Headcrab Model (sorry, gotta show off)



:cool: Hehe look, I made a model of a headcrab :) If anyone asks how, i'll honestly say i used Fimo soft, painted with acrylics and the gloss effect - yes, no kidding, super glue :) Really sorry, had to show off.


  • headcrab.jpg
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The picture is screwed up ;(.

Edit: Okay, it works now. Looks great! :thumbs:
I think it looks pretty damn neat if you ask me... Good job!
Blimy, thats impresive!

Heheh, you should make another and send it to valve :p

Or at least email the team the pic :)
Yeah, you could be their official Half-Life 2 Collector's Item creator. Hey... You could send that in to Valve as a collector's item to be mass-produced, and then cash in on the HL2 craze!
Heh thats pretty cool!.. I wouldn't mind one of those sat on my monitor :D
Beautiful work! Animate it, and make it your guard-dog/crab. :D :D :D
Damn! That is awsome... that looks amazing compared to the wireframe mesh picture you put up earlier. All you need now it to turn it into a bicycle helmet... :E

~edit~ whoa, not the same person.... yours is really good too! I might have to rip you both off and make one as well... :D
Very nice, i commend you for your efforts. I don't really have the patience for that kind of stuf, so i second the idea to mass produce them and give them out for free!

well... maybe not for free, but for a low price
You could probably sell that on ebay and get a buttload of cash. I'll start the bidding .... $5
I see i have competition! :)

naw just kidding, all for the glory of halflife, all for 1 and one for all
i wouldn't sale that though... valve could sue you! but you can give them out for free :-p
That's awesome! Dude, send it to VALVe Software adressed to Gabe Newell. I'll bet he would love to get one of those to put in his office. Not to mention you will probably get some free HL2 swag, like maybe they'll send you the HL2 collecter's edition or something when it comes out.

It's too cool to get rid of though, awesome job. :thumbs:
very impressive. and like everyone else, i want one to put next to my monitor, just like my HL2 action figure idea i had a while ago. i think cool HL figures would go nice with my pc while i show the combine how we do things downtown once this game gets released.
Awww...it looks cuddly wuddly! Very nice paint job. Blood looks like a perfect shade of dark crimson.
<--- completely floored.

At first I thought wow that think must be huge to have that detail and perfection. And then I see a pencil twice its size in the backround. So I think wow you make large model pencil and pens too?! WOW!
Your working on the Houndeye now right........... :rolling: :rolling: :rolling: :rolling:
Chainer said:
Your working on the Houndeye now right........... :rolling: :rolling: :rolling: :rolling:

Oh the creative juices are flowing! Clay model, marbles for eyes, striped back, COOL!
Yea, very nice model but WAYYYY to much time on your hands :thumbs:
:D Jeez, thanks fellas, this is really raising my ego like yeast-filled flour. I sent a pic of it to Gabe Newell and he said it's fine looking ^_^
But thanks for the idea, i might try to propose the idea of actually making more, i am thinking of making a bigger model, maybe even lifesize. :) I also made a little crowbar :p But I gave that to my friend :j I actually made two of them, the other one is smaller. And no, I don't make huge pen models, it's just like that. :D Okay, gonna try to propse the idea. Thanks for support.
I'll keep you informed ;) And also sorry for the delay on the replies I was hyper busy. :D