Having parties sucks


Apr 12, 2006
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My room mates and I had a party last night from which our house may not recover. Things started out pretty quiet, with mostly people we knew showing up; but then the unknowns started coming and things got pretty out of control. Someone fell through a wall, beer was spilled everywhere, there were these 40 year old crack heads there who looked like they came from the projects, people puked on the floor, and god knows what else. After this rager, I've come to the conclusion that parties aren't worth having as it seems that no one has respect for the household.
To make this a non-rant, do any of you have some suggestions as to keep parties under control. I was thinking of having theme parties where I tell people I like about it and have them come. If people show up with out a theme costom, then they can't come in.
Haha, yeah I remember though parties, shitty. After that we just got our big friends to bounce the shitheads (they worked as bouncers at clubs too.)
Ok, seriously, not counting birthday parties when I was like, 12, I've been to one party. And it sucked ass. I don't get what all the hype is about parties :/
Parties are fantastic social events to talk to everyone in a different environment, where you can drink, let your hair down, dance & talk. It's a very healthy atmosphere i believe, until the point where there are fights, things broken and a lack of care for people/property (i agree with you there). I think some people take parties to seriously as an occassion, take from it what you want.

I'd hate that happening to me though - just random people coming. I can only think of getting a huge friends base, and just invite them and their mates. No further invitations maybe D:
I love parties.

Just make sure next time you only invite people you know. I've hosted a few at my old flat, and been to loads recently (housewarming mostly)

Gonna throw our own housewarming party soon :D will be aceee
Never been. Can't see a point - I hate my friends.
The thing is that when you invite your friends, they may invite their friends and those people may invite their friends. With cell phones now, word of a party spreads like the plague. Maybe I'll try that bouncer thing next time (and even charge a cover fee)
Speaking as a second year UK uni student, On Campus parties are awful. The houses are lowest bidder breakable bastards, and every stupid f**k the world over will turn up after being drawn in by loud music. I've heard some horror stories, mostly involving urination and not involving the appropriate porcellain receptacles for said bodily waste. Second Year parties on the other hand, are absolutely awesome. You invite who you like, and by and large, no random idiots will turn up and shit on your property. Any one who is out of line was inevitably invited by one your friends, so you can kick them in the groin and make them clean up after their shite-headed friend. So, you have a fun, usually cheap night in with the people you really want to be with, and can actually sit around talking with them for once.
best thing to do is have some organization before you throw a party, have a cover charge (I'll explain why later) and get some big strong intimidating guys you know and invite them over for free and act as bouncers.

the aforementioned money can be used after the party to pay off some guys to help clean up and whatever is left can be put towards anything damaged or getting more booze/ etc.

it's also perferable to store away anything you don't want broken/stolen where people won't go (not easily accessable attic for example)
I hosted one at my house once but it was only about 10 of us there, but my one mate got badly wasted and ended up dancing in my pond (I say pond, it's more of a canal/moat we have that goes through our decking) and when another freind told him to stop it he punched him in the face then proceeded into my kitchen where he then put his fist through the wall because he couldn't find his cans.

Funnily enough, I was at one last night, except the guy hosting it wasn't really into the whole social/music/talking/dancing part, and more into the ''I want to watch a film, so we watch a film'' and he actually had things set out for different times. :| It just... didn't feel right, when theres an actual rota for whats to happen. Go with the flow, I say.
There is no denying that parties are a great time; but when things get out of control and you're the one responsable for repairing the damage, it kind of puts you off throwing them. Next time I host a party, it'll be a theme party or one with a bouncer.
Theme parties... heh. I went to a 'cocktail party' themed one at my mates house recently, where we all went dressed up in suits to find my freind had set up all these exotic mixes and a punchbowl and everything. Was fun. I'm going to a Halloween one this Friday. Christ, it's going to be cringeworthy, but awesomely funny. :D
Coincidentally, i just watched a movie about a party. It's called "Bachelor Party". It was hilareous. :P
Me and my friends used to go to parties, then we stopped because shit always happens.

Once a party got raided by the police, guns drawn to our heads, handcuffed, and sat on the curb for an hour and they never told us why.

At another, my brother lost 2 of his friends because some **** mooks mistook them for someone else and shot them dead. Never found the killers

And another, i lost a friend, he was shot twice in the back with a shotgun. Never found his killers either.

