"Heart of the Revolters" an objective-based TDM map - Full details!


Dec 9, 2004
Reaction score
Hi, it's MoonQuake. Some of you guys might know me from the BF1942 community. I'm the maker of the mod ActionBF.

For the last three weeks, I've been working on a new map for HL2DM called "Heart of the Revolters". It's a team-deathmatch map but unlike any other one released yet: it has real objectives so you don't just run around and empty clips after clips! (well, maybe you will, but on a purpose this time, hehe)

"Heart of the Revolters"

The Story:
"The Heart of the Rebels, or the Revolters, is located in Precinct 15. The Combines were imformed of their presence and ordered to "disinfect" Precinct 15. In the first attack wave, the Combines, while severely repeled by the Rebels, managed to capture Alyx and took her back in their base. It's a matter of time before she gets judged and the Combines send new armored vehicles. The Revolters must bring Alyx back to the HQ, teleport her to Kleiner's lab and get the hell out of Precinct 15."

Here's what "Revolters" is all about:

Real Mission Objectives

You play just like it's a HL2 campaign, but it's online with your buddies! Play as Rebels or Combines; the strategies and objectives are different:

-Combines objectives:
1- Reach and unlock the Precinct 15 sector door to gain access to the Rebels area.
2- Blowup the Rebels weapons truck hidden behind the Rebel HQ to cut-off their heavy armament.
3- Destroy the Control Room inside the HQ to blowup the whole place.

-Rebels objectives:
1- Prevent the Combines from reaching the sector door.
2- Defend the weapons truck and the Control Room.
3- Deliver Alyx, "frozen" and held in the Combines base and bring her back to the HQ to teleport her back to Kleiner's lab.

Revolters Key Features

-Rebels vs. Combine theme: just like the original story, both in gameplay and visual quality.
-Rebels and Combines start with different weapons.
-Real-time changing weather. "It's a rainy day... Yeah the sun will shine..."
-Deadly floor turrets: only gravgun holders can place them, but everybody can feed them.
-Immersive audio ambience that changes depending on the events of the battle.
-Secret areas a la G-Man.
-Optional objective: Combines don't have to blowup the Rebels truck, but if they don't, they're either REALLY good or plain lucky if they win!
-Many more cool things to discover.

"Revolters, get ready to receive severe judgement!"

Look for a release date anytime soon and more screenshots!

Level/Game Designer
[email protected]
This is awesome!! Looking forward to the release!
Sounds similar to unreal tournaments "assault" mode. Im looking foward to it.
COOL!!! Anyway, that mod you created for BF1942 rocked my game too!!! lol...
Thanks for the comments guys! I'm glad you guys remember the good 'ol ActionBF days!

YES, if either the Rebels(save Alyx) or the Combines(blowup HQ) accomplish their primary objective, the team wins.

And yes, all this in only one BSP file! Well, with the Rain effects files... someone had to fix this missing rain reference! ;)

i love the map....but the name sounds odd...

it should be like Heart of the Revolt, or Heart of the Revolution, or Heart of the Revolutionaries, or Heart of the Rebellion or something. Revolters sounds odd (i thought it wasn't a word, but dictionary.com proved me wrong. still, it sounds weird to me)
i love the map....but the name sounds odd...it should be like Heart of the Revolt, or Heart of the Revolution, or Heart of the Revolutionaries, or Heart of the Rebellion or something.
Hmmm, yes. Heart of the Revolution sounds a lot better in my oppinion.
Yay! Finally, no more meaningless killing!

I look forward to this map.
This is something valve should make...
HL2 AS...

UT2K4 Assault was cool (although i didn't play it much).. so why not make story driven maps based on HL2

And what really would make it cool, if you could set up defences like turrets, traps, baricades etc...

Ones the round is done, the team switches side

But i'm dreaming here :) the map looks sweet
Da Dude said:
This is something valve should make...
HL2 AS...

UT2K4 Assault was cool (although i didn't play it much).. so why not make story driven maps based on HL2

And what really would make it cool, if you could set up defences like turrets, traps, baricades etc...

Ones the round is done, the team switches side

But i'm dreaming here :) the map looks sweet

Hey Dude, you CAN setup turrets and barricades in this map!!!!
The gravgun can hold any large object so you can do whatever you want. Want to block an entrance of the HQ using a car, go ahead! The Combines don't have any gravgun! hehe

Want to prevent the enemy from entering the backyard, place some turrets near the entrances...


