Have you played the leak?

Have you played the leak?

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I played it at a friends house, and it was fun to play with physics but overall it was very incomplete of course and no spoilers at all just too many laughs lmao. Mods delete this if its wrong to say but (not a spoiler if u saw the video of the guy with the bugbait grenades things) he took those out, and you could see the grenade, but once you through it it turned into the biggest mofoing red error sign in the world, and would stay that way until it landed or hit something. ALso he showed me one command, where he would place one big red error sign then click and it would explode lol,
also there was a command to place a firehydrant down
, wierd shit dude lol. I made him delete it shortly after we played,
the physgun was awesome, i didnt know it was taken out though, i love glueing everything to everything, that was absolutely awesome.

I have pics of the error thing it was hilarious. Those spoiler tags are there for my protection lol, they arent spoilers at all but you never know.
Yeah I played the leak, it was quite satisfying for about 10 minutes, until I realized that I was acting illegaly. It was quite glitchy, and less than half of the available levels were playable. Nothing worked, it wasn't worth it, I regret downloading it, and that's why I've pre-ordered Half-life 2.
why would you waste 6 years or waiting?

hell i was pissed when PC Gamer (US) friggin told me how the game starts and all about "dog". damn them for their spoiler...er review. haha

i wanted to go in 100% fresh. i'm pissed i watched all those videos from bink, but they were so cool and i just couldnt help it ...
Nope, I didn't want to be liable to be sued by Valve and I didn't want a virus and I do not download anything illegal.
Pole please tell me you remember the big ERROR, i still have the screens
SimonomiS said:
Ok, now how many peoples versions had Trojans or viruses?

there was a 'version' of it which was about hte same filesize .. except it was filled with gay pr0n :O
i have it was gay and i uninstalled it

Yeah i've played it.

It was fun a few months ago , ****ing boring today. I WANT VERSION 1.0!!
Pauly said:
I can guarentee you no one played the halflife2 "leak" because there was none. Unless you mean the Halflife2 stolen build? Ah yes a lot of people played that!

Sorry, just had to say it. One of my pet peeves. A leak is when the game goes to an official outside source (like a magazine for review) and some employee breaks the NDA big time and puts either gives it to his friend or posts it on the internet.

Half-Life2 was hacked directly from Valve, Gabe's computer. It was STOLEN from HIS computer.
I can understand the difference between hacking and cheating (Which 9/10 of CS players fail to), but what you just said is the exact same thing. AFAIC a leak is an unauthorized distribution. Therefore, yes. A leak.
I didn't and would never do it. Even if I had wanted to I have no clue where I could get it anyway.
--[3d]--, -UGC-Commando, 01000101, 6iXx, 7hoR, 911error, A.I., Absinthe, Adrien C, apfe, archcommus, auscrow, B-S, b0ng, badenglishihave, bconger2, BetaMaster, Big Fat Duck, BiGBaDWoLF, Biggleska, BigJack, BillyJoBob, bizitch, bizzy420, Bronto, Burnede_BlacK, Burning Fish, ButtHoleMcGee, cantabro, cave, Chiefi, chimpmunk, City17Citizen01, CloSe2InSaNitY, cloudstriff, Cod0r, CowBoix316, crabonhead, craig, CrazyHarij, Cyb3rac1d, Danman60, Dark Auro, DarkStar, dbsynergy, DimitriPopov, Dirtmunky, Dowie, Dsty2001, dudedude7000, electronic squid, eLGee, ELIXIR, Envi_81, eth8686, Evil^Milk, Expansion Pack, f0rked, Fatality_, Fish, FLeK0, FoB_Ed, Foxtrot, frusion, galoot3000, genocide604, GhostBoi, gizmostripe, gokuguy, Grey Fox, guise, Hempster, hero, iamaelephant, iicehawk15, imachip, InvaderScooge, Jesus Lincoln, Jet, JLowry, Joho, jonw15, KagePrototype, kakagar, Kanehdian, kevinb4567, Kifpe, kiwii, Kongo, LathspeLL, laz, Lemonking, llamaman01, Logic, Lovian, Lunacy Fringe, madFive, madster, merc, MetalliMyers, Methias, MilkMan12, Monder, mortey, Mr-Fusion, mrxskinny, mstrum, MuadDib, N'Off, nagual678, NB., Necro, Neutrino, Newbie's Journey, Nightshade, O'Neill, oldfaq, omni, P43.2/1Gig/X800P, PainLord, Paravel, PatPwnt, Pauly, pdnellius, Peabody McFee, Perret, petey, pgod, pixartist, PoeticRocker, poseyjmac, radioactive73, Radiopie, Raziel-Jcd, Reaperman, riftaaa, Robert, samo, ShaithEatery, ShanBoi, Shuzer, Silent_night, SixThree, skater4evr5, Skeeze, SlayeR1, smacky, Snakebyte, sNaX, SnowBall, sobergrad, Some_God, spitcodfry, SpoonyMan, stigmata, Stratocaster, SunshineRecorder, SuperflyCol, Syntaxn, syrogen, Tab, TaiFong, Tarkus, TheOriginalEvil, tokin, tommyz28, Tork, Tyl3n0L, TyroPyro, ukfluke, ummno, vegeta897, VGJosh, vicefredav444, ViperBlade, wabamak, WaterMelon34, WhiteZero, Wildboyz, wilka91, YellowPeril, Zento, zer0kewl, ZEROarmy, Znipper, `unreal, |FRITZ|, |_HeLL_|

