happy hiroshima day

its also the birthday of the father of otacon!
(if you played metal gear....)
Speaking of Metal Gear birthdays - 18 days until Hideo Kojima's Birthday
Oh my, a thread about Hiroshima turns into a thread about Metal Gear Solid and Hideo Kojima, I love you guys.
Internet, tour guide, etc.

Anyway, here's to another hundred years of M-M-M-MONSTER KILLS... KILLS... KILLS...
I woudn't really call it a happy Hiroshima day, but whatever.
Happy mass murder day everyone. Pick up an AK47 and spread the love.
Interesting fact: you know more people died in the firebombing of Tokyo than in either Hiroshima or Nagasaki?
After 2 hours of bombardment, Tokyo was engulfed in a firestorm. The fires were so hot they would ignite the clothing on individuals as they were fleeing. Many women were wearing what were called 'air-raid turbans' around their heads, and the heat would ignite those turbans like a wick on a candle. ... The death toll was at least 80,000, and perhaps exceeded 100,000.[4] This may have been the most devastating single raid ever carried out by aircraft in any war including the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, and the firebombing of Dresden.
LoL, America mainly targeted those two cities because the japanese military hardware factories were built there. Plus, Hiroshima and Nagasaki were countryside cities. There weren't even that much civilians.

If they were targeting innocent civilians, they would have dropped the a-bombs on Tokyo, Osaka or even Okinawa.

Even though, dropping an a-bomb is totally not justified, was the japanese government run by bunch of arrogant retards? "Let's not surrender after they first dropped A-bomb. Maybe they will stop dropping the bomb if we act like it never happened".

First bomb drops. "We rather die than surrender to our enemy. Banzai!"

Second bomb drops. "OMFG they pwnz0red us! ROFLCOPTER! We surrender!"

I guess their arrogant samurai-spirits was crushed after the second A-bombing.

My point? Japanese government partially takes the blame for the second A-bomb drop. They could have totally prevented that from happening if they surrendered after the first A-bomb.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Horrible atomic bombing, yeah whatever. Just say that to the people who got massacred/experimented on by the Imperial Japanses Army.
Hey guys, we totally f*cked up those Japanese back in WWII. High fives all around!
If they were targeting innocent civilians, they would have dropped the a-bombs on Tokyo, Osaka or even Okinawa.
Did you even read the post above yours? They DID target innocent civilians and they cooked 100,000 in Tokyo. But it was the same on all sides so screw it. The only inconsistency was that the losers got tried for it.
So they were targeting civilians in february, but suddenly changed their morals around a few months later when they unnecessarily nuked another city?

You don't qualify to use the word 'genius' sarcastically. Read the article in the OP's post and educate yourself.
Hiroshima and Nagasaki were chosen because those cities were undamaged by bombings and the US wanted to see the effect of an atomic bomb on such a city.
They did bombed tokyo but got no response from the japanese government. Then they decided to drop A-bomb in two cities where military factories laid. They could have dropped A-bomb on Tokyo if they wanted to end war and killing more innocents at the same time. The population in both Hiroshima and Nagasaki are nothing compared to population in Tokyo even after Tokyo received bunch of bombardment.

and educate yourself.
You should do the same thing, Mr. smartass.:O
They did bombed tokyo but got no response from the japanese government.
You clearly still haven't read the initial article. The Japanese tried to talk about surrender numerous times in the preceding months. The one thing Japan didn't want to do as a condition of surrender was give up the institution of emperor, which is why they claimed that an unconditional surrender, which is what the US said it wanted, was not going to be acceptable.

Guess what the US let them do after the war ended? That's right - let them retain the institution of emperor.

Interestingly, that was probably a bad idea. The reason MacArthur and co didn't want to remove the emperor was that they thought that the country might descend into rioting and disorder, plus they wanted to keep Japan as a strong outpost against the spread of communism. So they never tried the emperor for war crimes, and instead concocted this story about a military conspiracy leading the country down the route of war, duping the emperor and the populace.

