Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows SPOILER THREAD

Anyone else notice how Deathly Hallows takes place in the year 1997?

Harry's parents died on 31st October 1981. And Harry was one at the time. He was probably born in 1980, so if he is 17 in book 7...
Anyone else notice how Harry plays Dudleys Playstation in 1994 (Goblet of Fire).

How do you know?
Because they don't see muggles as a threat and therefore wouldn't have invented a spell to defend such against such a thing. I know it's magic and all but I don't see a wizard being able to generate the same force as nuke. And then since the wizards don't think them being struck by such a force is impossible, they wouldn't devise a way to defend against it.

There is one thing I though while reading the series. Wizards don't seem to be progressing at all. The only research into magic in the series that I can recall is Fred and George's inventions and Snape creating the Levi Corpus spell. I can recall no mention of wizards actually creating anything useful in recent times. Wizard society is stagnating!
Ahhh, just finished the book, must admit it was a better ending than random stuff I've been hearing, ironically nothing I assumed to be spoilers was true. Hell even stuff I read in the non-spoiler thread, was bs to me. It wasn't anti-climactic, the 'blah years later' didn't suck (well it wasn't very original but it didn't suck imo). It was a good story, seeing how it's the only one I own, I might grab the set of 6 off ebay :)
I was in middle school and didn't read all that much (or as engaged-ly) as I do now than when the earlier books came out. It'll be sweeeet!