MoonQuake said:
Hey Dude, you CAN setup turrets and barricades in this map!!!!
The gravgun can hold any large object so you can do whatever you want. Want to block an entrance of the HQ using a car, go ahead! The Combines don't have any gravgun! hehe

Want to prevent the enemy from entering the backyard, place some turrets near the entrances...



sweet :cheers: :imu:

but i was more thinking like UT XMP/U2 XMP... setting up laser defenses, placing rocket turrets etc...

But still the way you tell it, sounds pretty sweet to :eek:
OMFG, that's just plain great!!!

I wanna play the map, and i want it now.
hey, moonquake, why don't you gather a team of some sort and start making more of these maps, you could even enter the map making competition!!! :bounce:
Yeah nice concept, id like to see some pictures next, woulda been better to have included them in this 'update' as such. Look forward to it, if this is successful it could be followed by many more making a whole new area of HL2DM :thumbs:
Hectic, take a look at the homepage (news update) for screenies!
More pictures will come in the next days.

very interesting and brings something more to TDM as well :D
and tons of eye candy in those screen shots too :thumbs:
looks nice m8, can't wait to finally play it after weeks of not finding it online.
itsmygame said:
Its going to be so awsome. :D

Correction: it is awesome. :) I played his Invasion map which this one is edited from. I feel bad for all of you who have not gotten to try this out yet... I cannot wait to try this new build!

Imo, the Team OBJECTIVE aspect kicks TDM inbetween the legs. I do not even play HL2DM because it is boring. FUN engine and premise, but the gameplay stinks for longevity. Making objectives that teammates must complete together is much more fun imo. And MoonQuakes map does this VERY well.

I look forward to your new release MQ. Here is to you winning some money :cheers: Once other level designers see how fun your map is hopefully others will take note and follow.

Ps- Here is the thread on his first release... which, again, was EXCELLENT.
This sounds like UT Assault! Nothing wrong with that! :thumbs:
Hey MoonQuake, I am dying to know... How do you have the rebels spawn in one area and the combine spawn in another? As far as I know it can't be done without an entirely new mod...
If you manage to do this right, you've just earned yourself an eternal loveslave!

* pushes some random hl2.net member forward *

Hey MoonQuake, I am dying to know... How do you have the rebels spawn in one area and the combine spawn in another? As far as I know it can't be done without an entirely new mod...

He did it just fine in Invasion.

How he did it, I have no idea.
Da Dude said:
sweet :cheers: :imu:

but i was more thinking like UT XMP/U2 XMP... setting up laser defenses, placing rocket turrets etc...

But still the way you tell it, sounds pretty sweet to :eek:

Team energy supply drainer.

This seems to be worth checking out. But what's going to make it better than UT2004 assault, other than that many like HL2's engine better? I've a feeling just the physgun won't be a big enough element to make this anything special.
This map wasn't intended to copy Unreal2004 or be better than it, and quite frankly, progression objectives are what they are after all. :)

About the team spawning and other exclusive things you'll find in the map, well, I just read the little Help topics in hammer and used my imagination. People who know ActionBF know that I love the never-before-seen features in maps and mods so it's not a surprise coming from me.

Please don't compare the poor me to teams of 50 people! Poor MQ.


But I understand that people like quality stuff and they believe in what they read on web sites, and believe me, all this is true and will be delivered on your HDs in a few days.


oh and a :cheers: for you Acert and another one for the crowd. (I brought some straws, don't worry...)
i really like the fact that not everyone has a manipulator. its a great weapon but not having one is cool too. imagine having to use explosives to open up a barricade.
SupaKoopa said:
i love the map....but the name sounds odd...

it should be like Heart of the Revolt, or Heart of the Revolution, or Heart of the Revolutionaries, or Heart of the Rebellion or something.
How about "Revolting Hearts"?
Sounds a bit like organ transplant rejection.

Moonquake, this does sound awsome. Its like a mod, but it isnt. Since it will be easily played by anyone with HL2DM, hopefully this will be quite popular.
Lookin forward to checkin out what youve cooked up!
kaf11 said:
i really like the fact that not everyone has a manipulator. its a great weapon but not having one is cool too. imagine having to use explosives to open up a barricade.

Actually, Rebels can use cars etc.. to block access to the Combines, and the Combines can't do shit since they got no gravgun, so they usually teamup and throw 2,3,6 grenades at a time to move the object away.

A lot of nice coop moments like this happen.

I particularly like the begining of rounds: the "explosive barrels throwing" vs. "we blowup barrels right in your hands kind of fight.

Sharrd said:
Team energy supply drainer.

