Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows SPOILER THREAD

It didn't have to be him, man. Not after what happened to George. Why couldn't it have been Percy? It would have had a slightly humorous irony that he finally wised up and then died.

There were a lot of deaths in the book, the Weasly death should be a character the reader actually has a connection to otherwise there is no point.
Finished the book last night with the biggest hangover ever. I remember a mate's girlfriend telling me loads of spoilers at the party but I forgot them all by the time I started reading. :D
Hugely shocked at Lupin and Fred's deaths as they were two of my absolute favourite characters. I also love the redemption of Draco, Narcissa, Dudley, Petunia and Snape. I knew that there would be some "There is always worse evil in the world" message. But it didn't feel cliched at all.

The only real clich? was the Epilogue. I wanted the last line of the last chapter to be "And for the first time in his life, it felt as if a massive pressure had been lifted from his forehead, and he knew that his scar would never trouble him again." Then I wanted an in-depth bullet-pointed epilogue giving closure to all characters.
Something like "George continued his practical joke work and opened a successful chain of shops in Diagon Alley, Hogsmeade etc." and who the new Minister and Headmaster was.

Also, JK said we'd learn how people turn to ghosts in this book... but we didn't. Shame.
I was under the impression this thread was made, by me, for discussion of the book's plot once people had finished reading it. I didn't realise people would be looking at it having not finished the book judging by discussions on previous pages.

Sorry though. I feel awful now. :eek: :(
If anyone had the book spoiled because they opened this thread, they kinda deserve it. :|

Overall I liked the book, it had quite a few nice touches like the 'wandless' in Diagon Alley, the wandlore bits, and such. The only thing I really didn't much like was Snape's feeble death and then Harry uncovering everything all in one constant stream of snape-memory.
I finished the book in 14 hours, I tried to stay the hell away from the internet until I finished it.
Did it say what Dudley saw/remembered when the dementors attacked him? JK also said we'd find out about that back before the sixth book came out :/
Did it say what Dudley saw/remembered when the dementors attacked him? JK also said we'd find out about that back before the sixth book came out :/

No it didn't, but Dudley did show some emotions other than fear, hunger, and anger.
Yeah, I've read about up to where the motorcycle is attacked, and was wondering if maybe the fat man showed up anywhere else in the book.
Yeah, I've read about up to where the motorcycle is attacked, and was wondering if maybe the fat man showed up anywhere else in the book.

No, he doesn't show up at all in the rest of the book.
I would like to see someone beat my time at reading the book though. I prefer not to be the best at what I am good at. There should always be someone better.
His pig tail maybe? Probably not though, he had that removed.
Now that I've finished the book (a few hours ago), I can talk about it freely

I thought the end when he went to "heaven" to talk to Dumbledor was pretty good, and the way Voldmort died was a good way. But when I heard about it, I thought it would suck. It was a good book overall, and my favorite, I think. The Epilogue was pretty good, and kinda funny too.
You lie. I've reread the epilogue again, and it still sucks. But I guess maybe JK might release like an actual proper epilogue - or at least a 'lol dis what happens to people after bok 7' - in her Charity book thingy that she said she might do. Which she probably will, I think.

There are still plot points I was still unsure about. The Deathly Hallows... pretty sure it was all a myth. But what powers did the Elder Wand actually have? Wtf was with the invisibility cloak? Did the stone of ressurection only work for Harry or something? I want to know if the Room of Requirement is still okays. And what the heck really happened with all that Voldemorte soul thing? What happened to "One cannot live while the other survives"? What was with the blood thing? Stupid Dumbledore, giving me plot exposition I didn't understand. :(
Thanks for the link, nofx. Awesome. And spoilerific, of course.

I want encyclopedia NOW! :O
So I just finished it...

I thought it was a great book, even though it got a little confusing in the end. Overall a good book, and I'm sad that there won't be any more novels.

I was a little suprised that it only was 600 pages, the two previous books were much longer.
harry potter just isnt my thing.

Im into westerns, war and violent books.
And another thing: Wasn't it Harry destiny to kill Voldemort (or vice versa)?

Then howcome Voldemort got killed by a wand, after having cast the killing spell himself?

(from wiki)
In an interview[5] and online chat,[6][7][2] Rowling gave additional information on the futures of the main characters that she chose not to include in the epilogue of the book.

