Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows SPOILER THREAD

Who actually watches that whole video and let it get spoiled for them? You'd think they stop watching after like 2 seconds into the most minor spoilers.
I'm finished.

It was awesome.

You spoilernators ****ing suck ass.


Slowpoke. Dumbshit.
They should make an evolution of slowpoke called "Dumbass." Instead of saying "Sllllllllllooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwww..." he'd say "DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!"


I wouldn't worry bout that spoiler vid. I can't remember anything that it said, so if you don't watch it twice then you should be good. :)

Sif this isn't posted. I hate all you harry potter fags.


I like harry potter (although I do think it's incredibly overrated but I still love how people can get so mad at this.
I finsihed reading the book around four this morning, I'd have to say it's the best.
At page 182. Intense ****. You non-fans don't even know what you're missing.
A good written book whit a piece of crap for ending. JK Rowling isn't even worthy of cleaning the floor before Andrzej Sapkowski, author of the Witcher. (those who read the books know what I'm talking about).
Must be the second time I was banned here. First time was because I showed a pic of the cremator. The next one was for a "spoiler" from an interview from Rowling in a talk show that aired. :rolleyes: Wasn't even a spoiler because she did confirm that it would be a blood bath.
I'm on chapter 3 right now. Book really is'nt a story persay it's more of a shocking secret/truth one after another. My mom just started crying too after reading the ending right away. :O Dumbledore too....he's not so nice anymore either. :( Also poor Draco and his family. They are in some deep shit.
I hate all you anime fags. I wish I could post some spoilers or something from some stupid anime, but it wouldn't matter. Becasue nobody ever anticipates or waits years for some stupid ****ing episode of some anime shit.
O_O I am hurt. :(

I'm waiting eagerly for the new neon genesis evangelion movies, haruhi suzumiya season 2 and the finale of code geass.
Is this for the new neon genesis evangelion movies, haruhi suzumiya season 2 or the finale of code geass?

And besides I like spoilers so thank you! :D
Sounds like a happy ending. BOOOOOOO!
:LOL: yeah I thought everyone would die but que-ever proved me wrong :p
What a sucky last line.

Good book though, the film better include some 300 references though for the bit at the end.
I roflcoptored.


...no, that would suck.
Harry Potter is the most over-rated piece of trashy soap opera fiction the world has ever known. It is unbelievable how people gobble it up. It is popular not because of any particular quality of the story itself. It is popular because its publisher managed to hit a critical mass such that it breached the literacy barrier and spread beyond normal "book readers. It somehow got popular with the illiterate masses of tv watching, mouth breathing, burger eating zombies. For most of them, the very idea that words could be used to tell a story beyond what you read about Paris Hilton in E Now magazine is novel in itself. Now they are just milking the stupidity cow for all its worth. And it is worth a ****ing lot.
Like I mentioned its tough to find anyone more cynical than bookstore employees, and even we don't believe that.
The smartest people in my school all read harry potter. Illiterate zombies, indeed. God forbid it actually appeals to somebody.
Harry Potter is the most over-rated piece of trashy soap opera fiction the world has ever known. It is unbelievable how people gobble it up. It is popular not because of any particular quality of the story itself. It is popular because its publisher managed to hit a critical mass such that it breached the literacy barrier and spread beyond normal "book readers. It somehow got popular with the illiterate masses of tv watching, mouth breathing, burger eating zombies. For most of them, the very idea that words could be used to tell a story beyond what you read about Paris Hilton in E Now magazine is novel in itself. Now they are just milking the stupidity cow for all its worth. And it is worth a ****ing lot.

Blah... have you ever tried reading Harry Potter? Or are you just talking out of your ass ;/. Rowling makes good use of literary techniques and devices. If you seriously try taking apart some of her paragraphs and analyzing them you will discover this for yourself. The story was a bit cliche at points but she created a particularly believable world full of madness. I'll admit she is no Shakespeare, but she does have talent and the ability to fascinate readers... I mean is not that the point of writing: to fascinate, to teach morality, to offer hope for the future?
That is all.
I read the first 3 or 4 books from the library. They were interesting in the way that Piers Anthony (when I was 12, never again) or Harry Turtledove is interesting. Series starts out kind of engaging but after a while you realize that you don't really care about the book at all and you are just finishing it for the sake of finishing it and finding out what happens, and you feel no better off afterwards. It is literary popcorn. Everything becomes really corny and everything that happens is a cliched plot device. You might as well write a story by saying.. this guy said this, and then this happened, and then this happened, and then this happened. The story is basically an excuse to sell another book.

I would say that the story line is comparable to any of the recent popular addictive tv shows like the OC or Lost or whatever else.

Rowling managed to create an interesting universe people like to read about and made characters people have happily invested time learning about.

They may not be masterpieces of literature, but I'll be damned if they aren't good.
i used to be a big potter fan until i read the 5th book. had like couple of chapters left and i was like f*** this, im gonna play CS. watching the spoiler videos amuses me... lol
...Piers Anthony (when I was 12, never again)...
I'll be damned if the Incarnations of Immortality series wasn't a great read. There's that one series (Xanth?) which is a great big yawn, but Incarnations of Immortality is among my favorite series of books, easily.
He has some hits and misses, but in general I think he has mined alternative history for all its worth

Rowling managed to create an interesting universe people like to read about and made characters people have happily invested time learning about.

They may not be masterpieces of literature, but I'll be damned if they aren't good.

Agreed. What's with the hate? Reading it from a literary eye, I can see the plot exposition, techniques, see where the writing style is weak, whatever. But just reading it - who cares? It's good, it's enjoyable, and that's all I care about.
meh, I enjoyed it, and screw anyone who tried to challenge me on that :p
Could someone explain what the screaming mutant baby in Hell was? Dumbledore kept saying it couldnt be helped, but what was it exactly?