The result of that was that Japan as a whole was never encouraged to believe they were wrongdoers in WW2, like in Harbin (Unit 731) or at Nanking. That and the fact that the US wanted the military data gleaned from the experiments at Harbin for themselves.

So@Numbers - you could say that the reason the Japanese army was not properly held to account for its experiments/massacres, was fear of communism. Interesting stuff.

edited: to add wiki links. Read the Unit 731 stuff if you've never heard of it. Kurayzehh.
Basically, Lavaisse just cockslapped you into oblivion with pure logic.

-Angry Lawyer
I saw on the history channel that the US was actually going to use *bat bombs* on Japan, but that idea was replaced by the a-bomb. The bat bomb is basically a bomb loaded with bats that have little plastic explosives tied to them. Once the bats were unloaded from the bomb shell they would take shelter under the many roof tops. Japanes buildings were mainly made of wood and paper... so 30 minutes later the city would be set ablaze. It has been tested and was suprisingly successful.

Edit: Just wanted to add, I saw some argument about Tokyo being bombed. The first succesful bomb raid was called the Doolittle raid. And yes, it scared the shit out of the Japs because they thought Tokyo was invinsible. Thx you bye bye
I saw on the history channel that the US was actually going to use *bat bombs* on Japan, but that idea was replaced by the a-bomb. The bat bomb is basically a bomb loaded with bats that have little plastic explosives tied to them. Once the bats were unloaded from the bomb shell they would take shelter under the many roof tops. Japanes buildings were mainly made of wood and paper... so 30 minutes later the city would be set ablaze. It has been tested and was suprisingly successful.
I heard about this on the comedy quiz show QI, here in the UK. According to the facts they used on there, the bats flew to nearby friendly buildings in testing and blew them up!
Japan wasn't just looking to preserve the emperor as a figurehead: the government wanted to essentially save itself. It wanted to protect the old order, the same militaristic system that had led to the war that had just been fought.

Besides, the Japanese had no intention to surrender immediately, or unconditionally even if the Imperial House was preserved. The Foreign Minister of Japan Togo made this clear in his communications to the Japanese ambassador to the USSR Naotake Sato, which were happily intercepted and code broken by our "Magic" guys. They were holding out for the Russians to get there in the hopes that they would be the 'third party' in negotiations.

Sato had questioned whether the government and the military were willing to surrender, since it had been the Japanese official policy to fight to the death. Togo responded that the "directing powers" had approved, but he didn't know whether the military and government would follow. Sato also wanted concrete terms that he could go to the Russians with. In Togo's response he said, quoted: "Please bear particularly in mind, however, that we are not seeking the Russians' mediation for anything like an unconditional surrender." They were playing on what they believed was American war weariness.

Japan was far from being ready to surrender, they were gearing up for a full scale invasion that many of them honestly believed they could repel. The atom bombs were devastating, but their primary job was shock and awe. They ended the war right then and the world is a better place because of it.
As far as I understand the US nuked Japan because they did not want to share it with the Russians. And seeing how eastern Europe and North Korea turned out, it might have been, and this is from a purely historical perspective, more humane. That said as far as I am concerned Truman, Le May were pretty terrible people.
Pretty ****ed up and depressing moment in our history. That's probably the same weapon that's going to kill this entire civilization one day.
Pretty ****ed up and depressing moment in our history. That's probably the same weapon that's going to kill this entire civilization one day.

Don't be stupid.. They have bigger and more powerful bombs then the A-Bomb, these days! :D
Im sure Nuke's have been significantly upgraded since the days of late WW2, not in terns of technology but rather in how more power they are today. I can imagine the new or future one's have one so powerful that it can literally disintegrate a land mass and plunding them into the ocean, rather than just flattening a city.

Who knows, that's just my guess.

Anyway, regarding Otacon...
How could someone be so cool yet pee their pants visible to everyone? :D