Have you ever met someone famous ?

I saw John Woo when I was on a holiday in France. That's pretty much it.
I met Richard O'Brian of Crystal Maze fame and that will mean nothing whatsoever to you if you're not British... :)
Phisionary said:
I saw Hulk Hogan when I was at the gym about 8 years ago.

Besides that... not really.

whats with the HULK link? :eek:

I got an autograph from some guy off the Bill (cop drama show) who was recently in Eastenders once, and Jim Davidsons (comedian), and John Virgo's and Peter Ebdon (snooker). But thats it, no really famous people tbh. :stare:
oldagerocker said:
whats with the HULK link? :eek:

I got an autograph from some guy off the Bill (cop drama show) who was recently in Eastenders once, and Jim Davidsons (comedian), and John Virgo's and Peter Ebdon (snooker). But thats it, no really famous people tbh. :stare:

I saw someone from the Bill many years ago, there was a beautiful hotel with a golf club near my town and he came to play golf, it was at a petrol station. Can't remember who he played but it was many, many years ago, i think he was the guy with the moustache he was partnered with Tosh, the guy that died.
Razor said:
I saw someone from the Bill many years ago, there was a beautiful hotel with a golf club near my town and he came to play golf, it was at a petrol station. Can't remember who he played but it was many, many years ago, i think he was the guy with the moustache he was partnered with Tosh, the guy that died.

I remember him, he was good in it. Very sad that he died so young.
The guitarist from Vex Red called me up once, to personally apologise for the delay in shipping out some merchandise. :LOL: Funnily enough, it had arrived that morning. Then they split up.


I'm pretty sure I met a few footballers, at some football thing when I was 8 or something...oh, and the blonde one from Birds Of A Feather I met in Spain while on holiday, at some swanky resort. :rolling: She was fatter and shorter then I remember her being on TV, heh.
Adrien C said:
Have any of you met/seen famous people ?

I've never seen any one :(


depends on ur definition of famous.
a couple of years ago i was working as a customer service rep at a local theatre and it was a slow day (Mondays are usually slow for theatres ;) ) and who shows up at the customer service desk? Curtis Joseph.. this was around the time when he was a Toronto Maple Leaf and regular season had about 8 games left :E

yeah so depends on ur definition of famous because here in Canada and parts of the US, pple know who Curtis Joseph is
same thing happened with David Wells and his kids.. :)
Chris Columbus film director (harry potter, doubtfire) and screenwriter check him out at imdb.com nice guy. I saw Arnold Schwarzenegger before he become the governator. Oh and not to forget I played in a movie when young called left luggage, (www.imdb.com, I am not listed, too small a part). I danced around a fire singing a Yiddish song, I met Isabella Roselin and Jaroen Krabbe!
Came within a few feet of Queen Elizabeth II, while she was walking towards the British embassy in Thailand when I was around 7. My face was even on the newspaper!
Farrowlesparrow said:
Heh, that reminds me. I saw Liam G (Don't ask me to spell it...I'm too tired) from Oasis driving around in my town the other day.
thats cool as hell. one time i saw trent reznor of nine inch nails in a staples. hes from my area. almost everyone knows him through someone else.
I met Rob Schneider and Leann Tweeden when they went on a USO tour to Korea.. got both their autographs.

Also Lieutenant Dan's Band (Gary Sinise, a.k.a Lieutenant Dan from Forest Gump) came to play for us.. pretty good music i'd say. Stuff from Eddie Van Halen to Jimi Hendrix.

Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders...

A country singer... dont remember her name..

all on a USO tour to Korea... (man i wanna go back!!)

and I think thats it.
I Know

Bruce Willis
Terri Gard
John Forsieght
Demi Moore
Michael T. Williams

My mom used to do things for them like bank or something with money. But yah the one i know more of is Micheal T. Williams. He plays Bubba in Forrest Gump. He came over my house and cooked us some shrimp as a little humor. And then the week after that we went to the beach. Cool thing was no one reconized him because of his lip. So there wasnt really any poperatzi :D

