He was named after a rather admiral kurdish rebel force as far as I know. Long live the peshmerga!
I don't know about you guys but I thought he was a mean bitter prick, and didn't much care for him at all.

**** you Pesmerga, you deserve the ban.

He was a rude asshole, don't feel the need to hold him in such high regard simply because of his post count.

Develop a sense of humor or get the **** out crybabies.
I remember one time he started to act really nice to everyone. Like, awkwardly nice. He was just doing it for fun because it annoyed all the people who knew him, but that was shortly before he was banned, so apparently he didn't keep it up. Or maybe it just pissed off Pi.
Oh gods yes, that was really creepy.
I miss Pes, though I don't remember him all that well. Happy birthday wherever you are!
He was really nice in steam chat - then again he was banned for long periods since I've been here.

I lol'd at the quote of him Willie has on his steam profile about RJMC though.
He was really nice in steam chat - then again he was banned for long periods since I've been here.

I lol'd at the quote of him Willie has on his steam profile about RJMC though.
You mean this?

Pesh: RJMC struts the line between intentional and actual stupidity. He blurs the **** out of that line. He wipes his ass shit all over it and then mop it around with his hands. Then he takes his tongue and draw heiroglyphics in the shit covered floor, puking whenever his body is repulsed by the taste of his foul vile shit.

His puke adds some liquidity to the shit floor, making it like a slip and slide of shit and piss and puke. He holds competitions to see who can slide the furthest across it. The line, by now, is totally hidden under the 6 feet of human output. The line has actually taken up residence elsewhere. He is now in a land undefined by boundaries or sides. Laws of the universe have evacuated this condemned scrape of Earth. He is a king among the land and the slip and slide contestants who inhabit it. The shit and puke and piss and blood pile up endlessly. Some are buried underneath it in their sleep.

Generations go by. Children learn of RJMC and how he started the whole mess by shitting on a line. They praise him as a god as they wipe shit across their cheeks before battle with the anti-shitinites. The non-believers who think there's a land beyond their own, where trees and rivers dot the landscape, free of shit. The war leaves non unscathed. Eventually, RJMC descends from his Pillar of Shit, high above the shit clouds and shit sky. He makes a proclamation to the war torn inhabitants: "What the crap happened here?" and with that, the people look at themselves, ashamed.

They agree to live in harmony; the anti-shitinites continue their search for the promised land, and the shitinites stay out of their business. No one really knows if the anti-shitinites ever made it to the Promised Land.
Gotta admit, was pretty funny.

Man, I remember Pesh's existance, but I have a complete blank spot when it comes to figuring out what he was actually like.
I remember one time he started to act really nice to everyone. Like, awkwardly nice. He was just doing it for fun because it annoyed all the people who knew him, but that was shortly before he was banned, so apparently he didn't keep it up. Or maybe it just pissed off Pi.
That was so awesome.
Sorry, I usually like something more than being a dickhead to be the basis for comedy.

Well I guess you're just super lame.
Jeez, I don't know. I remember him, but he didn't seem like much of a dick. No one on this forum really seems like a dick to me. Happy birthday anyway.
Hey guys remember his alt account that was greaaat.
He didn't afraid of anything... anything at all.