This seems to be worth checking out. But what's going to make it better than UT2004 assault, other than that many like HL2's engine better? I've a feeling just the physgun won't be a big enough element to make this anything special.

well lets summon up:

- Different team skins
- Possibility for different weapons on each team
- better physics
- physgun
- already builtin deployable stuff
- already great story's from HL2, that could make a sweet map
- Bigger maps

HL2 Dm is already cool... like that one map, where you save barney from those snipers (but then in DM).. there you can make a pretty good defense on the top floor (throw every pick up thing on the strair and nobody can enter)....

and if thats already cool (imo).. then just imagine what assault would be

but i'm going offtopic here...
Da Dude said:
well lets summon up:

- Different team skins
- Possibility for different weapons on each team
- better physics
- physgun
- already builtin deployable stuff
- already great story's from HL2, that could make a sweet map
- Bigger maps

HL2 Dm is already cool... like that one map, where you save barney from those snipers (but then in DM).. there you can make a pretty good defense on the top floor (throw every pick up thing on the strair and nobody can enter)....

and if thats already cool (imo).. then just imagine what assault would be

but i'm going offtopic here...

I don't think the maps will be bigger and aside from the physics, that's not really anything new, except possible built-in plots that can make it more interesting. But this isn't World of Half-Life, so the outcomes of matches won't have any impact on some greater story. You're just awarded with "Your Team Won!" and then it's map restart. Although maybe someone could make a pretty cool mod where you progress through a series of maps, differing which maps you play depending on which team won. But this isn't going to be anything like that.
Different skins and weapons for each team isn't anything I count as some big new idea that will affect the game, this has been used in other games.
Anyway, I'm going to take the creator's advice of waiting and seeing and, when it arrives, not compare it to other objective-based games.

Edit: I had to throw this in; "summon up"? lol
I didn't even notice the summon up thing... hehe

Actually, it "is" possible to make many maps like Revolters and you progress through the serie of maps. There are functions for this in HL2, but you need more than one map that follows the same story... I just finished Revolters! Don't want to make you guys wait for more maps. Like they say: one map at a time!


Hey MoonQuake, I am dying to know... How do you have the rebels spawn in one area and the combine spawn in another? As far as I know it can't be done without an entirely new mod...

Steven_m64@ hl2w0rld figured out how to do this in hammer... just takes a few steps... go to their search and look for "team specific spawn" or something like that and you should find it

MoonQuake probably figured out a way easier method though maybe

PS: Can't wait till play MQ!
Sharrd said:
I don't think the maps will be bigger and aside from the physics, that's not really anything new, except possible built-in plots that can make it more interesting. But this isn't World of Half-Life, so the outcomes of matches won't have any impact on some greater story. You're just awarded with "Your Team Won!" and then it's map restart. Although maybe someone could make a pretty cool mod where you progress through a series of maps, differing which maps you play depending on which team won. But this isn't going to be anything like that.
Different skins and weapons for each team isn't anything I count as some big new idea that will affect the game, this has been used in other games.
Anyway, I'm going to take the creator's advice of waiting and seeing and, when it arrives, not compare it to other objective-based games.

Edit: I had to throw this in; "summon up"? lol

well with the story part.. that a map of HL2 is a MP map.. only gordon has been there and the mission is to free the way or something so you can join gordon... some MP missions that will tie up some missing pieces in the storey.. thats what i meant

and "summon up" its the new slang :dork: (had to had an excuse)
MoonQuake said:
I just finished Revolters!...


W00t! Where can I download the finished map?!!!!!!!!

/me gets excited for a good reason to start up HL2DM.
New slang, DaDude? :)

Acert! Well, the testing sessions are finished, I'm tweaking and adding more and more stuff. But it's pretty much done. It's fully playable, that is. Finished... It's a new slang! ;)


Big news update to follow shortly...

I think you guys will be happy to know what the release date is for Revolters!!!

I was just teasing MoonQauke ;) I saw the comment that it was finished so I thought I would bug you some by showing how excited we are. I am really looking forward to your next map/project after this. Maybe a series of maps that run in an order based off a cause/effect relationship? Win map (1) got to map (2). Lose map (1) go to map (3)? The possibilities are endless and you definately have talent! Maybe others will harass you enough to consider a Combine/Rebel mod :p Your half way there! Teasing aside, I really like how you took the Combine/Rebel "tension" from HL2 and brought it to a group based game play. I really hope more modders and map makers pick up on this. The entire story/theme/world is created, it is just a matter of having good ideas and putting them to good use in a MP mode that sticks to the HL2 theme. Team bases gameplay is where it is at, and your map has it in spades!

Keep up the good work! And thanks for sharing your hard work and ideas with the community!