BAN! hehehehe...
Nope. Don't want it spoiled, don't want virii on my computer, don't want super-illegal stuff.

Also, I have a 56k internet connection.
Brian Damage said:
Also, I have a 56k internet connection.
That, of course, being the only thing that really stopped you from downloading it :P
Your 56k argument somehow undoes your first argument :)
they'd have to ban half the community, assuming everyone's telling the truth, i played it in august with the hope of it coming out in sept. just to look at the physics and graphics to get hyped, i didn't play with it much at all, mostly just the one e3 demo with the big pachinko machine
I "played" it, I managed to drive a crane & pick up stuff, but it was basically the levels used for the E3 2003 demos & while fun to "play the videos" because you couldn't really do anything it got boring.

However, I bought the silver version & we have 2 weeks to wait now, all I can say is the Leak/stolen code was not the game, the real game will blow us all away! fingers crossed.. hehe
played all coast and its \\o :] i wont spoil anything couldnt resist im weak :-D
anyway half-life2 guide page pdf is a spoiler too so ;)
Icarusintel said:
they'd have to ban half the community, assuming everyone's telling the truth, i played it in august with the hope of it coming out in sept. just to look at the physics and graphics to get hyped, i didn't play with it much at all, mostly just the one e3 demo with the big pachinko machine
I actually had a custom map for it that someone sent me.. it had all kinds of physics toys, like watermelon cannons (explosive watermelons too!), some ragdolls, the buggy, etc etc. I spent a LOT of time in there.

btw nice avatar wibble :) I'm a big fan of classic lucasarts games myself, it's a shame they've become so craptastic lately..
Logic said:

LOL! I have no idea why I find that word so funny!

On the LucasArts theme, anyone played Full Throttle?
-JeZ- said:
LOL! I have no idea why I find that word so funny!

On the LucasArts theme, anyone played Full Throttle?

Simply one of the greatest games ever
Icarusintel said:
Simply one of the greatest games ever


Won't play the leak though. I have too much respect for Valve. (Doom 3 was fair game though :thumbs: )
What a stupid question...If anyone says yes I will so laugh when they get their ass banned...

No, I haven't played the leak, have no plans to, and can wait just 15 more days...Jeez its just 2 weeks...If you have to play the leak RIGHT NOW you must be one impatient son of a gun...
never played it. Saw it briefly at a friend's place (with the big red error signs, pretty funny imho), nothing special. I wouldn't even know where to get it if I wanted it (other than to get someone else to burn it). I'm soooo looking forward to this thing being released.... but the stolen build really didn't impress me all that much (from what I saw).
Duracell said:
I remember aaaaageeees ago when there was a topic about this, it was a completly open poll, (it listed who voted for what.) it was quite interesting who had played it and who had not.

Anyone else remember that thread?

