Hate Emails by the fireplace with Richard Dawkins

he also just attacks the entire Bible, describes God as a 'malevolent bully'

Hardly a novel idea. Several thousand years old really.
Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?
Then he is not omnipotent.

Is God able, but not willing?
Then he is malevolent.

Is God both able and willing?
Then whence cometh evil?

Is God neither able nor willing?
Then why call him God?

I think you ascribe ideas and arguments to Dawkins which don't really originate with him, presumably out of ignorance. Saying 'everyone here parrots Dawkins' is therefore rather laughable.
I think the term 'troll' is more appropriate for the God from the Old Testament. A couple examples. God wants to test Abraham and tells him to sacrifice his son Isaac. Fearfully, Abraham does as he is told and at the moment he wants to strike down his son, an angel appears which says "lol joke". Or take Aron, Moses' right hand dude. He goes through the trouble of leading the Jews out of Egypt. He has to do all the hard work; because talking isn't Moses' strong point Aron has to communicate with the Jewish people (haggling with Jews, good luck with that). And when they finally reach the Promised Land God says to Aron: "You can only look at Israel but not enter it. Pwnd lulz." The book of Jobe is one big troll, disguised as a 'test of faith'. Yeah right ....
"Run away from city, don't look back though"
*woman looks back
"lol now she's a pillar of salt. I'm random that way rofl"
I think the term 'troll' is more appropriate for the God from the Old Testament. A couple examples. God wants to test Abraham and tells him to sacrifice his son Isaac. Fearfully, Abraham does as he is told and at the moment he wants to strike down his son, an angel appears which says "lol joke". Or take Aron, Moses' right hand dude. He goes through the trouble of leading the Jews out of Egypt. He has to do all the hard work; because talking isn't Moses' strong point Aron has to communicate with the Jewish people (haggling with Jews, good luck with that). And when they finally reach the Promised Land God says to Aron: "You can only look at Israel but not enter it. Pwnd lulz." The book of Jobe is one big troll, disguised as a 'test of faith'. Yeah right ....

Alright, Dawkins is now officially on my awesome list.