, but now taking guards down is much easier so its a tradeoff. Could always put it on Hard anyway.
I've played through both multiple times (especially the orignal) and only noticed maybe a handful of script changes too. TTS wasn't perfect but neither was the original (its showing its age really badly).
At the time the original pretty much was perfect. But TTS didn't bring anything new to the series, it just plopped MGS1's environment into MGS2's engine and pretty much called it a day. The end result was a product of less quality than either of the other two. At the time MGS1's graphics were unbelievable, as was MGS2 (still is impressive), and as is MGS3 - TTS was just sorta average. Also, me and my friends actually started laughing out loud when we say snake jump in the air, land on a missle, push off, pull out a stinger, and fire it at a hind in midair - thats just uncalled for. I mean my god, it's like a f**king parody. It really degrades the characters to see stupid crap like that in an otherwise serious game (and to think they thought it looked cool is just sad).

It was still a decent game, but it's also the worst MGS game.
i love MGS:TS, i think its an awsome game. the origonal is hardly dated, this was just addidng some polish and bringing it up to standard. I saw nothing wrong with TS, in fact all i saw was improvements. the game is fun, its slick, its better than the origonal, as it is newer but true to the game at the same time.

IMO, TS is class. the demo-clips own!!! seeing snake doing a backflip off a missile didnt ruin it for me- in fact, i thought that was ****ing kewl!! the thing about the cutscenes was nothing individual, each cutscene on its own was amazing. the thing is when you put the cutscenes together, you realise snakes doing a backflip every ten secons and you start to think they over did it. That kindof takes the point out of what i said earlier, with snakle being not much different from others and all... but oh well, its still class to watch.

in terms of gameplay, MGS:TS is the best out there. i mean, it mixes the origonal's superb enviroments with the second's superb engine, which makes the game superb for me. As a MGS fan, i was not dissapointed in the slightest by MGS:TS. What would have been bad is if they ruined it by adding new guns and new stuff into the game that wasnt in either of the MGS games, because then it would have taken the point out of a remake and made the game too different- and what i wanted was nastalgia, and they gave me that.
However if you look at it from the perspective of someone who never played MGS though its an incredible game.
Pressure said:
Crab you have the worst tastes, you don't know what a good game is :).

Nooooo you dont know what a good game is poopie face!!!


Basically i dont jump on the bandwagon and say a game is good unless i enjoy it.

if you feel the need to act cool and like what your freinds like thats fine with me...... :thumbs:
I liked how they gave it a sub title, so it made the game feel more like a chapter in a larger story (i.e. the MGS story). Like a first chapter in a book.

Chapter 1: The Twin Snakes
Chapter 2: Sons Of Liberty
Chapter 3: Snake Eater

[EDIT]:Also, did anyone notice in the trailer, if said "Meme, Gene, Scene"? And then it spelt out MGS with the initials of those words. The theme of The Twin Snakes was how Genes influenced what people are like; the theme of Sons Of Liberty was how Memes (i.e. ideas and thoughts not contained within genes) influenced what people were like, and now Snake Eater's theme is how the environment influences what people are like. /me huggles Hideo Kojima

Dammit, I want this game now.
crabcakes66 said:
Nooooo you dont know what a good game is poopie face!!!


Basically i dont jump on the bandwagon and say a game is good unless i enjoy it.

if you feel the need to act cool and like what your freinds like thats fine with me...... :thumbs:

Actually all games I've played I found on my own. I didn't join the "gaming community" until recently. None of my friends in real life really like to play video games so they aren't a good source for anything thats good. Also I tend to dislike most of the games people find "awesome" cause to me the gameplay totally sucks. I buy games cause I like em not because everyone else is. Remember what happens when you "assume", you make an ass out of you and me (I guess, but thats how the saying goes lol :)). Go back to palyin your crappy games lol :thumbs:.