I was so tempted to C&P the names in... but damnit, someone beat me to it
TST_Devgru Seal said:
What a stupid question...If anyone says yes I will so laugh when they get their ass banned...
Have you read ANY of this thread? Many, many, many people have been openly admitting to playing it. Myself included. Nobody will be banned for having played it. Take a look at this thread: http://www.halflife2.net/forums/showthread.php?t=17184&highlight - You'll notice that even Chris D (staff here) discusses it, indicating that he has played it. I also remember reading a post by one of the mods at some point that basically stated that many of the mods have played it, which helps them identify beta screenshots\content when it is posted here, so that they can swiftly remove it. Are the mods going to ban themselves? I don't think so.

I'm sure you guys feel really good about yourselves while you grin and point at all us evil people, yelling "OOOH, they've played the leak!! Crusify them!!!", but the reality is, it's not a big deal at all. It's a shame the theft happened in the first place, sure, but playing it now isn't doing any harm, we're all going to buy (or have already bought) Half-Life 2 anyway.
TST_Devgru Seal said:
What a stupid question...If anyone says yes I will so laugh when they get their ass banned...

No, I haven't played the leak, have no plans to, and can wait just 15 more days...Jeez its just 2 weeks...If you have to play the leak RIGHT NOW you must be one impatient son of a gun...

Yes! It's sooooo stupid. I like how you answered it anyways. :frown:
I admit to playing it. Did I enjoy it? Not really. There wasn't much to be played.

Pure and simple, the leaked alpha was exactly that, an alpha. If you ever thought about downloading it, or ARE thinking about downloading it, dont waste your time. :P Just my opinion at least.
UmbrellaMaster said:
I admit to playing it. Did I enjoy it? Not really. There wasn't much to be played.

Pure and simple, the leaked alpha was exactly that, an alpha. If you ever thought about downloading it, or ARE thinking about downloading it, dont waste your time. :P Just my opinion at least.

Yeah, nearly all of the levels weren't finished in the leak. But even so, when I played it I was blown away and I had a blast. Even with all the textures and level architecture missing, I had more fun playing it than playing doom 3 and far cry. I can't wait to see what the finished product is like :cheese:
FoB_Ed said:
I had more fun playing it (Half life 2 stolen alpha) than playing doom 3 and far cry:cheese:

I concur, and if that ain't a kick in the head to id and ubisoft I dunno what is. :ggowned:
[46] pushit [2] said:
why would you waste 6 years or waiting?

hell i was pissed when PC Gamer (US) friggin told me how the game starts and all about "dog". damn them for their spoiler...er review. haha

i wanted to go in 100% fresh. i'm pissed i watched all those videos from bink, but they were so cool and i just couldnt help it ...

If you read the full PC Gamer (US) article from the beginning you are warned that while they are minor, there are inevitably some spoilers in the review. You brought it upon yourself reading it, so dont bitch.

And no, I haven't played the leak. I didn't want to spoil the game playing some crappy early version, I didn't want to do something illegal, and I didn't want to put my pc at risk of viruses or gay porn while looking for the leak.
I played it.Im pirate in soul. :D
I played only blue room map.Other maps was sucks, everything was yellow.Yellow,yellow, some numbers for colours...Great physch, great graphic, dumb AI, not planted.
But after 1hr 24mins playing, i de-install it.
I will not spoil secrets 'bout HL2.Im not a Hursh Spoiler.
I can't wait for final game, or maybe i can...time will show.
David said:
I played it.Im pirate in soul. :D
I played only blue room map.Other maps was sucks, everything was yellow.Yellow,yellow, some numbers for colours...Great physch, great graphic, dumb AI, not planted.
But after 1hr 24mins playing, i de-install it.
I will not spoil secrets 'bout HL2.Im not a Hursh Spoiler.
I can't wait for final game, or maybe i can...time will show.

there is a blue room?!

aw crap, you've ruined it for me :rolleyes:
That's was shown on E3-2003.Room with barrels, water, dead-combine, water melons, explosion.You know that map, actualy, video.
But that was only *********** *********** ** ****** ***** .

Sorry for spoil, but i didn't see any signs of it. :)