* Harry became an Auror and later head of the Aurors' department, under Kingsley's recommendation. He owns Sirius's bike, which Arthur Weasley fixed up for him. He is married to Ginny. Due to the destruction of the piece of Voldemort's soul that resided in him, Harry can no longer speak Parseltongue.
* Ron worked for a time with George at their store, Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes, and eventually became an Auror. He is married to Hermione.
* Hermione began a career at the Ministry of Magic at the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, and greatly improved life for house-elves and their ilk, but later moved to the Department of Magical Law Enforcement; she helped ensure the eradication of oppressive, pro-pureblood laws. She is married to Ron. She also found her parents and undid the memory modification she put upon them.
* Luna Lovegood has become a naturalist of sorts, searching the world for odd and unique creatures. She eventually marries Rolf, the grandson of Newt Scamander.[7]
* Ginny Weasley played for the Holyhead Harpies Quidditch team for a while and then left behind her athletic career for marriage and family with Harry. She eventually becomes the lead Quidditch correspondent for the Daily Prophet.
* George Weasley names his first child Fred.
* Slytherin had become more diluted, and is no longer the pureblood bastion it once was. Nevertheless, its dark reputation lingers.
* Voldemort's jinx on the Defence Against the Dark Arts position was broken with his death. The subject has a permanent new, unnamed teacher, while Harry comes to lecture the class every so often.
* Firenze was welcomed back into the herd, as the rest of the herd was forced to acknowledge that Firenze’s "pro-human leanings were not shameful, but honourable".
* Kingsley Shacklebolt permanently became Minister of Magic, with Percy working under him as a high official.
* Azkaban no longer uses Dementors, as part of the changes introduced by Kingsley. As a result, England is now a "much sunnier place."
* Dolores Umbridge was arrested, interrogated and imprisoned for crimes against Muggleborns.
* The Quibbler has returned to its usual condition of "advanced lunacy", and is appreciated for its unintentional humour.
The prophecy didn't say that specifically, I think it was more along the lines of one of them being destined to die. Neither can live while the other one survives.
^I see.

I actually cheered for Voldemort. Would've been fun if he took over the muggle world.

It's a shame that Grindelwald doesn't put up with a fight when Voldemort find him. It would've been epic with a battle between the Old and the New Dark Lord. Quote understandable though, as Grindenwald must be old as hell.
^I see.

I actually cheered for Voldemort. Would've been fun if he took over the muggle world.

It's a shame that Grindelwald doesn't put up with a fight when Voldemort find him. It would've been epic with a battle between the Old and the New Dark Lord. Quote understandable though, as Grindenwald must be old as hell.

Not really. Grindelwald only pwned faces because he wreaked havoc on muggles and had the death stick. Without that he wasn't nearly as good.
Not really. Grindelwald only pwned faces because he wreaked havoc on muggles and had the death stick. Without that he wasn't nearly as good.

Someone obviously didn't read the 20th chapter line 8, ROWLING SEYZZ DIZ... ;/ Grindelwald had to have a couple of tricks up his sleeve o well it was a delicate book none theless.
Mmmm, I want that damn encyclopedia thing she's possibly writing.


(I need my fix).
The prophecy didn't say that specifically, I think it was more along the lines of one of them being destined to die. Neither can live while the other one survives.
I just checked it out, and actually it says that Voldemort and Harry have to kill eachother:

The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches...born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies... and the Dark Lord will mark him as equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not... and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives... the one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies...
Book 5 Page 741

'So does that mean that one of us has to kill the other... in the end?'
Book 5 Page 744

Pretty huge mistake from Rowling's side if you ask me.

This brings up another point. Harry must be killed by Voldemort. Meanwhile, Voldemort cannot kill Harry because he has his blood in him. So that would that mean, from the fourth book and onwards, that Harry was immortal?
He still would have lost even if he didn't have the blood in him. He stole the deathstick, he didn't earn it. Voldemort screws up a lot and is pretty much ignorant.
* Dolores Umbridge was arrested, interrogated and imprisoned for crimes against Muggleborns.


She totally didn't get what she deserved in that book, and it's good to hear she was arrested.
As far as I'm concerned Harry was killed by Voldemort and then Harry killed Voldemort, thus fulfilling the prophecy.
But he was immortal, wasn't he? Dumbledore should've told him, then he could've attacked Voldemort without any fear.
But then without the fear of death, he wouldn't have succeeded.

No you guys got it all wrong. Harry allowed himself to be killed by Voldemort. Because he was ignorant though he didn't find it odd that he just walked right up to him and said basically "kill me". He sacrificed himself for the greater good kinda like Jesus Christ if you will. Dumbledore explains that too in heaven.


No you guys got it all wrong. Harry allowed himself to be killed by Voldemort. Because he was ignorant though he didn't find it odd that he just walked right up to him and said basically "kill me". He sacrificed himself for the greater good kinda like Jesus Christ if you will. Dumbledore explains that too in heaven.
There. :)
The true master of death accepts death. If Harry believed he would not die, the deathly hallows would not have worked, he would have died along with the part of Voldermort. That's why Dumbledore didn't give too much info about the Hallows. The self-sacrifice must be done whole heartedly.

What I don't understand is what Dumbledore originally intended for the Deathstick. It wasn't meant to go to Draco's possesion....