Hardest/Coolest Boss in a game


Sep 27, 2003
Reaction score
I was reading that Far Cry Ending thread and i was thinking about some of the coolest/hardest bosses in a game and i immediately thought of Ganon from Zelda: Ocarina of Time. He was awesome, biggest baddest boss ever. But i didn't really find him that hard though. Still he's probably the hardest

But the coolest boss would have to be in Beyond Good & Evil, not the way the boss looked himself but the whole enviroment and what you had to do during the last section of fighting with him, how the controls get swapped. That was awesome, i'd say more about him but i dont wanna spoil it for people who haven't played it. It's one of the coolest adventure games i've ever played.

So, what/who do you reckon is the hardest/coolest boss in a game?
ok... here goes....

OBVIOSLY there will be major spoilers for any game mentioned!!!

Metroid prime
Class. Defeat the giant flying thingy (forgot her name) then a tunnel opens. Go down and face one of the scariest, f***ing huge bosses youve ever met, and spend ages trying to blast it to smithereens. ALL the bosses in MP are sublime, and the whole game feels perfect.

When u r escaping from the flood in Halo that gave me a complete feeling of overwhelment. so many creatures to kill, such little chance of doing so. And just when u think it couldnt possibly get any worse, u r plunged into ur own ship, caught inbetween a war being fought by your two greatest enemies. And then... when you escape in the warthog, i put my music on SO loud and enjoyed every moment of it. The REAL thrill was when i watched my ride out of here get blasted to smithereens, and then i really and trully did feel like the awesome master cheif i was meant to be when against all odds i crashed through the defences and smashed my way to victory. Everything got blown up and i was left with hardly any health, but i did it first time and i was left with an incredible feeling in my heart.

Serios sam and painkiller (maybe?)
I havent played anything other than the demo for each of theese games, but seeing as the first boss on each was HUMONGOUS, im guessing that the final boss would be rather special.

Zelda games
I bought the wind waker for my GC, having never played a zelda game, and hating the little green freak, but i must say the game turned me into a beliver (along with SSBM and SC2, both gr8 beat em ups w/ adult link). Although the final boss for WW is pathetically easy, i found it really fun, as it is actually a FIGHT not a "hide behind walls then jump out firing grenades and a oversised man" kindof fight.
And as for OOT, i played the bonus disk with it on, and i found it really good. I have got to the sand temple, but everytime i want to play it i need to drag my GC down to the living room, as it requires a 60hz tv. This means i can hardly ever be bothered to play it and i usually play about 2 hours every 2 months.

Syphon filter
This boss isnt big. hell, hes not even got loads of health. but thats the point! This is the one of the only games i have ever played where the final boss doesnt take 5,000 direct rocket shells in the head to die. One well placed gas grenade, and its all over.

Call of duty
no boss, just the incredible feeling that you are killing the naxis. you are winning. This is it- hours of gameplay have led up to this point! nothing can stop me now! mother russia will prevail! W00T I H4VE F1N1SH3D THE G4M3 I R 1337 etc.

Max payne 2
Took me litterally AGES how to figure out how to do this one. Its not the best boss ive ever played, but its definately very good.

and all the other games i havent completed etc.

:O gosh, HL wasnt in there- maybe its because you fight a big baby which has almost infinite heath with no climatic point at all, his head just opens and you get a lousy talk with the G-man.
It has to be Unreal Tournament

Xan Kreigor was soooo damn cool, and I loved that level too :)
Max Payne (not MP2). It was so cool when the antenna fell over the helicopter, and the bitch in it burned!! Max Payne had quite a killer graphics then. Plus the game engine was though as steel! You could actually jump down from the top of the 100 floor building.
Rayman Revolution, cool final boss and damn hard. I almost threw the PS2 out of the damn window when I died the 36 time... AARGH!

Jak & Daxter, cool final boss, not challenging but he was very fun to battle against.

