Headcrab protection

Jun 14, 2007
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Why don't people wear some kind of helmet with very sharp edges (spikes) or grow some hair (:afro:) would be hard for the headcrab to get on that.
Headcrab is basically a huge contracting muscle that can crush the helmet and the skull if needed. For proof, just look at beheaded zombines.
Then wouldn't a debeaked Lamarr still cause fatal injury if it attempted to head hump you?
People don't grow hair because the almighty creator didn't allow them too :(
As for the helmet, how big of spikes are we talking here? Long ones whould work.
Or you could get a steel skull cap and grease it up! They can just slip off :D
Then wouldn't a debeaked Lamarr still cause fatal injury if it attempted to head hump you?

Well seeing as how Lamarr doesn't attack people every chance she gets, there's a good chance Kleiner found a way to pacify her in some way that makes her less aggressive.
They can't crush your head, if they don't have the jaws to do it.
They can't crush your head, if they don't have the jaws to do it.

Yes, this one's important to note too. After all main purpose of teeth is to get all the crunching power to small area increasing the N/cm^2 to way beyond food crushing numbers.
Actually I don't think headcrabs need teeth to crush your head. If you look closely, Lamarr is missing the black 'teeth' at the bloody part of the front, which is probably what they use to gain enough leverage (by sinking them into your collarbone/clavicle) to clamp down hard and crush your skull. (Their limbs probably help, but not enough) That's probably what 'debeaked' meant: If it can't get a grip, it's a lot harder to swallow your head whole and a lot easier to get it off if it tries.
yeah kliener mentioned that he de-fanged and de-clawed "his pet"
Well, if I wore a helmet of some kind it wouldn't be to "stop" the coupling, but to allow me to get the helmet off before it gets in my CNS.
That's why I never leave the house without my tinfoil hat.

Headcrabs are EVERYWHERE!
Well anything made of slippery materials, coupled with a shape, hard for the headcrabs to grip to, protects well.
Well.... this one is pretty good too!

They can all run around like Vikings.

Nah the viking helmet more like HELPS the headcrab hold on there.
^ these will look 'good' on the rebel's heads.
Magnusson can only add to his image with this on top lol
The existence of Zombines seem to indicate that even the material that Combine armor is made of, whatever it is, isn't nearly strong enough to stop a headcrab.

And lol at WW1 helmets.
Again the helmet wouldn't stop the headcrab, as you're ditching it the second it gets on there.
ever seen Peggle extreme?

I mean. Not even a unicorn could stop the head crab.
In Peggle Extreme's main menu, I never got whether it was the unicorn or the headcrab which was winning.
lol well I was serious, imagine you are wearing a very thick steel helmet, there is no way a headcrab could crush that, the amount of pressure needed to sqeeze it is comparable to a carcrash, can arnold zwarzenegger do that (when hes not a terminator :D)?

Also some kind of helmet with a poisinous sting on it would be a nice idea, or a flametrower.
lol well I was serious, imagine you are wearing a very thick steel helmet, there is no way a headcrab could crush that,

Unless you're telling me that Combine Soldiers have helmets made out of styrofoam, then I'm pretty sure that headies could go through a steel helmet. Besides, the simple fact that an animal that small has the strength to manually drill through the human skull is an achievment in itself.
^ Headcabs use organic acid or other strong solvent to remove the helmets. I doubt they just crush it with force, rather dissolve it (otherwise imagine how strong the bite of the headcrab is, to crush helmets, it could easily tear Gordon in peaces even through the HEV suit)
People don't grow hair because the almighty creator didn't allow them too :(
As for the helmet, how big of spikes are we talking here? Long ones whould work.
Or you could get a steel skull cap and grease it up! They can just slip off :D

lol thts true, but y not wear a headcrab helmet, they wont jump and hump another headcrab to eat it (but they will hump each other, trust me :x
Rizzo89 said:
I was under the impression that headcrabs went through the mouth and not directly to the brain, seeing how the mouth on the zombies are wide open and the head is tilted up... The headcrab then uses the nervsystem and becomes the "brain" itself.

yeah that seems right...
lol thts true, but y not wear a headcrab helmet, they wont jump and hump another headcrab to eat it (but they will hump each other, trust me :x

Haha! And then you get shot by Gordon Freeman...

"I'm not a zombie! I was just wearing my Headcrab Helmet... and clearing my throat!" ::dies::
just let it on, then headbutt somthing pointy until the pain goes away.