Has any one cracked the 4th movie?

"nooo shhiittt....... hmmmm........"

Then why did you post this stupid?

Originally posted by AgentXen
The 4th movie has been out for quite some time now.

First you act like they didnt know the 4th movie was old but thats only because this thread was old....if you knew the thread was old you wouldnt have posted that. But when he trys to tell you you say "nooo shhiittt....... hmmmm......"

i dont get you.....
Im just bored. Just having fun.. You must be bored too. Replaying to a pointless reply from someone else(me).Wont do it again.
lets just let this thread die already. we dont need to go all "gamefaqs" and start bringing back topics from the begginning of the whole forumn. maybe we should all concentrate on bringing the next movie out entirely on will power. *thinking really hard sound*
i can't take this newbie AOL "i just got my compaq" immaturity. What was the point of bringing thead back?
AgentXen... since this is still at the top... you're weird... :E