HDR Bloom Mod Released

just finished playing for a bit, and it's quite wicked indeed... i thought it was a bit over the top, but then i didnt try to change the settings as you can do so in the console.

Also my load times were atleast doubled, but then as someone said, if you copy the soundcache into the mod directory it might fix this?>??

Anyways, well done to the guys who made this mod, GJ
I dont like it, bloom looks terrible imo. I hated it in DX2, i hated it in thief3 and i hate it in this. I dont get what the hell its supposed to replicate? At least HDR is trying to replicate something that actually happens in human eyesight, what is bloom supposed to be doing? I sure have never had vision like that.

To me this mod looks like it's 100% bloom and 0% HDR also, so i think they're name is very misleading. Bloom and HDR are 2 very different things.
I agree, it looks "cool", but not realistic.

I'd rather see stuff like they had in that HDR demo level with the antlion guard.

Also the really nice reflections off everything looked ace
Does the Geforce 4 Ti 4400 support Pixel/Vertex Shaders 2.0?
My kneejerk reaction is that your card doesn't support a certain colour format for textures (obviously). A shame you don't have the D3DCaps viewer installed on your computer (unless you have the DX9SDK, which I doubt) because then further investigation could be done...

And I'm sure your video drivers are fully up to date, version of DX is 9.0c, (if you want to check the latter, go start->run->dxdiag, and it's on the first screen) etc.?
Cool stuff. That third screenie in the news post (the hallway with the flourscent lights) looks almost photo-realistic!

Unfortunately, I don't think my FX5700 will support HDR.
When VALVe release the official HDR, will it be added to HL2SP, HL2DM and CSS, or is it only for that Lost Coast and mods that want it?
homeobocks said:
The problem is that the HDR is exaggerated.

You can tone it down with the appropriate commands.

Oh, here's my contribution to this thread:

James Isaac said:
When VALVe release the official HDR, will it be added to HL2SP, HL2DM and CSS, or is it only for that Lost Coast and mods that want it?

we don't know. But when it was implemented in FarCry (apparentely) it was accessable via a console command, so I'm hoping it'll be done that way.
Heh, this is sweet.

I love the cell shaded cartoon cvar, im playing through it with that on and its sweet, the explosions look very cool.

For those long loading times, its because the maps have to precache all the sounds to external files on first run, these are anywhere between 10 and 60 meg, just goto your Half-Life 2/HL2/Maps directory and copy the soundscache folder to the maps folder for the mod, should load faster then.
For the record, this isn't true HDR, as the initial rendering of scenes is done in normal dynamic range. Hence no iris effect.

But still a kick-ass achievement :D cheers Grey, I've been looking out for something like this.

Now someone make a motion-blur mod, and we're sitting pretty :)
engineer where did you get that handgun in your screenshot?
jimbo118 said:
engineer where did you get that handgun in your screenshot?

Perhaps he picked it up, since it's the standard HL2 pistol...
jimbo118 said:
engineer where did you get that handgun in your screenshot?

I knew someone would ask that.

I converted it from CS 1.6, it's pretty old.
AcousticToad said:
I love the cell shaded cartoon cvar, im playing through it with that on and its sweet, the explosions look very cool.

Anyone got any pics of that effect?
Hate to be critic, but the bloom feature is just like that in Deus Ex: Inisible War. It gets in the way more than it helps - it's kind of cartooney.
this bloom feature is only one small part of a full HDR package...
i though the main reason bloom was used in games is because it reduces the effects of jaggies like with hitman:contracts and prince of persia
Nah, 'cos its pretty. Doesn't really get rid of jaggies, just softens up the image a bit.

Real HDR doesn't look cartoony, because it's applied at the first render stage, and so the bloom effect isn't applied to the whole image, like it is with this mod - hence the resulting image looking 'washed out'. Just up the contrast :)

This mod has got me so psyched for true HDR. It's gonna be ****ing amazing.
Is the cell shaded effect only available in this mod? Or can anybody with HL2 use it? And does it require PS2 support because I have a little GF4 Ti.
The cel-shader and the bloom are both PS2.0 reliant and they both come with the mod.
Ultimape said:
this bloom feature is only one small part of a full HDR package...
The bloom feature is NOT part of HDR. Many developers use bloom as a way to sort of fake HDR, but it is not HDR at all. HDR stands for High Dynamic Range lighting. It has no specific effects in itself, all it provides is higher color precision for more accurate colors. How developers choose to use HDR is up to them.