Devil May Cry, almost every boss in this game are cool, but my favourite is probably "Griffon". Not so challenging when playing on Easy or Normal, but very cool when you see him for the first time.
Hardest would have to go to Metal Gear Solid 2 on Extreme or European Extreme - the Metal Gear Rexes just keep bloody coming!

Most interesting boss fight, and one I never get tired of is Deus Ex's (not Invisible War, let's get that out of the way now). The open-endedness of it is just fantastic. Dammit I love that game so much.
wheel of time...the legion in level two...

hard to beat, in one of the scariest levels of the games (MUCH better if you read book one) facing a monster 10x your size comprised of many old bodies....that thing was nuts!
Devil May Cry:all are cool and hard to beat!!

Metal Gear(1):the rex is hard to defeat

Serius Sam:the game is not too good, but the final boss is extremely huge and dificult!!!
when I see it I just say "OH MY MOTHERF**KER GOD!!!"

and more games but I dont remenber now
Saga Frontier: Red's Quest -- boss was, you guessed it, Shuzer

I never beat it, but.. you get the idea why he's the coolest boss ever
Final Fantasy7 : Sephroth or something. Such a cool name.
MGS1 : Raven (Though he was'nt an end boss but a boss still)
Halo and Call of Duty: Not bosses as such but brilliant conculsions. Storming the Reichstag I felt like a hero, desperately trying to get up those steps as the place exploded all around me..and then seeing my buddy wave the flag. God bless America...I mean, uh mother Russia. Halo, too was brilliant fun (try slapping some music on and replaying the level...especially since I made the ship with half a second to spare. Talk about relief.

Syphon Filter 2 (all of the bosses). One has a dead man's switch so you have to avoid him until the bomb is defused. then a quick headshot...one is in the dark, can kill you in one shot and has to be snuck around so you can shoot out the lights and come up behind him...and the final boss, in his suit of armour that can't be penetrated. Working that one out was a real challenge. Special mention must go to Stevens...not a boss as such, you point a gun at his head and execute him in your own time as he tries to convince you to join him. "You don't know how high this goes, Logan. I know things...if you kill me, we all go down."

Manhunt: I won't give away anything (I only know this because I read a review..which gave away the entire plot).

GTA3: Okay, sorta a boss. Good end mission though.

Metal Gear Solid: Erm, all of them.

Broken Sword 3: Okay, it was funny. A giant dagon that you have to run towards it avoiding fireballs...and stab it. It would be so crap it's funny, if it were crapper.

Raven Shield: An evil Nazi who isn't tough or hard at all. It's just he's in a building with about 60 bodyguards...
Sulkdodds said:
Raven Shield: An evil Nazi who isn't tough or hard at all. It's just he's in a building with about 60 bodyguards...

Hahah, that level was so tense. I had 3 teams go in, and by about half way, all of them were dead apart from one recon guy (ie. bad accuracy, among other things) - I managed to take him through the whole thing and kill all the remaining terrorists. So damn scary, but great fun :D
the Nihlinath (if thats how you spell it) did it for me, big and ugly, and pretty difficult for a few try's. till you figure it out. Half Life had the mother of all boses.. and not to mention the headcrab boss thingy, uck.
I've got to give props to Banjo Kazooie.
You play through the entire thing and get to the final boss and its a....board game?!? Not only that but its an entertaining one.
Not to say you never get to give the witch a good beating. :D
Though it wasn't the final boss, the chase scene in NOLF2 was one of the best things in a game ever: A tricycle, a huge Scotsman, a tommy gun, and a midget mime on a unicycle. It doesn't get any better than that.
Actually the ending for Blue Shift was really awesome too..
Y'know, where you're trying to activate the damn teleporter, and all the scientists go through it at the last moment, and then it's like 20 seconds away from being your turn, and ohhhh shit, you hear a soldier welding a door!! I ****ing shit myself!! Then the mad dash you make for the teleporter, bullet firing, under attack from like 4 different directions, pretty insane! Not as good as Halo, but well thought out.

hey, i think the spoiler tags work!
Hmmmm.... Let's see.

