Head-Humped Looking For Few members

Hey guys, I need your help; I just finished our layout for our website.
And I need some help getting everything looking good.

Our Web Site is http://www.Head-Humped.co.uk

So go check it out, and tell me what you think I should change/modify.


- Change the glowing white borders (something sober will look alot more profesionnal)

- This kind of red on this kind of grey doesn't look good and is hard to read (the logo is alright though)

- Where it's written « Home », change that... I guess you'll put the section name, that's a good idea to tell were you are but don't use the « quotes and put a darker grey behind the text (where it goes down round... Sorry it's hard to explain) Also don't use serif fonts for titles (like the Home text). Use fonts like Tahoma or Arial instead. Keep the Times type for long texts.

- Avoid underline. Only use it for links otherwise it confuses people.

- Mouseovers are good, they clearly show when you are on a clickable spot but don't overuse them with special effects. For what I see it's good, underline on mouseover is excellent, I wouldn't have put small caps but it's alright.

- Make sure the links are cleary distinct from the rest of the text and that there is a way to recognise them. Again, mouseovers are a good idea. The link on the "comment" word in the news is really hard to find.

Add more stuff so I can give more comments :)
Web design is my job so I think they are good advices.

Keep up the good work.
I agree with him on all points, really. The borders are mainly what I didn't like, but I'd change the font to arial or tahoma or verdana.
Ok, thanks for the comments : p, i am working on it right now, so far i:

-Changed the red links, so they stand out more in the dark grey background

- took out the "«" and "»" around the page titles

-Took out underlines under "nagivation" and "quick media"

-Took out Small caps on mouseover as a request from mods members.

and right now i am going to go in and see what i can do to change the white glowing, so the page looks more professional. : p

Thanks, and keep it up.

Edit: oh and just so you know, i didn't upload the changes yet : p

Well after a couple of weeks, of having it up, and staring at it, i dont like it, and posted, that i might change it, and i put a poll, up so go and vote/make comments : p.

