Harry Potter movie 5!

The new actor for Dumbledore is meh. The older one was much much better. I'll be seeing the movie tonight.

He's sort of dead though.

Dumbledore had two moods in this movie, I swear: Angry and "I'm sorry Harry, I ****ed up bigtime".
I have a ticket for this movie, but some of my friends want to go bowling on the same day. Is this movie worth missing on some guaranteed fun?
I thought it was pretty good.
If not for anything, the last battle scene was AWESOME
I thought it was pretty good.
If not for anything, the last battle scene was AWESOME

Yeah, the last scene kinda saved the movie for me. Kind of like the last PotC... the whole movie was talking, boring talking... then the last hour kicks in and it ****ing rules.
Should be seeing it at 11AM tomorrow in a omni theater! :rolling: Saw the Goblet of Fire like that the first time and it was amazing watching the dragon fly across the wall. I saw a few bits of it on joox but I didn't want to spoil it completely. Looks like they tried really hard to follow closely to the book. The movies, if anything, makes the viewer buy the books and it worked on me after the second movie at least.
It has gotten quite good reviews, and people say Potter has mature much more in this film, and that it really has ceaced to be a children's movie. Much like the books, in other words.
I liked it quite a lot. And I liked Tonks.
Tonks was pretty cute, too. Everybody was, except Hermione. Internet creeps need to get over her, ffs.
In the movie, does Tonks change hairstyles and stuff randomly?
I always got the feeling that Tonks is some hot girl. When I first read the book and found out she can change her appearance at will (like XMEN) I thought that was amazing. Takes a month to make Polyjuice potion but if you have that ability, less than 3 seconds to change your appearance. I'm on the third chapter of book 5 currently. Gonna let my mom start on the last book while I finish up the other books before reading the last. *ROFL at Roger Ebert: http://rogerebert.suntimes.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070709/REVIEWS/70620005/1023 Guy slammed Blade-Runner too what does he know? ahaha
Ebert's a big baby. labyrinthine plots? Aww, was Harry Potter too hard for him? And ooh, Voldemort, the stuff of nightmares.

Maybe they took part of his brain out with his jaw.
I liked it quite a lot. And I liked Tonks.

I agree with both those comments.
Best film in the series so far, closely followed by 3.
Then 2 in the middle. Then 1 and 4 wayyyy down.

I thought the Thestrals were awesome. But the film was severely lacking in Dept. of Mysteries brain things.
The third was a chopped up mess that barely resembled the book. THIS MOVIE IS AWESOME! Oh god I wanna type so much lol. To put it short HP movie 5=epic. The final fight scene with teh glass, fiery snake, the water, everything omg was it so fun and good!!! The 3D was like a big cherry on top. Best movie this summer imo. Pirates 3 was very, very good too. *Also they are having a documentary on Rowling on the final year making the book. The trailer reveals supposedly the first page:

Chapter One. The Dark Lord Ascending. The two men appeared out of nowhere, a few yards apart in the narrow, moonlit lane. For a second they stood quite still, wands pointing at each other's chests: then, recognising each other, they stowed their wands beneath their cloaks and set off, side by side, in the same direction.

"News?", asked the taller of the two.

"The best," replied Snape.'
How do you do that? I looked for it but could'nt find it. *Nvm found out how.
It was alright, but it tried to put things in without properly explaining them. Worth a watch though, and the last fight was quite good but I was disappointed in no living statue action.
Same, I know. Damnit, Golden statues jumping around. Where were they?

Oh well, Battle of Hogwarts in Book Six will hopefully be aweshems.

I liked 3, I don't see your beefs with it. 4 was horrendous imho.