EDIT: Bruce's mom is very nice :D
I met many famous people but the most memorable incident was when I met the entire staff of the soccer team I support in the airport. I took pictures with all of them!
i met some dud that told me he was gonna be famous and asked me if he wanted to buy off a cd that he made with his own music
i had sex with Tara Reid back in high school. She wasnt as good looking as she is now and we eventually broke up. Now i regret it :( .
I met Michelle Phifer in 1995. She was filming a scene for the movie One Fine Day in the building that I live in. I also met Warren Beaty back in 1994, he was also filming a scene in the building, this was for the movie Love Affiar. I think that's all...oh wait, there are two more, Jim Baker and Tammy Faye Baker, back in 1997. :angel:

I've seen a lot of famous people who I've never met, mainly from concerts that I go to, but also when sitting in the audience of tv shows. I saw Brian Setzer, Meg and Jack White, KoRn, and Reel Big Fish (I don't know what's up with them now). I also saw, Debra Wilson and Mo Collins, who used to be on MadTV. And, last but not least, Dyan Cannon, who gave a testimonial at church back in 1997 (she use to have a re-accuring role in Ally McBeal.

hehe, you are telling me you slept with her ? what high school di you go to ?
huh? what in the world are you talking about. haha

...I got it now, that you were not replying to me.
I met Michael Jordon and had lunch with him when i was 11. At his restaruant with a bunch of other "Make A Wish" kids. Nice guy, very tall. We got a photo of him flipping his eyelid inside out :E
Hmm, depends on how famous. I've done a lot of interviews for different magazines so I met developers and staff from video game companies (the best being Hideo Kojima, very polite, nice person, the pics are good too, I could scan them ;))...

My wife used to do music PR and thus I partied with Biohazard, Dog Eat Dog, Senser, R.E.M and a few others.

I've not met any TV or film stars I think, not sure.

A (female :)) friend of mine is dating the singer of a German famous band, name must be unmentioned, don't want to cause trouble :p

I met some guy and was very drunk in Myrtel Beach, SC in 2000 and a friend of mine told me it was someone famous, don't remember much of that night though :)
Most premiership footballers
Lots of tv presenters
Lots of celebs
Most formula one drivers and team principals including Ecclestone
The odd musician here and there
craze3 said:
i had sex with Tara Reid back in high school. She wasnt as good looking as she is now and we eventually broke up. Now i regret it :( .
Uh-huh :hmph: You'll have toforgive me if I take that with a pinch of salt...

But the thing is, we're all missing the important issue. Has anyone ever met anyone of the Neighbours cast?
I met Justin Timberlake backstage at the "United We Stand" concert for Washington DC after September 11th. Actually, I didn't know who Justin Timberlake was at the time. I just walked up to him and asked who was performing next. Later, my sister showed me a signed photo of N'Sync, and I realized he was famous.

I had backstage passes to a concert with a bunch of huge celebrities, and that's my only encounter. I really didn't care, though. While my sister was having one-on-one time with Usher, I was showing his bodyguard my sketchbook.
Tom Cruise in Madrid, when he was presenting Colateral. He sped out.

Tom Hanks going to the restaurant in London. Shady caratcher. Will Wright when I was young, he was getting out of advertising SimCity 2000 or something :| .
I used to work at a 5 star hotel in downtown. Anthony Hopkins stayed there while filming a movie (Hearts in Atlantis I think) for about 3 months. I saw him every day and it got to the point where we would stop and chat every now and again. One of the coolest, most down to earth people i've ever met.

Brought room service to Spike Lee and his family. He was a prick.
Guess that's why his movies are lame.

Also saw Prince, but his security was so tight I could only catch quick glimpses of him. The guy is like 2 feet tall, no joke!

James Taylor was pretty cool.

Oh, and Hillary Swank stayed there as well. She would be hot if she weighed over 50 pounds. yeesh, please eat something!!!
Cool to meet so many people, some guys can pe prics thought.
el Chi said:
But the thing is, we're all missing the important issue. Has anyone ever met anyone of the Neighbours cast?

I saw some of the cast of Shortland Street in a parade. But of course that counts for zilch cause you're from Britain :p
vsaravia said:
and Reel Big Fish (I don't know what's up with them now).

they are fine. They played a concert here not to long ago. Good for you for liking them!
I once kicked Jimmy Cricket in the shin, the dirty old c**t
Nope :|

My teacher met Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter though, so that's cool.
John Travolta
Dan Hedeya
James Gandolfini
Julianne Moore
Melissa Joan Hart
Alec Baldwin

Oh, and Stephan Jenkins (lead singer of third eye blind kicked a water bottle and it splashed water all over my friend and me.)