Have you ever been in shock?

Icarus said:
I want to try skydiving so bad....

I hear its pretty fun..you absolutely freak out with terror on the way down, and when you hit the ground all you can say is: "Again! Again!" :p
Yeah, I'd like to get run over by a tank for the rush. Gotta admit it'd be some crazy rush.

Never skydived either.
Dalamari said:
I've had seziures, does that count?

I would think so lol. That's like picking a big booger, right? I must be thinking of something else. But yeah.
MadHatter, that story is insane. I had a similar experience, except then I recognised one of them from school and they kind of backed off :p

Not really the same, but I had a panic attack once. I was breathing extremely fast and hard and couldn't get it back under control until mum found me and managed to calm me.