Has a parent ever found your pr0n?

At a LAN party at my school some kid had a lot of porn in his shared folder so everyone saw it and knew it was his lol.
Where has someone dsicussed to obtain it plus whats wrong with it. As long as there are no links its ok.
/me is confused
Foxtrot said:
At a LAN party at my school some kid had a lot of porn in his shared folder so everyone saw it and knew it was his lol.

Its a known fact that everyone have pr0n :)
Fat Tony! said:
Where has someone dsicussed to obtain it plus whats wrong with it. As long as there are no links its ok.

It breaks site rules.
You can't see those posts becuase I removed them ;)
Well I actually don't keep porn on my system, it's just I downloaded some played it through Kazaa then deleted it, but as you Kazaa users will know, Kazaa has a cache and it was left in my cache when I left my PC alone.
coolio2man said:
Couldn't they just use the search function?

That's when you start renaming the files to harmless things. Like... "Guy falls off diving board" or "Picture Reel from summer vacation" or "Grandma kicks little kid in the face and then throws a cat at him" :)

Anything that doesn't contain a sexually-explicit word in it.
just to cover you tracks even better. Not only change names, but instead of have the file .mpg .avi etc
you could change it to something like .dll or .ini
Just a suggestion :)
So, you guys actually STORE that junk on you PC?

That's not for me, I think it's gross. :angel:
I use a program that has over 25,000 paysites hacked or something like that. its called SPOOPH
I recomend it to all u donkey lovers
Wow, what a way to welcome yourself into these forums...

1st post and look what it's about... :rolleyes:
It does if you have search for hidden folders and files ticked in the search options...
MaxiKana said:
It does if you have search for hidden folders and files ticked in the search options...

Yeah I don't get that..?

What's the point with hiding something if you can find it by just looking for it?? :dozey:
To clear space in a folder for example, or your desktop. Very handy sometimes.
oh that sucks this is where open code comes in handy

ha this hidden file search option doesnt occur in windows 98, xp users u suck! :p
But what made it so funny was that the folders were hidden folders(I had on view hidden folders) and he got pissed off someone found it and he kept telling everyone to shut up about it.
*cough* CD burning, then label it *cough*

and have a folder with like 20 empty folders with numbers, and one with the pr0n, but only you know which numbered folder contains the pr0n.
just zip the folder then re-extension the zip to something odd, like .tmp or .bin

thats how I hide my important documents, anyway.