Harsh Weather in Aftermath??

You know, I wonder if it would be possible to simulate the effects of air resistance realistically, and maybe even the Bernoulli effect (I think I've got that wrong. Basically the effect that makes planes and birds fly) in Source without requiring lowlevel access to the codebase (i.e. can be done using a mod)
Man, that would be awsome. A storm while fighting things. Cool effects and better intensity.
MTG_Maro said:
Man, that would be awsome. A storm while fighting things. Cool effects and better intensity.

I agree. Also adds more of the overall fun factor.
Yeah. Unfortunatly weather effects aren't very good in games because as soon as a snow-flake, raindrop etc touches the ground it usualy just disapears. For snow this can be solved by having snow on the ground but rain would have to have thousands of little splash animations that would probably cripple a machine.
I've played a map with snow on DoD, I believe it was dod_flak or somthing like that, or kalf, I don't know. It wasn't heavy snow though, just tiny white balls falling from the air. It isn't impossible, and tbh I'd prefer snow over rain.