Hardest Boss ever(also very cool)= Sephiroth from Kingdom Hearts

You didn't have to beat him to finish the game, it was optional. However he was hard as f**k! I even used a gameshark to put on god mode, give my self the ultimate weapon, and have the best spells, and I STILL DIED!

Coolest ending level= Halo

Coolest weapon= Squalls Gunblade in FF8/ Cloud's Buster Blade/ BFG 9000/ Crowbar/ Flower Power Fireballs
Heh, Anthraxxx, Sephiroth was only hard until you figured out how to beat him. After that, I whored him until all my characters reached level 100. :p

And I'm glad someone mentioned Kingdom Hearts, because I think the coolest villain ever is Ansem. Not difficult by any means, but he was just damn cool. Cool voice (Billy Zane), strange motivation (he had an unhealthy obsession with darkness), and extremely memorable lines. Plus, the guy turns into a gigantic, organic demon ship-thing at the end of the game.

Above that, though, I can't think of any villain who actually succeeded as far as he did. A lot of villains spend their time working towards getting a certain event to happen; Ansem had already unleashed the Heartless, and consumed the hearts of many people and their worlds by the time you faced him.
One of the hardest I ever fought was the Level 7 (Mercury) boss in Descent. He seemed to absorb all my missiles and still be going strong.

Then the first time I did kill it, I didn't get out the mine in time and had to fight him all over again :(

The picture brought back memories of the old git - oh, and that lava claimed me several times, too :frown:
LittleB, are you insane? The ending for Blue Shift was rubbish.
Monkey Island.The Zombie Demon Ghost Pirate LeChuck.God what a character and boss.
And of course the fourth one is a boss and a puzzle **Spoiler**
fighting the giant statue in the mechanical lava fueled monkey in a bout of Monkey Combat

The Multi-eyed Wheel of Fate god thing. I wouldn't say he's the hardest, but you just get some satisfaction from killing him, espically if you can follow the storyline, all the strings he's been pulling. Not to forget you're killing a god. That's great too.
well, I'm surprised no ones mentioned the first Garg encounter....that was damn satisfying. :D

and let us not forget, the first time you meet a Sathanas Juggernaught in Freespace 2...

oh MAN when that thing came through I near passed out!
The Sathanas are amazing, especially when you start discovering how many of them there were. It was also cool when you first encounter a Ravana. God, I'm going to install that game right now. System Shock 2 had really good boss area, that was on wierd place. But let's not forget the Tentacle in Half-Life- it's not really a 'boss' in the sense that we normally think of, but it was just so awesome.
The most badass bosses that come to mind are Doku, Murai, Alma, and the Holy Emperor from Ninja Gaiden...that game had some really wicked bosses. Oh hell, I love them all. However, though he's not 'technically' a boss since you don't fight him, the coolest boss due to his self-infatuation, intelligence, arrogant attitude, and lack of human emotion - 343 Guilty Spark.
ComradeBadger said:
It has to be Unreal Tournament

Xan Kreigor was soooo damn cool, and I loved that level too :)

Damn straight, that was the most frustrating/tense boss I've ever faced in any game ever, even worse than final Sephiroth, who was just a bastard. I was tieing him the whole way, relying on the rocket launcher to his feet to slowly windle down his HP, I felt like my balls were in my throat everytime the rocket reloading and he got in a shot >_<

I beat him by one point, I was seriously about to DIE if I didn't beat him on that last tied point, especially with mum behind me going "Calm down, it's just a game!" and I'm like "**** OFF BITCH!!!!!!111".

Then I'm like "Oh shit, and that was normal mode..."

I never stopped using my Xan Kreagor skin after that :)

Sephiroth wins though, just for sheer badass-ness. Also the big robot boss somewhere in the middle of FF7 with the two claws, I had a real hard time with him first time through, died atleast 10 times before -barely- defeating him.

