Haunted Majoras Mask ARG


Space Core
Feb 19, 2008
Reaction score
I don't know if anyone has really been following this but it has just recently picked up with the creator promising a game based off it. He just revealed a forum for all the ARG players to congregate and share theorys and will also serve as hub to progress the ARG story. I personally love it and I'm having a lot of fun trying to work out codes and stuff with the community as well as the whole "Moon Children" cult which the mysteriousness of it really fascinates me. If anyone is interested the whole timeline can be found in the link below. I'd recommend going through the chapters section first as that is where the basis of the story comes from and then go on to the timeline to find out what it led to.

Timeline: http://www.youshouldnthavedonethat.net/
Forum: http://z15.invisionfree.com/Within_Hubris
I don't know what ARG means and I don't get what this is. Is it related to the Zelda game? If so, then this game is going to get stopped by nintendo most likely since he is taking donations for it.
Thanks for this post Mellish, just wasted 2 hours of my life reading this whole thing. Well, I sure enjoyed them.
I don't know what ARG means and I don't get what this is. Is it related to the Zelda game? If so, then this game is going to get stopped by nintendo most likely since he is taking donations for it.

The premise basically started with a haunted Majoras Mask cartridge. It's been going for about 4 months now and the Zelda related stuff was only at the start of the ARG (which stands for Alternate Reality Game by the way). I think the guy explicitly said that usage of Majoras Mask was only for symbolism and will be not be used for the rest of the duration of this ARG and will focus more on the "Moon Children" although aspects of Zelda may pop up.
Deary me.

Basically, this is an interactive community based sort of horror game. It started off by a budding horror writer writing about a haunted Majoras Mask cartridge and posting various videos he made of the game using gameshark codes etc. It escalated further into a full scale ARG and was put on hiatus due to the creator of it not being able to handle the traffic on the website it was being hosted on and admitted it was all fake, although he will pick it up again. It recently just went into it's third phase and I am posting about it.
Hey, my name is Ben. OH F**K I JUST REVEALED RL INFO ON THE INTARWEBZ. *Cancels debit card*
Nobody in this thread is actually looking at the links before posting, poor Mellish.
A haunted video game cartridge?

I've been following this too. One of the more well-done ARGs I've seen. They even got some youtube footage of the "haunted" gameplay.
Aww, I was going to give it a look but the timeline site appears to redirect to the boards now. Just me?