Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows SPOILER THREAD

The bit of Voldemort that was in Harry.

I think.
Pretty much, from my understanding.
I hate all you anime fags. I wish I could post some spoilers or something from some stupid anime, but it wouldn't matter. Becasue nobody ever anticipates or waits years for some stupid ****ing episode of some anime shit.

See you could but would fail hard. Many shows are based on mangas so it's usually pretty damn obvious what happens next. As for the latter part of your post you are quite wrong. Do you have any idea how long people waited for the useless filler episodes of Naruto to end? And for the manga to catch up?

In short, nobody cares.
Harry Potter and the EVERYONE DIES, amirite?


Ending of the book was a little cheesy, but it was good. Not my favorite of the Potters, but a good read, good way to end the series.

Also, lol "Scorpius."
yesh, they did.

Expect the people that died horribly <_<
Okay, I just finished reading it and I have to say it's a good book. Anybody who says "HAHA hairy potr sux <random fantasy book> is better!" has their head up their a*s. There was a whole lot of story, everything I wanted to know about Dumbledore and Voldemort, and juicy, delicious deaths.

Storywise it was reminiscent of the first few books. The pacing was a little bit too fast though, and it didn't have any of the detail of Half-Blood Prince or OOTP. I have some stuff I'd like to discuss/clarify with you guys -

* Major spoilers here * Seriously.
Look away now. LAST WARNING.
1. Ron spoke parceltongue? WTF?

2. Grindelwald is awesome. Oh, YEAH.

3. What's with the lame ending? Redefines generic.

4. Snape dies like a pu*sy, no duel even. What a bummer.

5. No awesome final duel between Harry and Voldy. A little underwhelming.
Okay, I just finished reading it and I have to say it's a good book. Anybody who says "HAHA hairy potr sux <random fantasy book> is better!" has their head up their a*s. There was a whole lot of story, everything I wanted to know about Dumbledore and Voldemort, and juicy, delicious deaths.

Storywise it was reminiscent of the first few books. The pacing was a little bit too fast though, and it didn't have any of the detail of Half-Blood Prince or OOTP. I have some stuff I'd like to discuss/clarify with you guys -

* Major spoilers here * Seriously.
Look away now. LAST WARNING.
1. Ron spoke parceltongue? WTF?

2. Grindelwald is awesome. Oh, YEAH.

3. What's with the lame ending? Redefines generic.

4. Snape dies like a pu*sy, no duel even. What a bummer.

5. No awesome final duel between Harry and Voldy. A little underwhelming.

1. Looks like anyone can speak parseltongue if you study it hard enough, I guess.

2. Wasn't expecting so much of the plot to link to a Chocolate Frog card from the first book. > <

3. Oh, so very generic epilogue. : (

4. I dunno, being bitten by a snake inside a giant invisible ball of force is pretty cool.

5. It was like a super kame-hame-ha! Expect Potter was trying to disarm Voldie. And Voldie had Harry's Eldar Wand, which didn't work. Wtf.
I just expected Voldy to be able to parry Harry's spells. I mean, snape could do that..

Also, Harry won without even learning non-verbal spells. Seemed a bit too easy.

Otherwise it was everything I wanted.
Finished it at 4am (GMT +8). Satisfying book, especially without the retarded amount of bullshit (or useless details). Best in the 7 imo.
I got the adult version's cover, without the shitty cartoon art on it, yay!
I want to buy all 7 together with the adult covers. Is there such a set?
I didn't like the epilogue because it didn't tell me enough about everyone else from the books!! What is everyone doing for jobs? Did everyone finish school? Who is headmaster? Who is the (not interim) Minister of Magic? Ugh...too many unanswered questions for long-time fans. Nine years of reading and almost no detail about everyone else that we have come to know and love?? This one just seemed way too rushed (like movie 5 imho).

Oh, and why oh why did
have to die???
I just expected Voldy to be able to parry Harry's spells. I mean, snape could do that..

Also, Harry won without even learning non-verbal spells. Seemed a bit too easy.

i have never read any of the books or seen the films but my friend has all 7 so do you think it's worth me borrowing them of of him .Are they that good i want to see what the big deal about them is.
i have never read any of the books or seen the films but my friend has all 7 so do you think it's worth me borrowing them of of him .Are they that good i want to see what the big deal about them is.

yes it is. once u read the first book, u will be reading it non stop and finish it in less than a day. it is a very very fast read because the story is not very complicating
I just expected Voldy to be able to parry Harry's spells. I mean, snape could do that..