Favourite weapons, since someone mentioned it - Pretty much everything in Halo, cause no matter what weapon I'm carrying it's always fun to whack the baby covenent in the back of the skull :) (although it is especially entertaining with the rocket launcher or shotgun... or the covenant pistol cause he just punches em...)
coolest boss?

pretty much every single damn one in Clive Barker's Undying!!
especially Lizbeth, and Ambrose

if you havent played this game, DO SO NOW!
I really liked Gom at the end of Dungeon Siege
Anyone with me? No? I'll get my coat
Does anybody remember the 2nd last level in Operation Flashpoint? Where you have to take out 2 (or 3) Scud's and you're facing the whole renegade Russian army? That was one of the hardest things i've played but it felt so damn good to do it. You can either go straight in, full assault, facing about 8 tanks and tons and tons of infantry (Suicide) or you can scale the mountain behind it, take out 3 squads of russians, nick an RPG and snipe the Scud's from atop the mountain, Awesome awesome level. That game is so cool
Hey! I remmeber Escape From Monkey Island's boss! That was amazing! Especially since to beat it you have to use a fighting technique you have honed and practiced to perfection through the last third of the game.

In fact, I think that's the only game where to continue you actually have to actively learn a rigidly defined fighting technique.
two bosses I ever was like "oooh snaaap" at:

the butcher from diablo 1 (to be fair I was probably, what, 8 at the time?)
the crazy giant from painkiller demo. I was like.... daaaaaaaamn.
Bad^Hat said:
Damn straight, that was the most frustrating/tense boss I've ever faced in any game ever, even worse than final Sephiroth, who was just a bastard. I was tieing him the whole way, relying on the rocket launcher to his feet to slowly windle down his HP, I felt like my balls were in my throat everytime the rocket reloading and he got in a shot >_<

I beat him by one point, I was seriously about to DIE if I didn't beat him on that last tied point, especially with mum behind me going "Calm down, it's just a game!" and I'm like "**** OFF BITCH!!!!!!111".

Then I'm like "Oh shit, and that was normal mode..."

I never stopped using my Xan Kreagor skin after that :)

Sephiroth wins though, just for sheer badass-ness. Also the big robot boss somewhere in the middle of FF7 with the two claws, I had a real hard time with him first time through, died atleast 10 times before -barely- defeating him.

Oh man, I recognize all of that!!

I beat xan on experienced though.................... :p Flak at his feet and around corners is the way to go!

Me and a friend took turns playing (took turns screaming our lungs out and tearing our hair when we lost too, as well).
Needless to say, I was the one to beat that mother****er!! Felt great!

I love FF7 as well, played through it more times than what's probably healthy, but I've only really beaten it once...
Here's the story:

I had FF7 for the Playstation and never beat Sephiroth.
I loose my FF7 discs, so a few years later I feel the urge again and download a psxROM so I can play on my computer instead.

I FINALLY beat Sephiroth, and one minute into the final movie (the credits, if you will), my computer locks up................................. :x

Haven't played it since.
OMG i completely forgot about devil may cry. That last boss OWNS so badly when your character gets really pissed off... i LOVED that ending! very hard on normal, impossible on hard...
What about Malek from Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic? If you didn't have 1 special force ability to use, you would be TOTALLY screwed
Sparta said:
Does anybody remember the 2nd last level in Operation Flashpoint? Where you have to take out 2 (or 3) Scud's and you're facing the whole renegade Russian army? That was one of the hardest things i've played but it felt so damn good to do it. You can either go straight in, full assault, facing about 8 tanks and tons and tons of infantry (Suicide) or you can scale the mountain behind it, take out 3 squads of russians, nick an RPG and snipe the Scud's from atop the mountain, Awesome awesome level. That game is so cool

Mm, that was when you had to steal the documents from the mansion, right?
Yeah, that was such a bastard to do. I sniped out the perimeter fence patrols, nuked the tank, legged it down the left hand side mountains, then slowly crept up to the small woods near the mansion. Hidden under a fallen tree I picked off all 25 men, destroyed the 2 or 3 other BMPs, got the documents and absolutely ran like hell back to extraction with 2 tanks on my heel. So damn tense, and so damn rewarding.