Happy Thanksgiving to us USA'ns

i know its a bit late and all...but didn't see this thread before.
anyway its the thought that counts ;)

Happy Thanksgiving to the Americans!
they should have faught harder.

my oven caught on fire and the fire deparment came... gg.

happy thanks giving.
wrong thread

umm..thanksgiving all!

yeah thats better!

EDIT: Does anyone else see "Yay! http://6charness.com" when they hover their mouse over the title to get the preview? I think it's a conspiracy!
Glirk Dient said:
EDIT: Does anyone else see "Yay! http://6charness.com" when they hover their mouse over the title to get the preview? I think it's a conspiracy!
Yea, it's cuz he used my nifty patented method to get around the six char limit
Man, that was so good. I got angry because my stomach said "NO MORE" and my mouth was like "OHHH MY GOSHHHHHH, EAT THIS NOW".
Ikerous said:
Yea, it's cuz he used my nifty patented method to get around the six char limit

I must figure this out. I can use my uber 1337 h4xor skills all the CS kiddies have! That...or sit there and think for a long long time...
Glirk Dient said:
I must figure this out. I can use my uber 1337 h4xor skills all the CS kiddies have! That...or sit there and think for a long long time...
Or just quote his post and see what he did.. either way

Let's see. First off I went to my girl's little family Thanksgiving, there was 4 turkey's. Then, later on, my mumma called me over to celebrate it with my relatives and there was 3 turkey's. I feel like I'm gonna need to exercise and long and hard for couple weeks.
Ikerous said:
Yea, it's cuz he used my nifty patented method to get around the six char limit

Which I promptly stole. :naughty:
Oh god, I'm eating leftovers right now and it is simply delicious. Orgy in my mouth all over again.
DeusExMachinia said:
Oh god, I'm eating leftovers right now and it is simply delicious. Orgy in my mouth all over again.

I wish I had left overs. Eating at other peoples houses sucks because they keep all the food. :(