Also, Harry won without even learning non-verbal spells. Seemed a bit too easy.


I partly agree, but would it be necessary to hear Voldemort shout all of his deadliest incantations? Rowling was probably faced with either making up all these new spells for Voldemort to act out and fail against Harry b/c his wand being superior, or just having a quick end. You know what she chose.

The only part of this book that seemed like: I wrote this in about 30 minutes, was the Epilogue... I thought it was really weak, and as some others on this board have previously mentioned, Rowling left out alot of other characters and didn't mention much about the wizarding world ( besides HWarts of course...) so with me as my eyes were pacing across the epilogue the wizarding world that she created began crumbling, and it was alot less believable. Perhaps she did this on purpose though, in a way to be like get the hell out you Muggle.

I also was lost when Neville got the Sword of Gryffindor out of the sorting hat at the end... Didn't Griphook take that? I guess it was summoned again through the hat.
I also was lost when Neville got the Sword of Gryffindor out of the sorting hat at the end... Didn't Griphook take that? I guess it was summoned again through the hat.

Miniaturized hat size factories of deadly artifacts FTW.
I want to buy all 7 together with the adult covers. Is there such a set?

This was confusing the hell out of me until I looked it up and found out that Britain has two covers for the book, both of which are completely different than the US cover. What the heck was the reasoning behind that?
This was confusing the hell out of me until I looked it up and found out that Britain has two covers for the book, both of which are completely different than the US cover. What the heck was the reasoning behind that?

Different publishers possibly, different in-company artist.
Finished it yesterday. I have to say, it was much better than it's most recent two predecossors. Plenty going on, a few twists and turns and it was all pretty exciting considering the 5th book.

Dobby... I was all like D:

All in all it was a great read.
I prefer the kiddy covers.

I did for the first five books. The 6th was bad.

I just thought this cover was ****ing awful. It looked like a five year old had drawn it as badly as possible. The 'artist' also managed to make the characters as appallingly ugly as possible.

Besides, if you slip off the Adult Cover for Deathly Hallows it looks incredibly cool.

I wish it had one of those bookmark-string-ribbon things. :(

Re:Sword in Hat when Goblin has it: Anyway, I guess the Sorting Hat is... you know...magic.
Yeah, but what people are getting at is that the sword was already out of the hat and somewhere else, whereas in the second one the sword comes from the hat without it being anywhere else (that we are aware of, it could well be hidden but blah blah blah I don't care anymore).

Neville > *
Yeah, it was somewhere else. Pretty sure the sword isn't always inside the hat. It had to come from somewhere.
haha, I bet Griphook was pissed when It just disappeared from his sight :p
I am apalled by this book. The cover art promised me that the series would end in a to-the-death dance-off in the Roman Colosseum. I mean, what the hell else is that on the cover, if not Harry and Voldy doing the Twist?

EDIT: I am also astonished that no one saw the blatantly obvious choice and named this thread 'Potterdamerung'.
Well I'm pleased to say I was able to read it spoiler free. I'll admit I don't really see the appeal in spoiling the book for others but, whatever, I was expecting it so I managed to avoid them.

Overall I'm happy with it, wasn't as enjoyable as the others but that is to be expected given the tone of the book. Some plot points were a bit thin while other's felt a bit rushed but overall I think it was a solid ending to a very enjoyable series.

Oh, and why oh why did
have to die???
Well it just makes sense really
somebody from the Weasly family had to die, they couldn't get off scot free
It didn't have to be him, man. Not after what happened to George. Why couldn't it have been Percy? It would have had a slightly humorous irony that he finally wised up and then died.
It didn't have to be him, man. Not after what happened to George. Why couldn't it have been Percy? It would have had a slightly humorous irony that he finally wised up and then died.
Exactly. :cheers:

He (P) could have maybe redeemed himself in the eyes of the family by dying valiantly in combat or something...but no, it had to be one of the most wonderful characters in the whole series. Ugh. Makes me so annoyed. Maybe he (F) will live in the Director's Cut?? :imu:

I still hate the epilogue not telling us anything about anything meaningful. I mean, they have

kids and Neville is a teacher.

Big deal. What happened after The Fall?? Too many questions left unanswered. :frown: