Have you been to disney world?

Have you been to disney world?

  • Yes

    Votes: 30 46.9%
  • No

    Votes: 34 53.1%

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Jul 5, 2003
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I just went for the second time with my school's band. The first time I was too young to remember.

I have to say, it was quite amazing. Disney has insanely too much money!
I wish I could go..but alas, I'm way too poor! :(
I went when I was in the fourth grade.

The Rock'n Rollercoaster was the shiz.
I've been to LAND, but not WORLD.

LAND of the dead, WORLD of the dead... whoah. Anyway, pirate ride is the shit, no matter where it is.
Every time I go to Disney Land, my mom buys tickets to Universal Studios, too.

I go once every year, Universal is better because you don't need $100 for a shirt :\

I went to the REAL one in FLORIDA, not the stupid fake one in California.

btw, I'm not sure which one is in Florida, world I think..
I've been to Disney Land, but not world.

I heard it was insanley awshen though.
Yeah, I have been. Been to Hong Kong at least 5 times.
Went to the one in Florida 2-3ish weeks ago, stayed for a week and saw most of it :)
had such a great time!!! :D
Been to the Paris Land and California Land. Not the Florida World or the... eastern Land.
I was there when I was like 10 with like my entire family. Like Blizzard Beach, Wild Water Country, Typhoon Lagoon and like some other awesome parks. Disney World like owns.
I remember going YEARS ago, I was around 6 years old I think, but I remember it not being too good, in fact, I think I only enjoyed the fireworks display. Oh, and when you are older, you will hate going to disney world, and parents only do it for their kids, but at an older age, its like one of the worst places you can go ;)
I've been to LAND, but not WORLD.

LAND of the dead, WORLD of the dead... whoah. Anyway, pirate ride is the shit, no matter where it is.

The song playing continuelly on the Pirates of the Carribian ride is so catchy. I found myself whistling it all the time. Then again, we did go on it a damn few times...

Not a fan of big rides to be honest, so I think the best time I had was on the Runaway Minetrain which was brilliant. And the Star Wars simulator was amazing when I first went on it.
We had a couple of people on the back of the pirate ride sing the song, they sucked at it.
I'd rather eat my own testicles than go to disney world.

Treking up a mountain or sitting in thermal pools in iceland, that's my idea of a vacation.
I've been to Disney World in Orlando twice. I went to most of the other parks too like Busch Gardens, Universal Studios, MGM, and the one with the Spiderman/Hulk rides.

Florida's weird. You drive along a highway for 30 minutes with nothing but trees/grass to either side, then you turn off and Disney World appears out of nowhere.
I have been three times. Can only remember two though. My grandparents have some kind of deal where they can go every other year. It can be one of the most fun or one of the most irritating and aggervating experiences in the world. Never go on the its a small world ride. I was 6 years old and that song still haunts me :(
No thank god.

I think I was fortunate that I wasn't brought up on a diet of disney films. People always go "OMFG YOU HAVEN'T SEEN ALADDIN/THE LION KING??!?!"
I went to Disney World with my Wind Ensemble in April 2005. I'm pretty sure I'm going to Disney World again with my Marching Band within a year.
Disney is ok but Cedar Point is where its at.
well, personally I enjoyed it much more last year than I did when I was around 8. The reason was, this time I didn't really care about the rides, I just went around and enjoyed the fantastic scenery and all of the cool stuff that they have everywhere. (The talking trash cans, the jumping fountains, the random fountains that squirt out of the concrete, the beautiful displays for some of the rides, the artificial jungle and mountain, etc.)

Mission:Space. I think it had one of the best displays.

Plus, I benifitted from the fact that there were almost no lines, and I was able to ride every ride at least twice. The line for Mission:Space was completley empty, and I must have ridden that ride eight times. Also, since I was old enough to move around without a parent, I was able to just hop on a bus and go wherever I wanted in the park without having to worry about it, so I felt much less restricted.

I would think magic kingdom is the worst park, but its still fun to look at because everything is so old. Epcot is probably my favorite just because it seems the most "adult" of all the parks. MGM is also quite nice mostly because of Rockn'Rollercoaster and the Tower of Terror. Animal kingdom is abwsolute crap: they only have one good ride and the rest is all a zoo. Even so, it was great to go around and look at all of the stuff there.
I went late last year and had pretty much the same experience, it was much more fun than when I went back when I was 6 or so. Especially when I wasn't babysitting my cousins. Which would have been fun for me if they weren't some of the worst behaved children I have ever seen.
The one in florida yes, when i was like 6 years old. I started to cry on that thing where you are stuck in the seat and there is a glass tube in the middle, all of the sudden it gets dark and you hear the tube break and you hear footsteps and hear someone breath on your neck (but you cant see anything, total dark) when i got out i was scared to death and cryed like the shitznit. I really thought the alien had escaped!!
I went once when I was like 5... I barely remember except for that Peter Pan ride.
I could never let my leg hang out of it, in fear of the pirates trying to grab it. D:
I went twice. The first time was when I was 1 year old, so I don't remember anything. Second time I went I was 10.

The one in florida yes, when i was like 6 years old. I started to cry on that thing where you are stuck in the seat and there is a glass tube in the middle, all of the sudden it gets dark and you hear the tube break and you hear footsteps and hear someone breath on your neck (but you cant see anything, total dark) when i got out i was scared to death and cryed like the shitznit. I really thought the alien had escaped!!

That one freaked me out to :O
I went there once when I was three and then once more when I was nine.
The one in florida yes, when i was like 6 years old. I started to cry on that thing where you are stuck in the seat and there is a glass tube in the middle, all of the sudden it gets dark and you hear the tube break and you hear footsteps and hear someone breath on your neck
That's the official Alien movie ride I thought. I can't remember though.
when I was 6 my dream was to go to dysney world

now I think I am not that interesed
The alien grabbed your breasts, if I recall correctly.
I've been to Disney World and Universal Studios (long ago). Was pretty fun. Never been to MGM.
No thank god.

I think I was fortunate that I wasn't brought up on a diet of disney films. People always go "OMFG YOU HAVEN'T SEEN ALADDIN/THE LION KING??!?!"

You're going to hell.
MGM was cool, they had the Indiana Jones ride!

Can't remember what else. Ah, it was fun to be young once.
The one in florida yes, when i was like 6 years old. I started to cry on that thing where you are stuck in the seat and there is a glass tube in the middle, all of the sudden it gets dark and you hear the tube break and you hear footsteps and hear someone breath on your neck (but you cant see anything, total dark) when i got out i was scared to death and cryed like the shitznit. I really thought the alien had escaped!!

I loved that one!

but guess what? they replaced it with a crappy "lilo-and stich" themed one!
it's basically exactley the same, except they replaced the awesome alien model with an extremely stupid looking stitch puppet, and it jumps around and at the end they spray this foul smelling chemical into your face. Afterwards I thought I was going to throw up all day.

I had no idea why they replaced an awesome ride with such a crappy one.