I only go to parties where i know shit won't happen, which is pretty hard to find.
Me and my friends used to go to parties, then we stopped because shit always happens.

Once a party got raided by the police, guns drawn to our heads, handcuffed, and sat on the curb for an hour and they never told us why.

At another, my brother lost 2 of his friends because some **** mooks mistook them for someone else and shot them dead. Never found the killers

And another, i lost a friend, he was shot twice in the back with a shotgun. Never found his killers either.

I only go to parties where i know shit won't happen, which is pretty hard to find.

jesus man.....where the hell do they have parties like that.
thats crazy
Me and my friends used to go to parties, then we stopped because shit always happens.

Once a party got raided by the police, guns drawn to our heads, handcuffed, and sat on the curb for an hour and they never told us why.

At another, my brother lost 2 of his friends because some **** mooks mistook them for someone else and shot them dead. Never found the killers

And another, i lost a friend, he was shot twice in the back with a shotgun. Never found his killers either.

I only go to parties where i know shit won't happen, which is pretty hard to find.

jesus man.....where the hell do they have parties like that.
thats crazy

They came from the projects.

Me and my friends used to go to parties, then we stopped because shit always happens.

Once a party got raided by the police, guns drawn to our heads, handcuffed, and sat on the curb for an hour and they never told us why.

At another, my brother lost 2 of his friends because some **** mooks mistook them for someone else and shot them dead. Never found the killers

And another, i lost a friend, he was shot twice in the back with a shotgun. Never found his killers either.

I only go to parties where i know shit won't happen, which is pretty hard to find.



Not too big on parties. I've been to a few, but they're usually depressing affairs when you don't know anyone/aren't exactly the buzzing socialite/aren't big on drinking.

However, I did go to a 21st of a good friend recently and ended up having a pretty good time. Had a few drinks (not beer, yay) and got a bit of a buzz going which helped me loosen up and just chilled, rocked out to some good tunes (for the most part), caught up with a few old friends from school aswell. Still not a fan, but atleast I had one good experience :)

Edit - Oh yeah, speaking of which my 21st is next week and I'm wondering whether I should do something for it. Keeping in mind it'd be really lowkey, just a few (meaning 2-3) friends and family really - any ideas? ^_^
that's because you don't know how to throw a party. anbd I don't mean just supplying it with alcohol I really mean you dont know how to act as bartender, mediator, and bouncer. if you can't act as all three dont throw a party or else damages to your house are on you.

I just got home from a badass party and that fool knew how to handle his stuff.

Me and my friends used to go to parties, then we stopped because shit always happens.

Once a party got raided by the police, guns drawn to our heads, handcuffed, and sat on the curb for an hour and they never told us why.

At another, my brother lost 2 of his friends because some **** mooks mistook them for someone else and shot them dead. Never found the killers

And another, i lost a friend, he was shot twice in the back with a shotgun. Never found his killers either.

I only go to parties where i know shit won't happen, which is pretty hard to find.

I had to hide from the cops in a bathtub tonight that shit sucked but other than that it was all good. Extra points because they didn't find me.
Aye, rule is if you dont know them, dont let them in. If they persist, either apply force with a spade or pull the trigger hehe. Nah but if youre just reasonable with people when they come knocking, if you dont know them, just explain that your last party destroyed your house because you had people you didnt know. If they push past, grab them and chuck them outside and slam the door. Easy.

If they do anything else, call the cops. Then fend them off for 20 mins whilst you wait for the sirens haha.
Err, why do cops raid your parties?

Are you drinking heroin straight or something?

I never had a problem with hosting parties, except a couple of spilt drinks. Oh and a fuse blown on an amp.
I have reliable, trustworthy friends and tell them not to invite people.
small gatherings with some friends > full blown party with people you've never seen before
House parties are great, as long as the people coming are over the age of 26 and are respectful...or...you have a 6'5" 280lb psycho on the door as a bouncer.
I have mates over sometimes for drinks but never throw parties at my place. My mate used to throw awesome parties at his (very big) house, but those days are gone. Good memories though :D
small gatherings with some friends > full blown party with people you've never seen before

Not at your place: small gatherings with some friends < full blown party with people you've never seen before

At your place: small gatherings with some friends > full blown party with people you've never seen before