Have you ever ROFLed?

Have you ever rolled on floor laughing IRL?

  • Yes

    Votes: 62 66.7%
  • No

    Votes: 31 33.3%

  • Total voters
When I found the "PRESIDENT OF ASIA" picture on 4chan, and showed it to everybody in vent. I was literally rolling on the floor for ten minutes.

That ruled :D
Hmm, never really roffled...

Hardest I've ever laughed at the computer was at a weebl n bob cartoon.
Doesn't happen on the computer, unless you count collapsing on my bed to control my laughter, which I did recently to the Video Game Nerd video of "Power Glove"

I've done it a lot though just randomly through out the years laughing at incredibly funny things.

Similar to the way these guys ROFL


But it mostly happened when I was younger, doing random things with friends outside and something ridiculously funny happens so you just drop to the ground laughing.
yes, but i was drunk
What he said. Except with more falling over.

Also, I genuinely roffled a fair bit as a child which occasionally (but not always) was accompanied with me beating a fist on the floor for dramatic effect.
Suffice to say I was a slightly peculiar child.

i lmao all the time though
What, physically? Bloody hell you must have some expensive medical bills.

Oh and just in case no-one's posted it...


I rofled another time as well. Okay, so I was over at this girl's house I was dating at the time having dinner with her parents. Mid-dinner, they get a phone call saying that her dad's brother had just died (that's not the funny part) and he went off into another room to talk to his family. While he was off, we were in the dining room still, talking about what happened and what-not, when her mom says something along the lines of "He was always so sad after his wife left him. I think he just gave up the will to live."

Keep in mind, her mom is from the deep south and still had an accent. A thick one. So just keep this in the back of your mind for a bit.

Anyway, we're sitting there for about twenty minutes or something like that. Her dad comes back in and sits down. He explains what went down, guy got ****ing run over by a steamroller of all things, and people think he just kind of wandered in front of it without looking around. Suddenly, the mother swoops around the table, puts her hand on his shoulder and says "Did he give up the will to live?"

I find this question insanely funny. Knowing what the situation is, I try to muffle my laughter, and do so successfully, though I was trembling violently. Seriously, the fork I'm holding clinking quickly against my plate, it was horrible. Finally, we stand up to leave, and this is when things got ugly. Apparently the effort of retaining my hilarity and standing at the same time proved too much for me, and I let out this huge guffaw that just ripped out of me. Everyone turns to look at me, and the only thing I can think of to say was "I... I was thinking of something else" while still shaking violently. I scurry out to the car, lay the seat all the way down, and start laughing uncontrollably, rolling around deleriously. Girl comes out, asked me what the hell is wrong with me, and that just makes me laugh harder.

We didn't work out.
ROFL! ( :E )
Hehe... that comment would have cracked me up too.
Technically yes, but I was already on the floor for a tangentally related reason.

I was a college freshman. I just took this girl back to my dorm. We climbed on the bed, and I promptly smacked my head on the concrete wall really hard. It was teh phunnies, once I regained consciousness.
Technically yes, but I was already on the floor for a tangentally related reason.

I was a college freshman. I just took this girl back to my dorm. We climbed on the bed, and I promptly smacked my head on the concrete wall really hard. It was teh phunnies, once I regained consciousness.

"Oh yeah bitch you like that, don't you? Ohh baby yeah Oh yee"*CLONK*

One time in my tech class at school, one kid pissed in another kids pencil case, when he found out I was rofling pretty damn hard.
yeah... but i was high as hell and even then idk if i wa actually on the floor
Technically yes, but I was already on the floor for a tangentally related reason.

I was a college freshman. I just took this girl back to my dorm. We climbed on the bed, and I promptly smacked my head on the concrete wall really hard. It was teh phunnies, once I regained consciousness.

u were able to recover and get some tho right? :cheers:
I came so close to ROFLing at that it's not funny. I loaded the page, went across the room to lower the blinds (the sun was shinning on my moniter) and when I came back I saw that pic and almost fell over :laugh: