Happy Birthday Senturu, Happy Birthday Senturu.


Mar 30, 2006
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Happy Birthday to Senturuuuuuuuuuu, Happy birthday to you.

Wish him in your native tongue, even if it means you have to use google translator.
Happy birthday Adrik, I hope many people ruin your birthday photos by making faces in the background! Payback's a bitch I hear.
i hope your birthday sucks
go to hell

I hereby officially greet you with my customized message, as follows:

Happy Birthday Adrik
Oh ok, make everyone but me a birthday thread?

Happy Birthday Dude!

Sorry man... I got out of the birthday thread business. Saddens me too much. All the cool people who don't get birthday threads and shit because people don't remember or didn't glance at the birthday list that day or whatever the ****.

So I just stopped, among other reasons.

But if a thread is made, I'll participate.
It's Kouler's birthday too. My BFF Russian Waifu etc. Happy Birthday though, Adrik. You've always looked like someone I used to study with two years ago. I often pondered that if somehow, you were some mystically opulent being who had split his form into Predominant Adriks across all major continents and countries.

But then I got high.
It's Kouler's birthday too. My BFF Russian Waifu etc. Happy Birthday though, Adrik. You've always looked like someone I used to study with two years ago. I often pondered that if somehow, you were some mystically opulent being who had split his form into Predominant Adriks across all major continents and countries.

But then I got high.

How come Kouler never posts anymore? Happy Birthday Kouler!
He's either locked in spiritual combat with the thousands of demons that surround us everyday, shredding the **** out on guitar and/or hanging out with me and our band of merry stoners IRL.
Happy birthday, Dave Grohl. I got you a present, it's called the 90s. Have fun not sucking again.

I often pondered that if somehow, you were some mystically opulent being who had split his form into Predominant Adriks across all major continents and countries.

But then I got high.
In that order?
Breithlá shona duit

Also last year ya'll forgot my birthday :(
I'm not as interesting as hallowe'en, I know
Wassat? I was too busy licking this table to notice.

No seriously thanks gaiz~

I'm in disney world right now. Yeah thats right. DIS-A-KNEE. world. You're all invited. (provided you pay for your own flight, park ticket, and probably pay for a few of my meals, it's my birthday not yours)

Alright I'll just leave you with this:

Oh, it's you. Guy guy. With the stuff on the wall. And looks like a guy guy.

Yeah, hi dude and happy birthday.