Has a parent ever found your pr0n?


Sep 3, 2003
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I think my dad might of just found some I d/led over Kazaa but i'm not sure. I hate it when you actually don't know if they saw it or not!

Has anyone ever found your collection?
just mates. been caught watching some on the dvd player a couple of times, but i dont give a flying ****.
Nope, my family sucks a comps so I guess i'm lucky :D
Yes they have, but I have found my parent's pr0n more than they have found mine.

Back when I was in school a friend's dad had a huge stash of tapes in his closet. I got my friend to snatch 12 tapes for me and I payed him like 10$ for them. I hid each tape in a different part of my room, and somehow over the course of 2 weeks my dad was able to find every single one of them.
Well... your parents are fumb if they dont think youre downloading pr0n off the net.

They think my manga/anime is pr0n.. but i dont care :)
Pseudonym_ said:
Yes they have, but I have found my parent's pr0n more than they have found mine.

Back when I was in school a friend's dad had a huge stash of tapes in his closet. I got my friend to snatch 12 tapes for me and I payed him like 10$ for them. I hid each tape in a different part of my room, and somehow over the course of 2 weeks my dad was able to find every single one of them.

Its probably like a 6th sense that increases during married life :D
In no relation whatsoever to the topic of this thread, I wrote a program that changes an entire folder's file extensions with one click. (can change them back too.) Anybody want it? I'll have to dredge my code folders to find it...
FictiousWill said:
In no relation whatsoever to the topic of this thread, I wrote a program that changes an entire folder's file extensions with one click. (can change them back too.) Anybody want it? I'll have to dredge my code folders to find it...

ooo yeah, I want it :D
Majestic, but it is, kinda, you watch hentai in CLASS in SCHOOL after ****ing all!
more than once :( theyve even threatened to take the pc away from me before. luckily though, i moved to opera, because they can only use i.e. so they dont know where anything is with it.
they've kinda lightened up about it now anyway :)
Zakat said:
Majestic, but it is, kinda, you watch hentai in CLASS in SCHOOL after ****ing all!

You're talking about Operation Hentai... and its a secret operation... so i have to kill you now.
I got caught once. Boy, was it the worst time of my life. :| Never stopped me from watching anymore though....:D :D :D
My dad used to comment about the photos in his playboys, so it wasn't such a big deal when he found pr0n on my pc.
My parents have never found any of my pr0n, partially because I have my own computer and no one ever goes on except me. My mom has, however, caught me and one of my friends (a girl, of course) in a, ummm, compromising position one night. Needless to say, she walked right back out and has never spoken another word about it.
Neither do I Badger :D

People call me feminist because I don't watch/like pornography or when people have sex for money.
Mass prostitution... american corruption infecting the globe, etc... oh, and probably german too *points finger*

Nah... no need, get woman.
FictiousWill said:
In no relation whatsoever to the topic of this thread, I wrote a program that changes an entire folder's file extensions with one click. (can change them back too.) Anybody want it? I'll have to dredge my code folders to find it...
I would love that. I ususally keep only 3 movies, but with this thing I can hold more!:D :D :D
Well, once my mom was using my computer she typed in something on google and up came some search titles that I had been searching for once... it were dirty ones...
My dad asked my kindly to remove them, and so I did...
Nobody has to worry about that anymore, I think you're more abnormal if you don't look for porn than if you do...
Frank said:
I think you're more abnormal if you don't look for porn than if you do...

I agree, in that a larger (more normal) portion of any given male populace likes to look at and holds a desire for pornography than the portion holding no desire to look at it at all. I myself am not going to criticize anyone for liking or disliking porn.
every warmblooded creature wont say no to a bit of the opposite (or same :S) sex, but people that dislike porn usually dislike it because they see it for what it is, what it represents... doesnt mean they are non-sexual freaks.
Fender357 said:
Pfft..... me and my gf watch porn together.

(but then we do other stuff :E )

You critique the porn and play videogames the rest of the night?
fizzlephox said:
You critique the porn and play videogames the rest of the night?

No, it's called lack of imagination...
Uhh yea a couple of times by my dad but he doesnt care. Its funny though cause I caught him jerkin one time to the same pr0n :LOL:
mchammer75040 said:
Uhh yea a couple of times by my dad but he doesnt care. Its funny though cause I caught him jerkin one time to the same pr0n :LOL:

omg, that'll mentally scare you, you'll have to go to a shrink when your 30 and explain how you can't maintain relationships because you saw your dad jerking off as a child!
mortiz said:
omg, that'll mentally scare you, you'll have to go to a shrink when your 30 and explain how you can't maintain relationships because you saw your dad jerking off as a child!

lol umm no but now that you have brought that to my attention it might be a problem...
My little (15 yr old) brother found mine once :eek: I forgot to move a single video from my Kazaa folder. it was hard to find, it was a single video surrounded by about forty basketball, Conan O'Brien and music video files. He saw the file and called me over and asked me "So, can you tell me what this is?" in a really condescending tone :LOL:

Thank God that nobody else was home ATM, I would have been banned from my comp for about a year.
stigmata said:
My little (15 yr old) brother found mine once :eek: I forgot to move a single video from my Kazaa folder. it was hard to find, it was a single video surrounded by about forty basketball, Conan O'Brien and music video files. He saw the file and called me over and asked me "So, can you tell me what this is?" in a really condescending tone :LOL:

Thank God that nobody else was home ATM, I would have been banned from my comp for about a year.

So what'd you have to get your brother to keep him quite? Banned for a year? are you being serious or are your parents that strict?
Haha... using Kazaa for p0rnzer... :LOL:

Seriously, I don't think that's a good idea... at all!
my mum has checkt the hisory and said "ohhh whats this" and i say

"sorry, been looking for cracks for software"

and she says ok :)

Edit - pissed spellig
Yep... viruses... that, and not knowing what you're gettin' in the first place! AND it puts it on your hard drive! :O