Here are some screenshots of farcry using HDR

Notice that there are not blooms all over, but the colors are much more vibrant. This is the primary purpose of HDR - to provide a better range of colors. Due to the high color range provided by HDR, the ability to keep dark areas dark and light areas light are also major sticking points. The extra precision will bring with it a large performance hit (as shown by farcry).

I've said too much, so I'll give cliffnotes:
Bloom has nothing to do with HDR, HDR will have a large performance hit, and the "HDR Bloom Demo" is not actually using HDR.
Valve_Assassin said:
I have to say I hope the official release is better than this. I appreciate the effort of releasing this, but I just don't like it. Everything outside looks all washed out, and everything inside has lost the carefully implemented lighting contrast. The lighting that looked so alien in the prison has lost all the aspects that made it so striking.

It is a pretty light FPS hit, but it looks like Source is compensating by scaling things down at a closer distance. I could be mistaken but it seemed more noticable than without the bloom.
It will be better, because this is not HDR.
Matt-AWD said:
Bloom has nothing to do with HDR, HDR will have a large performance hit, and the "HDR Bloom Demo" is not actually using HDR.

HDR in HL2 will most probably have less of an fps impact than farcry, as I think it will be running at a lower precision.

Are you talking about the Valve-released HDR demo? I thought the point of that was HDR :rolling:
hdr in hl2 isnt true hdr, if it was only 6800 would run it, since x800 cant handle that much floating point precision.
jondyfun said:
HDR in HL2 will most probably have less of an fps impact than farcry, as I think it will be running at a lower precision.

Are you talking about the Valve-released HDR demo? I thought the point of that was HDR :rolling:
I'm talking about the HDR Bloom Mod this post/thread relates to, not the one valve is going to release.

As far as partial precision goes, well... probably not. ATI cards ONLY work in FP24. If you throw it an INT12, it will convert it to FP24. That's all it supports, and that's all SM2.0 requires. nVidia can do partial precision at FP16, or full precision at FP32 (required by SM3.0). I don't know if FP16 is good enough to do HDR though.
I have some great shots of it in action.

The one with the Gunship makes a killer wallpaper. :thumbs:
Oh no pictures of your motorcycle this time? :laugh:

Ok ok..sorry....Thanks for getting the screenshots. :P
just tried it out, but it gives me a 10-20 min load time, and i dont like that, i have time to eat a whole meal, or something
Hmm, doesn't wanna work for me.

When using it there's no noticeable difference over standard hl2, other than the mat_r8bloomgamma, or whatnot, which just changes the gammma of the whole scene, but it's the only thing that seems to do anything.

Not getting any bloom at all :/

I'm also getting some shader DX8 error, that someone else was a few pages back.

My video card is a 6800GT, so it definately supports PS2.0


Maybe it's because im using beta video card drivers? (70.78)
What about that cell shading effect someone spoke about? How do you activate it?
ehe... definately a mod lol. bugs to work out. Some lights when you get to close to them, the entire screen gets filled with a giant light blur. Also some times it looks just weird... like when your in a small room and it looks as if the sun iis shining through the head lights. They were a little excessive with it.
Almost all aspects of the effect are tweakable. From the FAQ/README:

5) Can I tweak the effect?
Yes! Below are the console commands you can use to tweak the effect:
mat_R8Bloom (Default: 1) : 0=Turns the effect off, 1=The default setting, 2=Blurs the Bloom effect a bit more.
mat_R8BloomLvl (Default: 0.55) : This controls the brightness of the bloom.
mat_R8BloomGamma (Default: 0.75) : This controls the overall gamma of the scene while the effect is enabled, lower is brighter, higher is darker.

6) Any thing else I should know about?
Well there is one more bonus effect included. mat_R8Illustration which defaults to 0=off. 1 turns on a shader that mimics a cool Photoshop plug-in.